Malcolm Finnigan



7 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info

Real-Life Birthday

April 16 [2015] [Aries]


Malcolm Finnegan - he/him - 110+ - assumed figment
Black American

Aloof - Absentminded - Rude - Humble - Foreboding - Bothersome - Moral - Big-Hearted - Wise Guy

A former human gangster who, after falling into a coma, learned to walk outside his body as a spirit. He has been wandering apart from his body for so long that he no longer remembers his origins. Works on commission for the Dream Registry delivering subliminal messages or ideas to humans in their dreams.

- Surly old man who enjoys his peace and quiet
- Unbothered and unafraid of authority and regularly disregards instructions in favor of acting on his own judgement/whims
- Distrustful of the police and the government
- Lots of people find him frustrating and difficult to work with, which Malcolm himself is perfectly content with- he prefers to work alone
- Thinks of himself as naturally solitary and not truly allied with anyone, perpetually wandering the line between human and figment with no true home
- EXREMELY good at traveling through/manipulating human dreams, naturally talented, but incredibly bad at using symbolism/being subtle when instructing people (prefers to just tell you what you need to know straight up instead of having you be naked at school or making your teeth fall out)
- Secretly polite and chivalrous, especially towards women. He is a gentleman with an old-fashioned sense of etiquette, and is unaware of how big his own heart really is
- Sense of humor is extremely strange and unrelatable
- VERY distractible and absentminded, regularly becoming sidetracked by little things and spacing out at inappropriate times. Sometimes forgets the reasons for his visits or loses his train of thought mid-sentence
- Has a thick New York accent and a hoarse voice
- Women do not want him fish also do no want him
- Everyone's talking about corporeality and sentience and symbolism and astral projection I just want to grill for gods sake

- Favorite color is goldenrod
- Fursona is a muskellunge
- He is a trans man
- Based off bog mummies/creature of the black lagoon
- Yellow eyes are based off closed-eye hallucinations of cat eyes
- Surname comes from "fin", as in the fins of a fish, and "fin" as in end (in this context referencing death)

Wilson Grey - Friend and son figure. At first sees him as annoying and conceited but as they grow to understand each other and rely on each other he becomes very protective of him and looks out for him. Wilsons friendship unwittingly helps him grow into something a little more than he was
Felix Skelton - Rival. Originally hates him because is always getting on his case and Felix stands for everything Malcolm hates, but circumstance leads to him showing Felix the human mind and it rubs off on him. He eventually forms a deep (romantic?) appreciation and understanding of him