
7 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info




Daven tends to call him a bunch of mean nicknames, especially since he has no idea what kind of animal to call Howl




Rayvonconi, which is some kind of ferret/squirrel creature unique to Kiami




Daven's partner




He hasn't really thought about it...

Creation Year



Parents and numerous siblings/kin still live on Mt. Kiampee of Kiami


Mount Kiampee - Kiami

Current Home

No permanent home


Physical Appearance

General body shape is sort of like a large ferret like creature with a very long and fluffy tail

  • Light brown fur with darker brown paws and stripes on tail
  • Darker brown stripes on ears
  • Brown eyes
  • Symbol of Kiampee on each back haunch and on each side of the end of his tail

Clothing Style

Howl wears no clothing, although sometimes Daven will attach a tracking collar around his neck so they can split up and work together to map out areas.


Howl is a very energetic and curious creature that loves seeing new things and finding excitement. He was always a rather troublesome and quite a handful to the other members of his tribe, and he tended to get bored with the same activities on the mountains each day. Howl is a rather skilled at rifting and tends to entertain himself by controlling the earth around him and hopping around like a daredevil. He doesn't take orders very well and tends to do whatever he wants, which is usually what seems the most entertaining or exciting.

Howl definitely enjoys traveling with Daven since he gets to go places, fly through space at high speeds, and usually get into trouble. Howl seems thoroughly unaffected by Daven's harsh language and often mean behavior toward him, and he does what he can to equally annoy his partner back. As much as Daven is known as the notorious space pirate, Howl is probably much more dangerous despite being less outwardly aggressive. Howl is easy to approach and rather friendly, but he responds to threats to his partner very viciously, either by using his rifting, Kiami magic, or just straight up jumping at the aggressor's face. He can be surprisingly crafty and clever, and despite his odd manner of speech (which consists of him saying almost every word with a K sound at the front since his native Kiami has a lot of K sounds) he's rather intelligent and tends to give Daven a lot of insight about the Eternity since his partner is a foreigner.


  • Eyrth rifting - rank 4/5
  • Mastery over the Kiampee discipline of Kiami magic, particularly creating energy fields or energy blasts


  • Energetic, curious, enthusiastic, and loyal to whomever he bonds with
  • Very difficult to discourage, seemingly fearless, and dauntless
  • Easy to approach, clever, and knowledgable about many things
  • Stealthy, agile, flexible, and has quick reflexes


  • Gets bored/distracted easily and isn't usually cooperative
  • Hyperactive and chatters almost constantly
  • Light weight and not terribly strong without his rifting/magic
  • Rather tricky to understand with his speech oddity


Howl was born and lived on Mount Kiampee of Kiami all his life until a foreigner from the distant galaxy of Lylaeterial visited with the intent to chart all of the Eternity. Howl was a relatively rambunctious creature that often gave headaches to the other members of his tribe due to his uncontrollable energy, and he thought the idea of traveling across space to see the rest of the Eternity sounded pretty interesting. He stowed away on the traveler's spaceship, and Howl's persistence finally got the foreigner to begrudgingly resign to his companionship. Although Howl had never left Kiami before, he was already rather knowledgable about a handful of other planets and knew much about the Eternity as a whole in terms of its overarching customs, deities, rifting, etc. This knowledge is what ultimately secured his partnership with the temperamental space pirate.

Howl has been traveling with his Lylaeterian partner, Daven Karma, ever since, and the two are rarely seen apart.


  • Daven's most common nicknames for Howl are Rat and Sidekick. Which he uses depends on his mood.
  • Howl’s design is basically a ripoff of a creature that my sister made, although when I made him it was intended to be just a character that was of this species. But of course, since Howl is no longer in the source world, and the creatures are now a species on my planet of Kiami and referred to as their own species, it’s absolutely a ripoff now. Sorry sis. XP