Audric Acerbus



7 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info

Real-Life Birthday



Audric Acerbus - he/him - 60ish - figment
Assumed white American

Charming - Smug - Goofy - Carefree - Expressive - Cartoonish - Selfish - Insecure - Greedy - Piggish

Manifestation of selfishness and President of the Dream World who has everything he could ever want... except a corporeal body. Audric is on the rise, and he's making big promises during his campaign- to conquer the human world and become real!

- Very powerful figment - shapeshifter (cartoon rules, in other words very dependent on context and visual gags)
- Extremely laid back with a lovable charisma. Has a boyish charm and a masculine beauty that draws people in
- Infuriatingly self-confident, vain, and egotistical - experiences the world in third person
- It's very important to him to be popular and well-liked - this is the source of his powers. Loss of confidence weakens him
- Laid-back nature often expresses itself through carelessness. Takes frequent breaks and indulges in many wasteful luxuries
- Born from the toxic male power fantasy of a struggling cartoonist in the 50s - Audric was relied on so much as a coping mechanism, he became sentient and turned on the man who created him. He is resentful towards his creator for being too weak to make his fantasy a reality, ie denying Audric his chance to be real. Has never felt like he can fully separate himself from his origins, and is very insecure about it
- Has an unhealthy fixation on humans - hates them but also places them on a pedestal and is enamored with the human experience. Feels that because he is a figment, he's not real and incapable of being a complete person, constantly trying to fill this hole with other things. Frames his plan to conquer humanity & become real as something to benefit all figments but really its just for him
- Has a personal collection of stolen human thoughts and memories
- Very expressive and cartoonish, unafraid of openly laughing, crying, and exploding in anger in a very exaggerated and animated way
- Regularly uses 50s sitcom language like shucks, golly, gee wiz, etc. Is accompanied by a laugh track when at his most powerful
- Casual, if not silly and whimsical in his work. Is also prone to cracking under stress, and breaking down when things do not go his way
- Has a deep and cheerfully endearing voice comparable to that of an early 20th-century television host

- Favorite color is beige
- Fursona is a boar
- Facial features were designed after a pig, with boarlike teeth and upturned, visible nostrils (can also be interpreted as vampire-like or oni-like). He snorts sometimes when he laughs
- Teal skintone is based on the color of American currency
- Surname means both "bitter, harsh, or grievous" and "unripe, unfinished, or green" in Latin

Elaine Grey - Ex lover. Fell head over heels for her when he was a younger figment, the time spent with her stoked his fire and made him even more enamored with the human mind/want to become real even more than he did in the beginning. Still misses her and thinks about her but refuses to take any responsibility for what he did/does
Wilson Grey - Estranged son. Sees him as a manifestation of his past actions coming back to haunt him at first, but quickly grows to like him (not reciprocated). Not a good or supportive father, does not take anything seriously except when it affects him
Felix Skelton - Career associate and friend. Loves him a lot and thinks he's the greatest but simultaneously does not respect him at all/sees him as his sidekick or butler. Is totally unaffected by his happiness-sapping aura and doesn't understand what people mean when they say that he's creepy. When Felix eventually betrays him he has a total baby breakdown