Elder Stephanos



4 years, 11 days ago


  • Stephanos

  • Pronouns He/Him
  • Gender Genderless; male-presenting
  • Age Ancient
  • Species Greater Demon
  • Occupation Priest/cult leader
  • Playlist Link (Spotify)


DoB:Many lifetimes ago
Orientation: Grey-romantic | Demisexual
Height: 6'5"/ 196cm
Build: Twunk? Average?️
Status: Single/Not applicable
Demeanor: Solemn
  • Everything falling into place
  • Harmony
  • Silence
  • Reminiscing
  • Slow progress
  • Technology




Stephanos is a bit of a pushover. It didn't take him long to understand that his mission was not tailored towards him, his inability to lead being brought to the light in an instant. Despite this, he kept pushing through, hoping something would one day change. And while it most definitely did, it wasn't the way he had expected. Had he been fully human, one might call him pitiful, but his true form lends him some basic authority, though the long term effects have all but faded. In his youth, Stephanos might have done better had he set his eyes on a different prize, but with his age he has come to accept his predicament, and realizes all he can do is work as hard as he can with what he has. He balances the line of being aloof and hard working incredibly badly; great at making plans, but terrible at making them reality. More lost than he appears to be.

Most greater demons would agree he is not to be considered one of them. His past affinity for humans, as well as his struggles blending in has eroded his rank, making him a greater demon only by name. Stephanos tries his best to blend in, but is usually slow on picking up trends, mannerisms and the like, and will often come off as very old fashioned; sometimes sticking to phrases several centuries old. His issues with relating to humans has turned many off from his preachings, considering him more of a madman and less of a leader. While his name might have been much more relevant when he chose it, modern subjects have taken to calling him Steve. He does not understand this.


Calming, honeyed. Fairly common masculine range, sounds professional, if a bit stiff. His outdated vocabulary can come off a bit pretentious to his more modern and younger subjects, though most just see it as a fun quirk. Italian accent? Voice that morphs to match people's impression of him? god knows


(BIG BIG WIP?? how does one describe a formless man)

Nobody knows quite what Stephanos looks like. He never allows himself to be seen without most of his body covered, only giving others small peeks at his hands and arms, at most. He's a fairly tall man, with what seems to be an average build, but he's taken to hiding himself under layers of large pieces, which might give him an imposing silhouette, but keeps his identity a mystery. Somehow, his face seems to always be obscured in deep shadow, no matter the enviroment. Despite his "hair" moving like fire, his powerful illusions makes it appear fairly normal to others. And if they do catch on, they will forget the moment they look away. His face lacks most features, only being able to emote with simple eyes and some wrinkles. He does not have a visible nose, even in profile, though the general shape of his face is sharp and defined. Like with his hair, others will project their expectations onto him, keeping his illusion up.

The most striking and memorable part of him would most definitely be his right arm. It's gnarled and monstrous, a different color entirely to the rest of his skin. Its covered in jagged growths, with painfully long nails. It stops at a massive scar about halfway down his upper arm. This strange arm is an old injury, a dark smear on his life that still haunts him. He is no longer able to disguise his arm as human, giving away its true form.

Just like with everything else, Stephanos struggles with dressing himself appropriately. He has not reconsidered his choice in fashion for centuries, seeing clothing as more of a means to an end rather than a way to make an impression. He will still dabble in modern clothes, but will mismatch and transform them to fulfill his desire to be hidden; he will usually stick to darker colors for this same reason. He attemps to replicate what a priest might wear in general shape, but often fails to get the vibe across.

Romance and sex

Stephanos knew love, once. It lead to him losing his livelihood, connection to hell, and any influence he might have earned. To this day he is still unsure whether it was a mistake on his own part, or fate playing its tricks. He's unlikely to seek out anyone new.


Stephanos' mission has gone through a lot of change since he left hell. Originally, his purpose was more hands-on; the idea being large gatherings of people corrupting together, to be welcomed into hell as an immediate force of cruelty. However, it did not take Stephanos long to realize he simply wasn't built for it. Instead of gathering large swaths of people as intended, his lack of experience and absent air of leadership turned people off from his aggressive mission, and after years and years of service he had only accrued a handful of devout followers.

It was during this time he found his one true love, a target who turned out to be much harder to subdue, who he slowly embraced as his equal, despite their differences. This relationship was the first sign he might not be cut out for the work he has been given, and it soon lead to disastrous consequences. Soon after revealing his true form to them, his overseer caught wind of his failings, promptly destroying everything he had worked for to teach him a lesson. He lost his church, his love, had his body permanently damaged, while being stripped of his position in hell, banished from ever setting foot there again.

After, he tried to rebuild with varying success. Despite being technically free from his mission, it had become the only comfort for him in a strange world, and so he just kind of kept going at it, now more out of desperation than anything else. He would use his new look to his advantage; claiming his deformed arm was the result of touching god, making him a higher being. While some would listen, many more would be taken aback by its twisted form, seeing it more as a curse from the devil than a blessing from god. It wasn't until meeting Qwen that his work started taking off, finding a true meaning. Although he doesn't consider his work his "mission" so to speak any longer, he does take great joy in it, although he's more of a manager now than the star. Which might be for the best, after all.

The Church?

wip (stave church? maybe not very church-like on the inside. been doing this for 1000y?)

Origins and Lore




[ coworker ] Stephanos shares a home and mission with Qwen, taking them in to help him overcome his many faults and finally make some progress. Turns out lust can be an incredibly good way to lure people in. The two can barely be called friends, but after decades working together, a certain affinity is bound to grow...



[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.



[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.
