




Basic Info
NameVincent Kuznetsov
Nickname Vincey, Mr. Kuznetsov
Age 23
BirthdayJanuary 2
Height6'5 / 197cm
Gender Male (He/They)
VoiceCorpse Husband (YouTube)
OrientationHomosexual / Homoromantic*
Status Married
  • Grenache Wine
  • Psychology / Intellectual Conversations
  • Ravens / Crows
  • Lethal Weapons 
  • Dairy Products / Chocolate
  • Religion
  • Sunlight / Sunny Mornings
  • Sleeping
  • ♜He is proficient with guns. He has a cache of lethal weapons within his lair, disguised under a bookshelf.

    ♜Vincent holds a fondness for wine, particularly dry wine. He drinks a glass or two every day.

    ♜He strictly cares for his health and maintains good hygiene.

    ♜Being nocturnal and diurnal, he sleeps in the evening from 5pm to 8pm only getting 3 or less hours of sleep every other day. He fuels off of his job which keeps him awake most hours of the week. Sleep is practically a myth to him.

    ♜He can hold his alcohol. He has a high alcohol tolerance.

    ♜His reflection doesn't show in mirrors or photos. He makes use of Lumorian mirrors or vampire-specific picture equipment.

    ♜He's racist towards humans. His views on them are negative and stereotypical. He was raised into this belief as a child.

    ♜Despite being a vampire, he doesn't get ill when he smells or consumes garlic. Likewise with holy water or silver.

    ♜Vincent has a bad habit of judging a book by its cover.

    ♜He does consume blood. In both large and small quantities. Particularly by humans or livestock.

    ♜His pronunciation is quite perfect.

    ♜Vincent's diet mostly consists of red meats and salad from the vegetables that he grows.

    ♜He's fond of dead flowers and finds them beautiful.

    ♜He is a keeper of secrets.

    ♜Vincent has excellent hearing and can hear from at least 180 miles away, and perhaps even further.

    ♜He is completely true neutral. He can play the role of the villain or the hero. He is neither good nor evil.

    ♜Vincent is able to adapt to any type of weather; he holds a personal fondness for colder temperatures.

    ♜He is a organized person. He usually cannot work in a messy environment.

    ♜If he stays in the sun without any sort of protection, his skin will begin to sting and itch. Red blotches and rashes will accompany if unprotected skin is left in the sun for more than 5 hours. Any longer will result in death.

    ♜He doesn't have a hard time memorizing people's name. He remembers faces very well.

    ♜His heart beats 30 times slower than the average human.

    ♜As a vampire, he is immortal. His life is ongoing, however certain deaths such as being pierced by a wooden stake, will kill him.

    ♜He was born with umbrakinesis; the ability to mentally generate and manipulate darkness

    ♜He is fond of using big words, his vocabulary is rather large.

    ♜*He is (Demi)Homosexual / (Demi)Homoromantic.

    ♜Vincent’s suit is both bulletproof and inflammable. Dare I say, indestructible even.

    ♜The man is practically a walking weaponry. He has portable guns, knives, and varies different poisons looped, locked, and easily assessable within the pockets of his suit. He also has an AK-47 in his hat, along with a variety of blades.


Gentlemanly . Apathetic . Secretive . Introverted . Chivalrous . Dangerous . Reserved . Well-Mannered
"Death too, must be earned."

He is a distinguished gentleman beholding a dark aura that accompanies him wherever he may go. Vincent conducts himself in a formal demeanor, withdraws often, and startles others with his vast malicious remarks. Despite his reluctance, he is exceedingly polite and well-mannered, utilizing suitable language and presenting himself in a way that is respectful. He's apathetic about anything; expressing a lack of interest in most things outside of what he claims salient or enthralling personally. He isn't known to be emotional nor sympathetic in the slightest, such a feature doesn't resonate in his dictionary. The only position he intends to espouse is that of clarity and directness. He rarely, if ever, forms close relationships, not even his own extended relatives outside of his marriage. He is, however, loyal to those he's established attachment with or deems as important. Yet he is quick to drop someone if they suddenly become useless or irrelevant to him.

Vincent conveys with his intellect; he seldom expresses his inner feelings whilst always contends methodically. He stands behind a stern and harsh disposition. Even upon being asked an absurd or idiotic question, he will simply stoically stare at the person before responding with a comment that may or may not kill the individual's will to live.

Vincent is strictly reticent, not much of a talker nor sociable individual. In fact, he despises meaningless discussions, believing they serve no purpose other than to pass the time. He does, however, relish discussing significant subjects, particularly someone's honorable accomplishments. Otherwise, he gives little to no feedback regarding anything, typically choosing to remain quiet when others try to bring up any sort of nonsense to the table.

His assistance is reserved at all times of the week unless you have an explicit invitation or business to discuss with him.


