Shadow of Wings



4 years, 3 months ago


Character Sheet [no link yet]


Chaotic Neutral

Wing is, in terms of appearance, a rather average-looking member of her race. She is tall, thin and lanky, with a light, agile build and long tail. Her pelt is a pale grayish-tan in color, sprinkled generously with darker rosettes and dusted with large patches of white furs that give her pelt an unusual "frosted" look, a trait often found only in young tabaxi. Her most unique feature are her eyes: they glimmer an odd violet color, and are sharp with suspicion gained from many years of traveling and hunting, unable to trust anyone. Despite years of traveling through dangerous wilderness and fighting even more dangerous monsters, Wing is mostly unscarred.

Wing's clothing is rather simple, consisting of a long-sleeved greenish-gray shirt, dark leggings, and thin leather armor that protects her chest, back, belly, and part of her legs. She wears a shortsword at her left hip, a dagger on her right leg, and a quiver of arrows is slung over her shoulder. Around her waist, she wears a belt inlaid with several dragon scales, the largest of which being a shield-shaped silver scale, all of which she maintains on a daily basis. Two silver rings and one stud pierce her left ear, but aside from her three piercings and the scales adorning her belt and the hilts of her blades, she has no other decoration. The left side of her dark cloak was damaged by a dragon's breath weapon long ago, and she wears it as a warning to herself, so that she knows that one wrong step, one slow movement, one missed chance- may be her last.

Wing's father was a ranger who specialized in dragon slaying and traveled constantly, siring several kits and collecting stories of distant lands. Wing wasn't his first child (or his last), but something about her made him return to her mother (who he had bounced on a few years previously) and take her under his wing and teach her how to be a ranger. The two traveled for a while, taking on various bounties and killing an absolute fuck ton of stuff (their dad did most of the actual hunting though). they both took mementos from their various kills and incorporated them into their accessories; teeth, claws, horns, talons, scales, jewels/gemstones, etc. etc. she enjoyed this dangerous, exciting lifestyle much more than the safe but bland one her mother had been raising her into, and never thought she'd stop loving it.

But their last hunt nearly broke her.

The mission was simple: take out a dangerous silver dragon that had been terrorizing a northern village for some time. They made the normal preparations (plus some to endure the snows of the north), and set off; it was only once they'd made it to the dragon's den that Wing began to doubt that dragon-slaying was her calling; for you see, the dragon was a mother. After the dragon had been killed, her young wyrmling wandered out from the small alcove where it had hidden during the fight. It was weak and small, as well as cursed with the genetic defect of almost pure white scales; it was hardly a threat to anyone, but her father insisted it be slaughtered along with its mother due to the threat it could pose in the future. However, Wing refused to kill such an innocent creature. Her father called her a weakling and disowned her, yelling that he "thought he'd raised her better than this", and left her behind to head south in pursuit of another bounty. Wing adopted the hatchling, named her Shining Rain in Tabaxi tradition (not that she knew anything about her own species' culture), and continued her wandering with it, though life was marginally more difficult without a mentor and with a baby dragon to hide and care for.

Wing and Ice continued to wander the wilds, trying to avoid civilization, which they were inevitably driven back towards time and time again. Once Rain grew too old to survive on what little Wing could hunt or gather, she was driven to steal food and other supplies from camps and shops in cities to sustain herself and her dragon. This risky lifestyle landed her in trouble with numerous authorities all over the continent, which she was able to escape from with Rain's help--having an ice-breathing, shapeshifting, flying companion to save her ass helped her chances of maintaining her freedom significantly--but which drove her deeper into the wilds, into a place where she relied on her father's training and Rain's natural skills to keep herself alive.