


4 years, 2 months ago


Aqua the kelpie
Age 21
Species Kelpie
Gender Female
Orientation Lesbian
Pronouns She/her
Occupation -
Creator Undeadfae
  • Playlist

Design Notes

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Strong and confident, Aqua is the big sis type, always watching over her two less confident friends and making sure they're alright. She's the first to speak up if something isn't right and is quick to try and get things sorted out, even if her methods are a bit... tough. Despite this, she's very good at staying patient, mostly for her friends' sake. She's a bit quiet and not the best at heart to heart talk and emotional situations, but still tries her best.


  • Aqua is the power member of the team.

  • Water: Aqua can create and manipulate water to her will. She can't manipulate big quantities and overusing her power when creating it can easily dehydrate her.
  • Strength: Due to her physiology, Aqua is the strongest of her little group of friends, perfectly capable of taking down someone by sheer strength alone. Other than having taken a few martial arts and self defense classes, she can pack quite the kick thanks to her hooves.

  • Action genre
  • Strong and savory foods

  • Water
  • Pranks
  • Bullies

Aqua has never been very comfortable around water. Ironic for a kelpie, but as much as she tried she didn't really manage to be at ease in it. Nearly drowning when attempting to learn how to swim just cemented her fear in, and finding out she could control it as a family heritage hardly helped. Well, at least it did manage to keep larger bodies of water far away enough from her to keep herself dry and safe.

A high school trip to the beach made her entire school life infinitely worse- or at least that's what she expected to happen. As much as she hated it and hated the water, meeting her two soon to be best friends made her day.

After graduating from high school, Pepper and Aqua brought up the idea of renting an apartment together in a far nicer and better city than their small town. Raijin agreed, and the trio moved fairly quickly, now busy between work, college and keeping their powers from hell from absolutely ruining their lives. They're managing so far.