Asad Am Halloran (Learned Magic)



Learned Magic

Reason (理学 Rigaku) is a magical weapon skill introduced in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Combat with these weapons involve fighting enemies using various spells. Sharpening Reason unlocks Reason Prowess.

List of Learnable Black Magic

Asad learns a unique set of water element magical spells.

NameMtHitCritRangeWtLevelUseDescriptionEffectsEffect Range
Whirlpool510051~23D10Basic water magic. The user conjures a whirlpool of water around a target.Traps the enemy unit in place for one turn.1
Waterfall810051~33D+8Intermediate water magic. The user summons water and brings it crashing down on a target.Pushes enemy back one space.1
Titanic1080101~310C5Advanced water magic. The user conjures two walls of water and slams it into a target from either side.-5 HP of all effected enemy units.2x3
Tsunami1275151~410B5Advanced water magic. The user summons a massive wall of water and slams it into a target.-5 HP of all affected enemy units.-2 mobility of all affected enemy units for two turns.3x4
Oceanus1565151~515A2The highest tier of water magic. The user summons a storm and floods the entire surrounding area.-10 HP of all affected enemy units. -2 mobility and -3 evasion of all affected enemy units for three turns.4x5

Profile by Erandia 
Edited by Ziodyne