



☆ The tolerant tour guide. ☆

"Welcome to Firefly Valley! Glad to have you- let's get started! "

Name Blizzard
Called Blizzard / Blitz
Sexiality Bisexual
Favorite Gemstone Sapphire
Gender Female
Height 5'8
Worst Fear High Winds
Role Tour Guide
Demeanor Welcoming
Vanilla Ice Cream


Blizzard was born in Aurelia, her parents soon after moving to the more rural areas of the valley for a more quiet and safe lifestyle. Blizzard grew up wild and untamed, hiking through the forests with her family and taking treks into town during errand runs. From a young age, Blizzard craved adventure and begged to go with her family wherever they went, even if it was to the grocery store. Being outside all of the time allowed for the young girl to become more aware of her surroundings and gain a newfound passion for wanting to share it's beauty with others. When she was of age, she immediately joined scouts, learning how to build safe fires and help support wildlife conservation efforts. When she became old enough to attend boarding school in Grento she did so reluctantly, the valley not yet having a stable schooling system in place due to it's simplicity.

After graduating, Blizzard came back to realize just how much her home had changed- Aurelia became a hotspot for tourism as well as for flourishing market vendors, growing from a small rural town into a bustling metropolis. This only flued the fires of her passion for her home, the pride that she held for the people and places around her- that's what she had decided to become a tour guide. She got together with the leader of the valley, figuring out a plan of attack and going out into the unknown to scout out good tourist trails and other landmarks that would be interesting to see. Of course, Blizzard spent most of her time in Aurelia, familiarizing herself with the locals and the shops, as well as the libraries and other locations of importance.

It wasn't long before she became one of the most knowledgeable people when it came to the history of Firefly Valley. Of course, with the help of the more ecologically inclined members of the valley, Blizzard became a valley aficionado, her tours being some of the most interesting and engaging ones to have ever been experienced. the passion and love she has for her home radiates through her voice and her enthusiasm, and people love to see what she has in store for them when they sign up. Blizzard still learns something new every day, despite living in the valley her entire life. She enjoys incorporating her new finds in her recent tours, and does her best to engage and excite others as they travel through the valley. She really loves her job and the people she meets doing so, and hopes to continue working as a tourist for years to come.




Blizzard is quite a conforntational woman, and gets angry easily.

She will do anything for vanilla ice cream.

When working on something, and it doesn't go her way, she loses faith quickly.

She has a high tolerance for horesplay.

Blizzard isn't the best at organization, but everything usually works out for her in the end.




Best Friend

Sitka rarely speaks, but that didn't stop Blizzard from trying to befriend the young woman to the best of her ability. After a lot of failed attempts at holding a conversation, the two feel most comfortable at each other's side. Sitka knows that with Blizzard, she can take her time learning how to socialize due to the latter's high patience and tolerance for slow starts.




Blizzard allows Stormi to tag along during tours sometimes- she loves watching the birds, as well as observing the people on the tour. She gets a kick out of seeing their faces when Blizzard brings them to the cliffsides, and revels in the bird song through the woodland trails. After tours, the two will sometimes go back out onto the paths to watch the sunset and look for birds.




Thea and Blizzard do not see each other much, but when they do it's usually just to stop and say their hellos or to relax on Blizzard's front porch to watch the sunset. They enjoy the silence together and relish in the way the world slowly falls asleep.