


4 years, 5 months ago



wizard student who worked at an isolated monastery/archive in the high mountains, but was thrown out after asking her tutors too many questions n peeking into forbidden sections. borderline kleptomaniac who takes 'finders keepers' very seriously. mcu dr strange vibes where shes very self-assured and confident in her abilities to the point of arrogance, and acts primarily for the sake of self-preservation and to sate her own morbid curiosity. originally a dragonborn, now like. elf or aasimar or smth idk yet.

Brysingre was born to the mountain clan of Eilderinnmoarrah (eel-dair-in mo-are-uh), a small clan that had been indebted to the dragon Fyrdis for generations. Brys was one of a select few dragonborn chosen as adolescents by Fyrdis to quest out into the world and gather things for her hoard: shimmering ancient jewels, dusty old tomes, crumbling scrolls, and other items of magical or historical value for the dragon to study. Brys excelled at this job, and brought back hundreds of valuable items for the ancient dragoness, taking pride in her skill.

But the young Brys began to grow curious. What knowledge did these valuable items she smuggled contain, and why did the dragon want it, and more importantly: could she use it? Even though reading anything from Fyrdis's hoard was the clan's one law, Brys decided it was worth it to break, and began to study the scrolls she carried as she traveled to and from Fyrdis's isolated lair. From them, she taught herself history, philosophy, and magic, and began to grow distrustful and suspicious of Fyrdis, questioning the way the dragon was worshipped like a goddess by her clanmates, and if she even deserved to reign over them. One of her clanmates, however, caught on, and reported Brys's treason to Fyrdis. Enraged that one of her subjects had disobeyed her, Fyrdis banished Brys from Eilderinnmoarrah's lands, telling her that if she were to come back, she would kill her.

Now clanless and cut off from everyone she'd ever known, Brys set off into the wilds, aided only by a bejeweled necklace with a magical compass set into it and the contents of her traveling satchel, free to pursue whatever knowledge she wanted to learn. However, her overzealous attempts to gather the same precious artifacts she'd retrieved for Fyrdis before often landed her in trouble with authorities, as she often resorted to theft to acquire such materials.