(Trigger Warning)

Vincent was born and raised by his single mother; his father being taken away from him at a young age. Both individuals, respectively, were named Venedikt and Anastasia. His parents had divorced when he was only five years old and Vincent was sent to live under custody of his mother until the age of consent. Due to a restraining order incident, he was never allowed to see his father which brought great stress upon him as he loved his father very much. Lumory was the country he was raised in, home to a besmirched government and prejudice society. He was taught by norms and even his own parents that humans were a disgrace to their kind and deserved to be treated less than what they are worth - which was nothing at all - he was also brought up to believe the more stereotypical aspect of most species and thus developed a closed minded mentality. He, along with the majority born in Lumory, felt that vampires were the superior species and Chiropteras' was the only race that deserved to be.

Vincent was full blooded Chiroptera with intelligence far greater than most children his age; understanding and developing skills far faster than those beside him. He began walking at only 4 months old and learned to read and write at four. As a toddler he was able to solve a number of different puzzles including rubiks cubes, crosswords, and riddles. His father would give him a new puzzle everyday to build his education and strategy, each new puzzle being harder than the last. Vincent held a special closeness with his father and admired the man with all his very being. His father taught him the many wonders of lobotomy, along with medicine and epistemology. Venedikt was always there to mend to his son's needs and helped Vincent cope with the teething of his fangs and claws. Venedikt was the one who taught his son about guns and how they worked which got him a nasty scolding by his wife for teaching their young child about such things. In place of that, he just educated Vincent in pick-locking and other sorts. With newly found skills, Vincent would find ways to pick into the locks of his father's business cases and get ahold of the medical tools inside them. His father would praise Vincent for his efforts but took the tools away and began placing his things on higher shelves. However that didn't stop young Vincent and he began getting ahold of the safes' his mother kept her valuables in and sneakily stole the jewelry inside to hide in his playpen. He grew a habit of stealing and knew how to get away with it as it became a custom to him. His parents eventually gave up trying to stop Vincent from invading their valuables, there was no use attempting to keep the little vampire from taking stuff that didn't belong to him.

At the age of six, Vincent advanced in mathematics and deliberated psychology in his spare time. He studied immensely as a way to cope with the divorce of his parents, specifically the loss of his father. His scores were unimaginable for the teachers, who praised him for his smart reputation. Anastasia was always being informed at parent-teacher conferences of how gifted her son was, bringing her into a fit of satisfaction. Vincent was, and continued, proving himself to be the best if not the greatest of all those in his school. Not to please himself, but to please the man who was taken from him; His father. He developed a monochromatic personality from it all, only ever feeling great waves of apathy and holding the desire to look the best in front of his father. Vincent didn't ever want to let the man down and hoped to find him after he escaped his mother's claws. As time went on, he isolated himself from others because he found them disgustingly useless. Those who were below him did not earn his respect and only went home with pity in their hands at their pathetic attempts of earning his friendship. Vincent refused to acknowledge people so stupid, he felt humiliated alone breathing the same air as them. The only thing he found positive in people were their weak spots. He humored himself by watching public executions of thieves, non-bloods, and disobedient civilians. It was funny to him, he took death as a joke. His humor eventually turned into fascination and into obsession. It became a routine for him to watch public executions after school when all his classmates went home. He studied on death in any form he could find, theorizing that death was earned and death without reason didn't exist. He was open about his love for demise, usually scaring his classmates away. He didn't want friends regardless and preferred to be alone at all times. He only valued the company of a baby raven he stole from a nest. He was seven at the time he took ownership of his new companion. His mother hated it though, and forced Vincent to throw it outside the moment he brought it home to show her. Despite it, He kept the baby bird in his room in secret and took great care of him. Vincent named the raven after his favorite poet, Edgar Allen Poe. The Raven was a poem he fancied by the man and felt it suited his little bird.

Through-out the rest of his child years, Vincent was a horrible kid. He was insensitive to other's feelings and felt lackluster towards the idea of supporting anything of 'morality.' His mother was no support and was heavily neglecting towards him. The neglect stimmed since her divorce and only worsened from there. She started lacking enthusiasm for her son's accomplishments and refused to ever interact with him when he needed affection. Vincent became bitter towards his mother and claimed he was better without her anyways. Anastasia was taken ahold of by alcoholism and turned to drinking to help her cope with her problems. She'd always spout words of nonsense about how Venedikt was a horrible husband and how he only ever just wanted to use her. She'd take out her anger onto Vincent and beat him to a bloody pulp at the rage and grief she felt for all that had happened to her. It became a normal occurrence and Vincent always made sure to lock his bedroom door whenever his mother did heavy drinking. That, or he'd take shelter somewhere else that wasn't home. He, himself, out of pain started claiming that his mother was a disgrace for the Chiroptera race and denied ever being her son. When asked about the whereabouts of his mother, he'd always respond with "she's dead." He didn't care anymore and simply just wished to reunite with his father again. Vincent was infuriated with the pain inflicted upon him, he was pissed for being forced to endure such a horrid woman.

