
4 years, 1 month ago


     A6 was born into a pretty cruel & cultish affiliation called “FAITH,” (more info about the organization in the link) standing for “Frailty and Ineptitude to Hell”. 

     Once they turn one year old, FAITH babies are graded based on how strong and healthy they are. Their grades also become their names. (Their full names also include their date of birth, but FAITH members are typically referred to with only the grade in their name.) The first part of the name/grade is A to F, with A being strongest and F being weakest. The second part is 1 to 10, with 10 being strongest and 1 being weakest. A6 got a very high grade.

     When A6’s parents saw that their child received such a high grade, they were smug and proud about it. However, the parents were more proud of themselves for having such a strong child rather than actually being proud of A6’s achievements. 

     Although FAITH trainees with the highest grades were the most well-respected, they were also the most ill-treated. A6’s parents continued to push him to an unhealthy degree throughout the years. They just kept on with their smug, controlling, demanding, & forceful horror. Other high-ranking trainees were also under harsh conditions, but A6’s was arguably the most difficult. He was one of the healthiest as far as physicality went, but mental health is another story. Over time, A6 had figured out that they were a trans demimale, but never had the opportunity to tell anyone as FAITH gave him other “priorities”. A6 felt extremely isolated. 

     A6 eventually even became the FAITH Deputy, a role which he obtained after the previous deputy passed away, leaving A6 as the highest-ranking member to take over. A6 both hated & very much appreciated this new role. He thought that maybe his parents wouldn’t be as toxic to him anymore, which sort of happened, & he also was very open to knowing the world outside of FAITH. He did, however, not like the idea of being tied to the Master so much. But he accepted it. 

     Not long after A6 started observing the outside world, he started noticing an intriguing individual taking walks along the outskirts of the forest. She let off very welcoming & dazzling vibes for A6, which immediately attracted him to her. From the treetops, or hidden behind the trunks, they kept looking down on her taking walks, both terrified & hopeful for her to see them, which hasn’t yet happened. She would often hum tunes to the forest, a very restful experience for A6. Sometimes she’d talk to herself, sometimes A6 would hear it, & he always was wishing he could say something back. 

     At one point, the individual starting bringing another individual along on her walks, & the two would converse together while they strolled. From hearing some of their conversations, A6 discovered that his crush was named Sparrow & her friend was named Merle. A6 was rather jealous of Merle, but A6 never interfered.  

     A6 hasn’t told the Master about Merle or Sparrow, but continues watching them nonetheless. 

     Unfortunately, the huge weight put on A6’s shoulders ever since they were a young child has made them sort of bitter & distant. He‘s still good at heart, but is afraid that showing very much of his good-heartedness would portray him as vulnerable or inadequate. 

     Fortunately, although gender identity & expression have been a struggle for them, A6 has developed his appearance to be pretty authentic for himself. Gender Reassignment Surgery isn’t an available option for A6, but he doesn’t feel he personally needs it. 

     A6 both was & still is going through a lot. However, he does have the strength & love deep within him to grow a satisfying life for himself one day! We believe in you, A6! 

Full Name: A6 (2-29-2000) 

Gender: Demimale (Trans) 


  • “He/Him/His/Himself” 
  • “They/Them/Theirs/Themself“ 

Species: Human 

Sexuality/Romantic Orientation: Bisexual 

Birthday: February 29th, 2000 

Age: 22 years 

Personality & Similar: Fierce, Unhappy, Vexed, Moody, Acrobatic, Anxious, Pressured, Graceful, Lonely, Whimsical, Self-conscious, Despondent

Crush: Sparrow 

Representative Music: “Hopes and Dreams“ 


  • Hobby/Hobbies: Sculpting, Carpentering, “Fencing” with his blade arm, Interpretive dancing, Contortion, Stalking 

  • Season: Winter   

  • Colours: Emerald Green, Lavender, Shades of blue on the surface of the ocean

*Last Updated: Saturday, June 4th, 2022