


4 years, 2 months ago


Raijin the Raiju
Age 20
Species Raiju
Gender Male
Orientation -
Pronouns he/him
Occupation -
Creator Undeadfae
  • Playlist

Design Notes

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Very shy and anxious, Raijin is a quiet and reserved guy, soft spoken in the few occasions he does talk, always as respectful as he can be and having a hard time standing up for himself. He's kind and despite his anxiety, tries to help as much as he can whenever he can.


  • Raijin is the speed member of the team.

  • Electricity: Raijin can generate electricity at will (most of the time), charging his fur with static before releasing it, either spread over an area or directed at a specific objective. His fur lights up a bit and releases a few sparks when he's charging it. Releasing it from his feet allows him to dash at a higher speed than usual for a few seconds.
  • Claws: Raijin has sturdy claws on his fingers for quick melee attacks.

  • Baking
  • Reading
  • Farm games

  • Socializing
  • Gory and violent movies/games/etc.

Raijin was born in Chun-Nan in a very traditional town, living there most of his childhood until his family decided to move for a change of air and a better life. As a kid that had always been shy, this did not sit well with Raijin. The new school was very different from what he was used to, hardly being able to go out of his way to talk to anyone. Until one day a somewhat awkward dragon reached out first. He and Pepper became close friends, then Aqua followed.

Since he was a child, his parents had told him tales of their ancestors, of warriors capable of wielding the lightning itself. He always dismissed it as a fun story to entertain kids. Turns out, it wasn't. His dormant powers awakened during a bad storm. Raijin was already easily startled, his shyness devolved into anxiety over the years. His fear and anxiety combined with a stressful day was all it took to cause a blackout, triggering his own electricity as self-defense mechanism. A distressed call later, his friends rushed there to comfort and help him. They would all figure it out together, they promised. He believed them.

After graduating from high school, Pepper and Aqua brought up the idea of renting an apartment together in a far nicer and better city than their small town. Raijin agreed, and the trio moved fairly quickly, now busy between work, college and keeping their powers from hell from absolutely ruining their lives. They're managing so far.