Kohaku Mori (The Candyman)



3 years, 6 months ago


head stuck in the clouds

Quick Stats

name kohaku "kai" mori
Age eighteen ( 18 )
Gender agender
Pronouns they/them
Birthday sept 11th ( 09/11 )
Orient. queer ( )



"a thorn caught the thread of my skin / and it unravelled, like binding from a bible"

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

dreamy / unfocused / loyal


  • Kai is also involved in the cult but not nearly at the level that Kohaku was. If it weren't for their parents, they might be able to slip by unnoticed. (If only).
  • Kai doesn't mind their Ultimate Candyman title, because it brings more customers to the shop, but are aware it also brings more attention to them. They try to stay on the downlow whenever they can.
  • Kai purposefully detaches themself from their life most of the time, spending their days daydreaming and only being aware of themself enough to keep themself from getting hurt at work.
  • Kai is... honestly incredibly intelligent, but chooses to remain oblivious to... most things. Ignorance is bliss, and ignorance keeps them safe.
  • Kai syphons off part of their paycheck into a savings account, and when they're old enough, they leave their parents house with their sisters.


  • FAMILY;;—
    • Daichi and Aya (parents); They taught Kai how to make candy and are part of the reason that they have an Ultimate talent. Kai is grateful for that, but... often does their best to remain the focus of their parents' attention when they can.
    • Mayu and Emi (sisters); Kai's baby twin sisters! They care a lot about them, and does their best to keep their sisters out of their parents line of sight while also actively encouraging them to pursue their dreams— so they can get out.
  • FRIENDS;;—
    • Tamika Kuromiya (significant other); Kai's best friend, and someone who they care very deeply about. Tamika pushes Kai to get out of their comfort zone and actively encourages them out of their situation wherever she can... Kai appreciates her a lot. Their relationship is one they can't quantify, and they're happy with her in their life.
    • Shion Hasegawa (fiance); Kai's fiance since they were sixteen. They know that Shion likes them, but... honestly, they really don't pay him much attention if given the choice.
    • Yuki Ono (ex-girlfriend); The two of them dated as young teenagers, and broke up when Yuki had to move to another city. Yuki was good at helping Kai out of their shell, and they still keep in contact.
    • Airu Watanabe (friend); The two of them met through Tamika, and are... relatively similar, admittedly. Kai thinks its cute that her big-sister tendencies tend to bleed into their interactions.
  • MISC;;—
    • Souka Adams (acq); Tami's friend :)
    • Sora Okamoto (acq); Tami's friend :)

Design Notes

Designer @ emberchii
Obtained created ( ??/?? )
  • Kai's hair is a natural gradient from blonde to a kind of dark peachy pink. They always wear it half-up in a ponytail.
  • Kai wears croptops 99% of the time. Their midriff is usually exposed in some way.
  • Kai's eyes are actually normal, without a fucked up pupil! They gradiant from a desturated purple to something sort of gold.
  • They have two moles to the left of their mouth, and various others scattered across their body.
  • Kai always wears gloves.