




☆ The community trainwreck; but everyone loves her, I promise. ☆

"Did I really forget to brush my hair again, I am so sorry- "

Name Frey
Called Frey
Sexuality Heterosexual
Favorite Gemstone Citrine
Gender Female
Height 5'3
Worst Fear Spiders
Role Unknown
Demeanor Jumpy & Nervous
Loud Noises
Horror Movies


Found on the doorstep of her hometown's church, she grew up under the care of the nuns and members of the parish within the chapel's cobblestone walls. Though a place for worship and repentance, the church had also become the place to take unwanted children when there became too many mouths to feed within a household. Decades before Frey's creation, the church had become overrun with sick and abandoned children, to the point where the local parish begged for donations to fund a church-run orphanage to house them. The donations were far and few, the village not the most wealthy, but they made it work and had been a source of care ever since. Lucky for Frey, they were able to welcome her with open arms and hearts, despite their lack of resources.

The church soon learned that Frey was a bit more peculiar than the other children at the orphanage. Jumpy, twitchy, and a bit scatterbrained, the nuns believed she was a spawn of evil- bathing her in holy water twice a week and praying with her by her bedside every night in hopes it would help cute her afflictions. Unfortunately, their prayers were left unheard, the girl growing up still battling with constant anxiety and paranoia. It became too much to handle for the church, begging other villages to take her in and hopefully find her medical care. Luckily, the city of Zenovia was ready to take on the challenge, admitting her to their hospital to try and figure out what ailed her. From orphanage to medical prisoner, Frey remained ever anxious and panicky, especially around her doctors and the needles that came with them. The early years of her life truly were not something to enjoy, and it left Frey worse off than she had ever expected. Medical attention became a hassle until they began to allow her to go outside, which seemed to calm her to a degree and bring her some semblance of peace, and with a bit of therapy and rehabilitation, they were able to bring Frey's behavior down to a manageable level.

Frey was discharged soon after receiving the go-ahead from her doctors and psychologists, sending her to Ferncombe to begin her life. Going out into the world with no one there to help was a struggle for her, the medication prescribed only helping to ease her anxieties enough to socialize, or carry out basic functions for short periods unperturbed. With the help of her friends she met through wandering through Ferncombe, they were able to help guide her and offer her support whenever she needed it. To this day, she still feels terrible she has to rely on others so much, but if it keeps her somewhat sane, she will do whatever it takes.




Frey is much more sound of mind than she was in her childhood, though she still finds herself anxious most of the time.

She's very forgetful, and has left the house without shoes on multiple times.

When she feels herself losing it, she finds a spot in the grass to sit and look at the flowers.

She loves the color yellow, and wears it all of the time.

She fears spiders something fierce- there's nothing you can do to console her when she spots one.




Best Friend

The two met when Forte was on night patrol, Frey wandering aimlessy around. Forte had guided her home, and has always been a source of comfort and support ever since. The two enjoy spending Forte's days off walking around town, even if Forte is keeping Frey out of trouble most of the time.




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Whimbrel and Frey met at a village picnic one year, where the two were on opposing kickball teams. Frey had wiped out at one of the bases and the two of them had laughed for hours over it. Once in a while they will get together to have smoothies or just talk under the sun when they have the time.