Akira Kobayashi (†)



4 years, 1 month ago


Akira Kobayashi

You can do whatever you want. If you dream of becoming a hero, then you can do it. The main thing is to believe in your strength and try.
Akira to Moriko
Akira Kobayashi
Biographical Information
Japanese Name 小林美月
Rōmaji Name Kobayashi Akira
Personal Description
Birthday September 9
Age 37
Gender 15?cb=20160427193702 Male
Height 190 cm (6'3")
Hair Color Red
Eye Color Brown
Quirk Unnamed Elasticity Quirk
Status Deceased
Family Mizuki Kobayashi (Wife)
Fumiko Kobayashi (Daughter; deceased)
Moriko Kobayashi (Adopted daughter)
Unnamed father
Unnamed mother
Unnamed 4 little brothers and sisters
First Appearance
Manga Debut Chapter 96
Anime Debut Episode 50
Japanese Voice Daisuke Ono
English Voice Matthew Mercer

Akira Kobayashi (小林明 Kobayashi Akira), Moriko Kobayashi's adopted father, father of Fumiko Kobayashi and the husband of Mizuki Kobayashi.

Akira is a very tall middle-aged man with a normal build and tanned skin. He has middle length red hair, brown eyes and a small mustache to match the color of his hair. Akira loves plaid shirts, especially red, because almost always wears them. As for the style of clothing, he prefers a more hipster version, but without glasses and a scarf. He even thought about starting a beard, but soon changed his mind, because with it, firstly, it is hot, and secondly, it’s impossible to eat normally.


Akira was a very kind and sensitive man, eager to please everyone with everything. He also had a very good sense of humor, as he could make anyone laugh. He also met Mizuki by chance in the cafeteria, where he slipped and fell to the floor, turning all the food over. But instead of starting to curse and curse everyone around, Akira began to laugh it off, saying that the dining room was so bad with food that even the floors were against it being eaten. Mizuki almost sobbed with laughter, and then Akira realized that here she was - his second half.

In his youth, studying in high school years, he managed to get to the same pervert. Using his quirk, he could easily spy on the girls in the locker room or take photos of their underwear under the skirt. Of course, these days, when he allowed himself to behave so long ago, but a little bit of this "perversion" remained in him, but only manifested in frivolous moments. Sometimes it even seems that he has a child in his heart who is not against a fool. But he was also a loving husband and father, he was able to take into his heart a practically alien child and love as a relative.

Akira was born in a fairly large family. He was the oldest of 5 children. Ever since childhood, Akira fell in love with photography, dreaming of one day becoming a famous photographer. But the dream had to be abandoned, because his parents considered this profession worthless and that you would not live on such a low salary. Akira understood that parents are worried about him and for his future, because they themselves have a hard time, because it is very difficult to provide a family of 7 people. Therefore, for the sake of parents, I decided to enter the law faculty. However, after 2 years, Akira realized that he did not want to be a lawyer at all. Therefore, he abandons his studies and decides to devote himself entirely to photographs. The parents were very angry when they learned that their son had left school, so they stopped contacting him, saying that they didn’t need such a worthless son.

Being practically on the street and without a single coin in his pocket, he gets a job as a bartender, along with this by entering the budget for the journalistic department, where he studied by correspondence. There he meets his future wife, Mizuki. It was love at first sight. This couple realized that from now on they always want to be together. Akira soon moved to Mizuki’s apartment, and after graduating from the university, they decide to marry. With a strong desire to start providing his small but beloved family, Akira began to actively look for work in the specialty of the photographer. And then a miracle happened. The local magazine agency required a professional photographer and journalist. Mizuki and Akira got a job together.

Soon Mizuki get pregnant and the couple had a daughter, whom they named Fumiko. However, the girl from birth was very weak and constantly ill. Mizuki and Akira were very worried about their daughter, because they were afraid for her life. So it took 8 years, until one day Fumiko seriously ill. It turned out that the poor girl had tuberculosis and did not survive it. Fumiko died at the age of 8, leaving her parents to grieve. They wanted to try again, but as it turned out, Mizuki could never again have children, due to the pathology that remained after the first birth.

Months passed, and the young couple decided on a serious step - to adopt a child. And it turns out to be a cheerful girl, Moriko, who immediately becomes a member of the family.


Hideout Raid Arc

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Provisional Hero License Exam Arc

[Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed massa justo, convallis sit amet leo at, porta consectetur ante. Etiam sit amet mollis elit, non commodo dolor. Nunc metus purus, porttitor et faucibus eu, commodo vel tellus. Sed rutrum nunc eu mi ullamcorper imperdiet. Nunc sit amet convallis metus, eget sodales diam. Vestibulum id elit in sem convallis semper quis vel mauris. In ac tempor lectus. Quisque vehicula lacus ligula, in placerat nunc viverra vitae. Nullam porta nisi ex, eget fermentum velit tincidunt a. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Quisque sed massa augue. Donec ut porta magna, sed porttitor lectus. Cras porttitor, nulla eu pretium pretium, diam turpis dignissim leo, non ultrices velit nulla ac turpis. In feugiat pretium magna, nec finibus massa accumsan sit amet. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed vehicula orci at erat tempus scelerisque.]


Unnamed Elasticity Quirk: Akira's quirk allows him to compress and stretch his body, taking any shape. The maximum length that he can stretch is 20 meters. He can also increase the size of his limbs, which also increased his physical strength.

  • The kanji (明) in his name means "bright", "intelligent", or "clear".
  • Since childhood, Akira dreamed of becoming a superhero, but after a while he changed his mind and turned his attention to photography. However, this did not prevent him from becoming fan of All Might, when he became a popular hero and Symbol of Peace.
  • Akira's favorite food - spicy chicken wings; least favorite - tofu.
  • After Akira left the law school, his parents turned away from him and broke off all contacts with him, and also forbade his brothers and sisters to communicate with him. However, time passed and they wanted to restore the relationship again, but it was already too late, because the police came to their home and reported on Akira’s death.
  • Akira knew how to play the guitar.

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