King (RS)



4 years, 2 months ago



Name King Vaughn
Age 48
Gender Male
Species Human
Affiliation Secret Society of Symmetry
Role Zoomancer


A relaxed but focused individual. Though he may seem generally chilled out and carefree, King does take his work seriously, with a degree of modesty. He's warm and friendly to others, always happy to have a conversation with someone who actually speaks his language and eager to find some way of communicating with those who can't.

Due to being away from his fellow humans for months at a time, he can be a bit overexcited around them. Additionally, his obsessive overanalysis of animals in the field extends into his social life, often overthinking and assessing his opinion of others in the moment. He's notably overprotective of animals and the young, and can easily slip into a quiet but aggressive fury when he witnesses aggression against them.


A real toughie - King boasts some damn fine physical prowess. You don’t get to keep up with a herd of rhinos for years on end without building up some above average strength and stamina.

Swordsmanship - Wields the nodachi blade 'Hyakumanju' and is pretty boss with it.

Digestion - Due to adapting to animal diets, he can eat weird shit like grass and bugs no problem.

Spirit of the Rhino - When channeling the Spirit of the Rhino, King’s muscles swell and increase his physical strength and weight. As well as this, the white aura manifests a large phantasmic horn out of his head, which is just great for charging head first into his opponent! He gets a bit headstrong compared to his usual self, but maybe he’s just excited...

Spirit of the Squid - When channeling the Spirit of the Squid, King’s blue aura manifests as a large mantle protruding from his head which leads down into six long, ghostly tentacles . These tentacles can be used to attack, bind opponents, wield weaponry or even to spray ink. As well as this, it’s a fairly versatile form, increasing not only King’s ability to traverse water, but also to climb using the tentacles extended reach. The catch however is that King can only access this channeling while holding his breath, which to be fair he’s gotten pretty good at...

Spirit of the Hare - When channeling the Spirit of the Hare, King's yellow aura manifests around his legs, extending their length as he runs or jumps and giving him a great mobility boost. In this form, in exchange for weakening his upper body strength, King becomes much more light-footed and agile, able to outpace foes or leap tall bounds with ease. The aura also manifests long rabbit ears extending outwards from his own, though in his old age this doesn't quite heighten his sense of hearing like it used to..

Spirit of the Tortoise - When channeling the Spirit of the Tortoise, King's green aura manifests as a shell encasing much of his body, giving him unbelievable defense against both physical and magical attacks. However, his weight is increases greatly under this aura, leaving him practically immobile until released. He finds it a good tactic for stalling an opponent to formulate a strategy or buy time for an ally, but dismissing the spirit does give him a vulnerability period that can be easily taken advantage of.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths - Level-headed and skilled. Proficient in combat. Basically a walking animal-encyclopaedia.

Weaknesses - Heavy drinker. Bleeding heart. Goes months at a time without seeing another human being and it shows.



King was a quiet child who liked animals more than people. Whatever war between humans and monsters was erupting around him, he could always count on watching the local wildlife, whether it be a fish swimming down a river or a squirrel gathering nuts for the winter, to provide a momentary escape and remind him that life doesn’t revolve around that conflict. He looked up to the Zoomancer Role as a result, naively believing that he could use it to leave civilisation behind and join the peaceful world of animals.

As he grew up however, King found this childhood dream to be simply unrealistic, seeing again and again how society’s conflicts leave negative impacts on the innocent world around them. His distaste for humanity and monsterdom grew into spite, eager more than ever to enter the Role and protect the animal kingdom from the distasteful battles they were surrounded by. He trained himself vigorously to have enough strength, stamina and skill to be able to keep up with animals and protect them from any civilised threat that may endanger them.

Once he finally became a zoomancer and began his first pilgrimage, young King found himself struggling to achieve results. To his frustration, in spite of all his observations and studying, he found himself unable to gain the trust of animals, even when saving them from poachers and the like. Years of failure persisted until King had the revelation that, despite his distaste of his fellow man, he too was human and that naturally, animals would see him as unfavourably as he did. Re-evaluating his outlook, King began contemplating human nature just as much as the nature of the animals he studied. Eventually, he opened his eyes to the bigger picture, that all animals fight and humans and monsters were no different, and his resentment was overcome with compassion for all living things. Brightening up like this has led him to find he’s actually quite fond of other people, who’d have known?

With this new zen attitude, King became a more empathetic human being and was able to start succeeding in his Bonds. Amidst all the turmoil within himself, his first charge took him six years to complete. Despite the dissuasion of his peers, he next sought to Bond with an aquatic animal, out of desire to deepen his limited understanding of the world as well. Even with his improved skills, it took a full ten years to achieve his Bond with squids, which included a lot of stamina training to increase the amount of time he could spend underwater. His eventual success was met with substantial praise and notoriety for a time, leading to his recruitment into the SSS, which he happily agreed to in hopes of preservation of peace and balance in the world’s ecosystem (as well as the chance to see wildlife in the monster half of the world).

Due to his work with the SSS, he was no longer able to focus entirely on his zoomancy pilgrimages, often finding himself called away from his studies to partake in missions. On the flipside though, he would often disappear from the SSS’ ranks for months on end, fully engrossed in what he considers his real purpose in life. It probably hasn’t made him very popular with his superiors, but what are they gonna do? Tell him not to play his Role? It can’t be denied that he gets results, having mastered another two Bonds in the 14 years since joining, most recently with the mighty rhinoceros.


King was selected as a member of Captain Rezo's squadron on a peacekeeping mission, accompanying tradesman Marko Ytalli and his apprentices to an exchange with a goblin settlement across the Meridia. King spent much of the journey quietly observing the new recruits in the squad and loudly fawning over Ytalli's ostrich.

Upon reaching the third day's checkpoint, the party is sabotaged by a number of undead goblins, controlled by a mysterious bloody slime which, after its defeat at the hands of Rezo alongisde Novelle, King notes as being concocted from squid ink. Being alerted to the fire that has engulfed the miasma outside, King rushed out in an attempt to rescue Alisya and her team. As the fire is extinguished, King instead finds the unconscious Akadii and brings her back for interrogation.

During a night watch alongside Val, another slime creature infiltrates the waypoint. King battles the creature using his Squid Spirit as Val is sent to alert the others. Though he finds his attacks largely ineffective against the creature, King analyses it for information to relay to the other combatants upon their arrival.

After the group failed to subdue the beast, it escaped with Ytalli's apprentice Liliana. King joined Moe, Kaspella, Alisya and Val in giving chase in order to rescue their kidnapped charge. Despite securing the assistance of a goblin guard troop, the team failed to hunt down the creature and its master in time, instead finding Liliana subjected to genetic experimentation.






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