Kohaku Mori (The Messiah)



3 years, 7 months ago


the many-eyed messiah

Quick Stats

name kohaku mori
Age nineteen ( 19 )
Gender genderfluid
Pronouns any pronoun
Birthday sept 11th ( 09/11 )
Orient. queer ( )



"All for freedom and for pleasure / nothing ever lasts forever / everybody wants to rule the world."

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commanding / controlling / strong-willed


  • Kohaku is explicitly responsible for the death of four people - three other potential vessels and a godseeker religious figure.
  • Kohaku has a very long fuse! But when they're angry they're angry.
  • Kohaku carries candy around with them constantly!
  • Kohaku is power-hungry as fuck.
  • Kohaku... has spent almost four years with explicitly cannibalistc tendencies.


  • FAMILY;;—
    • Daichi and Aya (parents); Their parents! Not incredibly close, but them owning a candy store as a front for some of the things involved with the cult means Kohaku learned to make candy from them. They’re… they dunno. Kohaku finds them useful.
    • Mayu and Emi (sisters); Kohaku’s beloved sisters!!! Kohaku would do basically anything for them, he loves them both so much!! They’re some of the only two that are able to get any proper emotion out of Kohaku (and talking about them is the only time they really have eye shine.) Kohaku ADORES them.
  • FRIENDS;;—
    • Tamika Kuromiya (...); Kohaku holds a lot of feelings regarding Tamika, and she's deeply important to them.
    • Toki Ishikawa (ex-boyfriend - deceased); Kohaku’s first love and someone that they regrettably had to murder. They’ve suppressed a lot of the feelings they have regarding that incident and choose to pretend that Toki never existed, but sometimes they don’t get a choice about what reminds them of him and what doesn’t.
    • Taiki Fujioka (friend - deceased); A potential vessel. Caused Kohaku's facial scars.
    • Yuko Suzuki (friend - deceased); A potential vessel. Caused Kohaku's eye damage.
  • MISC;;—
    • Lauren Godeburt (mentor); The leader of the Godseekers, Kohaku has a lot of respect for this woman!! They’re her right hand, and her ability to have the cult work as a collective is astounding.
    • Castor Nielson (coworker - deceased); A former religious leader. Kohaku ordered him to be killed.
    • Imako Hirakawa (subordinate); Delivers wonderful information!
    • Sora Okamoto (subordinate); Problem child.

Design Notes

Designer @ emberchii
Obtained created ( ??/?? )
  • Kohaku's skin is slightly tanned, with there being some decently obvious exposure to the sun throughout their life.
  • While mostly clear of blemishes (such as freckles, moles, etc.), the lower half of Kohaku's face is marred with deep scars and burns. Their lower lip has been readily torn, and healed back scarred and jagged, with some of their teeth and gums exposed.
  • Kohaku’s arms, back, and some of their chest are absolutely covered in tattoos, as well.
  • Their left eye has a broken iris where their pupil peeks through the torn colour membrane.
  • Kohaku's hair is a gradient colour— the roots are a brilliant blond that slowly faded to a strawberry colour towards the ends— this is totally natural.
  • Kohaku will always wear clothes that cover their neck and hands when in public.