Amelio Angelo Manuel



4 years, 1 month ago


Amelio Angelo Manuel

y'all being horny for him awakens pure fear in me.
Basic Info

Nickname Amie, Angie/Eiji
Job Clothing designer, music composer
Age 24
Birthday 13th March
Gender Male
Pronouns He/They/She
Orientation Pansexual
Relationship status Interested
Height 1,93 m
Voiceclaim Hurts
Design Notes

  • Fluffy, curly hair
  • Hair undercut
  • Rainbow-colored strands of hair
  • Eyebags
  • Freckles
  • Ears, bridge, tongue, bottom lip, collarbone & peepee piercings
  • Wears glasses
  • Eyebrows slits
  • Self-harm cut scars on thighs & lower tummy
  • Tongue split
  • "Piano fingers"

  • Amelio is Italian. Speaks fluent English, Italian, French & Russian.
  • Even though he's Italian, he was born in Paris, France; where his parents lived temporarily. Lived there for almost 2 years since birth.
  • Lives in an old-fashioned flat located in M1, in "Old Town" area.
  • It's hard to specify his job because he earns money in many different ways. He's a Tiktok & Instagram influencer, music composer, clothing designer and dancing tutor.
  • Usually seen wearing a brown flannel shirt. He got it from Alan years ago and it's really dear to him.
  • A surprising fact is that if he puts his hair in a ponytail and puts his glasses on, he's most likely in a mood to get in a fight or get aggressive sooner or later that day.
  • His hands are pretty cold.
  • He nosebleeds a lot.
  • Feeling soft physical affection from people makes him way calmer immediately.
  • Owns brass knuckles, pocket knives and a baseball bat. Tends to carry all of these with himself.
  • Usually seen with skateboard and baseball bat.
  • His hair is a bit stiff and rough in touch because of dyeing it but at some point it's still pretty soft and bouncy.
  • Owns a motorcycle. Owns a driving license.
  • Spends a lot of time at skateparks and around Willsden Forest entrance.
  • One of his most favourite singers is John Maus.
  • Draws really good. Loves to draw plants and design characters/outfits.
  • Can sing and dance really good. Uses to participate in dancing contests.
  • Owns quite lots of plants and takes care of them dearly.
  • Owns a very old stuffed sheep. He got it from parents when he was 4. Sleeps with it.
  • Kinda lives in dark. His apartment is full of warm colors which makes the light that goes inside the apartment dark red-ish or orange-ish.
  • Loves to collect teeth, mainly when people lose them after fights. He ripped some people's teeth off all by himself though.
  • Able to kill.


Amelio on daily basis is pretty chill and might be seen as someone with pretty cold attitude. He's pretty quiet but can easily keep up with any conversation. Doesn't try to avoid people when they're approaching him, he way more likes to get to know them better. Really easygoing but it's not usual for him to approach people first, though. It's easy to make him annoyed/irritated but it depends on the day if he will brush it off and won't call it out or either he will address it immediately and will even get into a heated argument or/and a fight. He easily can call you as his mutual or/and friend even if you don't get along that much. Calls people as his best friends only if he gets to know them a lot as lots of time passes. Generally he's really protective about people, even about mutuals he doesn't interact with much. Will protect people without hesitation, at any cost, even if it means him damaging himself or even getting killed. Can easily sense a bit if people have bad or good personality. Really affectionate to his partner.

β€’ Suffers from slight Anemia
β€’ Passive/aggressive


  • Teeth
  • Designing/modifying clothes
  • Thrift shopping
  • Smoothies
  • Citrus (fav: Strawberries)
  • Iced coffee
  • Milk tea, milk coffee
  • Sweets
  • Sushi
  • Alcohol
  • Dancing
  • Making Tiktoks
  • Skateboarding
  • Weed
  • Ice skating
  • Singing
  • Playing piano
  • Making music
  • 80's/90's themed music & Synthpop
  • Composing music
  • Old stuff
  • Playing with children
  • Reading books
  • Watching movies
  • Fights
  • Destroying things
  • Blood

  • His friends getting hurt/being in danger
  • Rude attitude, unclear reasoning of rude behavior
  • Annoying him with repetitive things too much
  • People who get on his nerves purposely
  • Being harshly ignored



Caspi??? Caprisun!!! We got to know each other in such weird way, we got to know each other on TikTok and then it turned out that we live in the same city??? I love to hang out with him!! I love to bang into his apartment just to make TikToks at 2AM!! I pretty much can tell that's we're both chaotic and I love that!! He's also really caring and I'm πŸ₯ΊπŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ
Gosh, Kendall is really chaotic too!! I really like to hang out with her and ????? I have no idea what to say tho? I'm glad I got to meet her just as I'm glad I got to meet Caspi! I have no bad word about her!
He's like my younger brother even though he's older. He's really loving, caring and actually fragile but not much people see that. It worries me that he starts to get naive around really shitty people. I will protect him as much as I can.
She means a lot to me, god. I know she hides a lot of things about how she feels about everything and it's so hard to make her open up... I'm still trying to make her open up, bit by bit. She's such a kind, selfless person and I have no idea how people can be so rude to her at times. I'm willing to protect her because she never deserved all the pain she feels. I know she would never cause harm to others on purpose.
Jenna is just as stubborn to open up as Bau is, yet god... she's so agrressive. I got used to her personality and I'm willing to help her anytime, I spend lots of time with her and even though our friendship is based on me almost throwing up while seeing her doing anything nasty almost all the time, she catches me off guard with the most hurtful words at times, completely suddently. It really fucking hurts, Jenna.
Wow, taking aside the fact that I love to annoy him, he really makes me feel emotional when we talk about things that are close to our hearts. I haven't talked with my best friends about more personal things for such long time already, but because of the latest events between me, Proxy and Bau, we really opened up to each other and it was so sudden. I feel even more comfortable around him now. He's such a good person, really.
Such a nice guy, one of the kindest I ever met. Your patience is very high and you're really dedicated to people who are dear to you. Always ready to help everyone. I'm still really glad you keep up such a good contact with us.
Yurij is really stoic but at the same times nobody knows when he'll go ape shitt. He has a great sense of humor even though he deosn't show that much. I love doing risky shit with him! At some point our personalities are similiar, yet he's more calm and more deadly maybe. He loves to point out the things I did while being drunk or high (': I really like to hang out with him nonetheless!!
Wittwe mashochisht babwy. I usuawwy cawwy hew becaushe she'sh sho shmol. I alsho beat hew up if she ashksh me to. Other than that, she'sh nice. I have no much bad word about hew. She shuwprishingly doeshn't annoy me that much.
What the fuck. I never felt such a big urge to beat to shit out of anyone as I felt when I saw you. I don't even know you in person and I can already tell you're a piece of shit. Fuck off from Alan, would you?