Felix Skelton



7 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info

Real-Life Birthday

May 16 [2015] [Taurus]


Felix Skelton - it/its, he/him - ??? - figment

An embodiment of routine and a top auditor for the Dream Registry, Felix keeps all incoming and outgoing information in-check and accounted for. Feared by most and dreaded by all.

Morbid - Serious - Sinister - Miserable - Resolute - Stickler - Narcish - Wired - Stretched Thin - Lawful - Loyal

- Extraordinarily hard-working and driven, machinelike in his efficiency. Never makes mistakes
- Extremely chilly, looming aura, his presence in a room almost instantly drains the happiness from everyone in it
- When set on something or someone, will fixate on his task until the task is done, without exception
- Goes above and beyond when it comes to enforcing the rules (bootlicker   )
- Claims he came to be from the tormented minds of several factory workers during the Industrial Revolution who hallucinated him at the foot of their beds after too many grueling workdays and sleepless nights. Prefers to think of himself not as a side effect of depression and overworking, but a manifestation of humanity’s ever-growing need for industry and advancement
- Life force is sustained by order and monotony, so every moment of his existence is dedicated to being a well-oiled and essential cog in the world’s machine
- Is selfless in the most literal sense of the word, lacking personal identity and passion - experiences the world in second person
- Extremely fearful/phobic of human beings and the power their minds posses, sees himself as incapable of that range of thought
- Has a very deep voice and speaks slowly, without emotion

- Favorite color is kelly green
- Fursona is a stick insect
- Based off skeletons, sleep paralysis demons, and the people you see out of the corner of your eye. Has stretched proportions and seems to loom/reach the ceiling/fill space no matter where he is
- Surname references the word skeleton

Audric Acerbus - Career associate and friend. Works closely with him in the beginning and is very attentive, but after gaining a sense of self he comes to lose all respect for him, enough even to betray him and disregard his instructions
Malcolm Finnegan - Rival. Catches wind of him initially because the Registry can't control him but goes into full cop mode when Wilson enters the picture. The two eventually come to understand each other a little more, and Malcolm accidentally makes Felix develop a sense of self/personal identity which snowballs into a redemption arc and deep bond between them