From age nine and continuous, he was completely emotionally detached. He was cold, emotionless, and lackluster with his feelings. He paid absolutely no attention to his classmates, mother, or anyone and spent most of his time studying in an abandoned garden that he found recently. He'd go there every day and just sit in the quiet, studying. He'd go there even in the mornings to get away from his toxic home. He lost interest in bullying his classmates or proving his worth, and put all of his focus in his studies and immense interest in death. Edgar was growing rather big and hard to keep secret from his mother any longer. She found the bird one night when Vincent was at school and the big black raven started trying to peck her eyes out. When Vincent did return from school, he earned a screaming fest from his mother and poor Edgar got a beating. Vincent made sure to take him all the way into the garden that night. He allowed the raven to nest there in peace.

On one specific night, Vincent had returned home late from his classes and came to discover that his mother was having one of her violent breakdowns; caused by heavy drinking. She was obviously drunk and emotionally unstable. Upon seeing Vincent, she started attacking him out of aggression. Vincent endured most of the abuse before defending himself and escaping the situation. He ran off to the garden to protect himself from his mother and to keep a safety distance until she cooled off. Vincent wasn't scared, no, he was disappointed. Disappointed that he was forced to be around someone who hurt him like she did, and then dared to call her his mother. As he reached the abandoned area, he noticed that he wasn't the only person there. A figure of a child was curled onto the bench in a sleeping position. The individual seemed extremely exhausted, and in poor condition. Cuts and bruises were scattered upon their body and their eye had been swollen making it obvious that they've been through physical damage. Vincent couldn't tell from what though. Vincent marched right up to the sleeping demon. He was about to shove the child off the bench, until he noticed the curved black horns rested on the sides of their head. Vincent was a little intrigued by the unusual nonconforming feature upon the child's head. He could tell just by looking at the grimy resting expression that the youngling was no older than ten; possibly younger. They were around the same age as him which implied Vincent should have already known the child from somewhere. But no strange person like them fitted any descriptions of children Vincent had come across. It was peculiar for sure. Vincent held no mercy shaking the young boy awake and demanding him to leave at once. It was clear as day that the child was nervously scared and quickly got up off the bench in a hurry. It was then that he realized the child was a few centimeters taller than himself. Vincent baffled a bit, the height catching him off guard, but he still remained unamused and apathetic. Keeping his demand strong and at bay. He gave the kid a look over, taking in how gross they looked. Their hair was as pigsty of curls, clothing as fit as a torn curtain, and muck clung patches onto their skin. The wounds plastered upon their body was more visible to him standing up, the swollen black eye being the most noticeable. Vincent knew this child deserved no home in this town, theorizing that he was possibly just a stay who lost their navigation to the slums.  Instead of throwing the child in a nearby dumpster like he originally planned, He decided it was best for him to take him to his home and clean this child up. Vincent was skeptical considering the situation with his mother, but he believed the boy's treatment was far more important. They exchanged names and formalities, the child being named Ambrosia.




Ambrosia | (Husband)
"There is no heart for me like yours in the far vast universe. No love exists for you like mine anyplace in all of creation."

Vincent is in love with Ambrosia, incredibly so!
His husband is possibly the only being on this Earth he truly adores and wants to be with every hour of the day. He is very protective over Ambrosia; making sure no harm will come his way even if it means killing another to protect him. He cares a lot about his husband despite his stoic personality. He sometimes finds himself becoming overly worried about Ambrosia's health and well-being.

He's always blocking his emotions but when it comes to his dear husband, he lets his feeling be known; and believe it or not, he smiles to Ambrosia. He's very romantic with Ambrosia and likes having physical affection with him such as cuddling, kissing, hugging, or simply brushing his hair. He pampers and spoils his dear husband rotten. They mostly spend their time together in the morning since they're both out at night doing their own thing; he honestly enjoys any moment they can get together. He shares a healthy relationship with Ambrosia and has a deep connection with him. They are childhood lovers; they both have many memories together. His love for Ambrosia is massive!


Scarlet | (Hates)
"Simply unpleasant."

If there's one person in the world that Vincent would gladly kill in cold blood, it would be Scarlet. Vincent never liked the pink bimbo, even back in grade school.

Vincent doesn't care about Scarlet and hates him to the fullest. He finds Scarlet unbearable and a whore, getting pissed off whenever the vampire makes crude and sexual comments regarding his clients. They share a mutual dislike for each other but it seems Scarlet always makes due to come across Vincent. Despite the annoyance, Vincent does find Scarlet useful however, he'd rather not deal with him at all.


Ralph | (Client)
"Consider the job finished."

Ralph had hired Vincent to assassinate a man by the name 'Yasha Gushiken,' and was required to obtain the amulet he wore around his neck. Vincent gathered enough sufficient information about the man in question and his 'little runt,' as Ralph referred to them, before striking his attack. Unfortunately, hell broke loose, and everything went awry. Before his eyes, Vincent found himself torn between greed and nearly losing the love of his life.


Yevgeni | (Godfather)



Otto | (Acquaintance)



Father | (???)
"The haunting memory seems to never fade."



wip | (wip)



wip | (wip)
