Aequus Gemowe (AU - Fantrolls & Etc.)



6 years, 9 months ago


Your name is AEQUUS GEMOWE, And you are now 11 sweeps old. Although at first glance it appears to be a very uneven number, when you think of it rationally, it’s 2 1’s standing neatly beside one-another, just like the two little lines of your symbol. VERY even! You’re a little bit consumed with the concept of BALANCE and EQUALITY, and you strive for absolute perfection in all things you do, a mission that has even driven you to notch out your horns and file down your fore fangs for the sake of maintaining a symmetrical, balanced appearance. You enjoy tending to the numerous plants in your massive GREENHOUSE, including your dear sweet venus flytrap lusus, AUDREY, but of course, you have interests outside of GARDENING and BEING A FUSSY LITTLE PRICK ABOUT YOUR APPEARANCE. You enjoy using your natural CHARM and powerful CHARISMA to communicate with trolls all over the hemospectrum, allowing you to act as a very capable MIDDLEMAN in negotiations for goods and services that might otherwise be dampened by CASTE PREJUDICES. Solving other peoples’ EQUATIONS is the sort of thing that pays off well for everyone! Except maybe whoever you need to SELL OUT in order to achieve a favourable result for yourself, but hey, that’s just math. You intend to become a DIPLOMERADICATOR some day, after all, and RUTHLESSNESS is par for the course!

Despite your willingness to trap others with FAVOURS and RUIN LIVES if the ends serve you, you’re not all that bad of a guy!

Your trolltag is unequivocalEquity and = My My, you do your very best to make every sentence as even and balanced as ppoossiibbllee, which often involves doubling every lleetteerr in a word that already has at least 2-1=1 pair of double lleetteerrss.. You also like to pour on the charm, and speak very delicately and sswweettllyy!! =

Symbol:  The Equals Sign
Age: 11 Sweeps
Western Zodiac: Leo
Eastern Zodiac: Snake
Height: 5’ 8”
Blood Colour: Green [#005E3C]
Name Pronunciation: Aye-cuss Jeh-Moe
Type of Troll: Forest-dwelling midblood
Name Origins: The etymology of the word ‘equal’ is from the Latin word aequus, which means ‘level, even, and just.’ The equals sign is described as a pair of gemowe lines, and ‘gemowe’ comes from the Latin word gamellus, meaning twin. It’s the same root word from which Gemini is derived, and all air signs in the zodiac have a gemowe symbol - that is to say, a symbol made up of two lines.
Lusus: A venus flytrap that Aequus has named ‘Audrey.’ It spends most of its time in a pot, but it’s capable of pulling itself out and walking on its roots, and of reaching out with its roots to touch or hold things.
Lusus Relationship: Aequus is very fond of Audrey and tends to it faithfully. This is one lusus relationship where the ward does much more of the care giving than the lusus, and as such Aequus largely fended for himself growing up, but he’s never once minded that. He often talks to Audrey about things, and feeds it a regular diet of smaller lusii. He does get a bit annoyed with Audrey whenever it uproots itself and wanders off in search of food because it’s grown impatient waiting for Aequus to feed it, but Audrey always comes back when it’s done. Because it is a plant, Audrey is genderless, and this is reflected in Aequus’ often effeminate or completely gender-neutral [even by troll standards] behaviour.
Aequus’ hive is located in the forest [not far from Sevink and Kahdri’s hive], and its appearance is largely influenced by Spanish Architecture [not that Alternians would know what that is- this is just on my design end!]. It’s made up of two long strips of living space with inward-facing, windowless stucco archways that open out into a glass roofed greenhouse in the middle. Therefore, when you’re seated in Aequus’ livingblock, you can look out as if into a central courtyard at the expanse of the greenhouse. He also arranges the furniture in a very deliberately symmetrical way and keeps the place very attractive and inviting, but also very tidy.

Interests: Negotiation, gardening, collecting useful assets and social connections.
Dislikes: Messiness, stinkiness, being unable to solve equations, other people knowing more than him.
Strengths: His charm is his finest asset. He can be a total sweetheart to, and get along WITH, practically anyone.
Weapon/Strife Specibus: Mancatcherkind. It’s a long polearm weapon used for snatching an opponent [usually off of a horse] and dragging them to the ground. Aequus has named his ‘Audrey II.’
Sylladex Type/How to Extract Items: Aequus uses the Pop Quiz Modus, his particular brand specializing in math. When he wants to extract something from his Sylladex, his fetch modus will present him with a mathematical equation of a randomized difficulty level. If he cannot solve it within an allotted amount of time, all of the items in his sylladex will fall out.
Typing Quirks: Starts and ends every paragraph with an = sign. Doubles every letter in words that contain a pair of doubled letters, like ‘little’ or ‘silly.’ Whenever he has to say a number, he will write it out as a simple mathematical equation, i.e. instead of ‘two days’ he would write ‘1+1=2 days.’ Makes occasional format adjustments so that parts of a sentence can be balanced, i.e. typing ‘my , my’ rather than ‘my, my.’ Tends to use math puns, especially when he’s negotiating.

Title: Seer of Blood
Planet: Land of Vines and Clarity
Dreamer Of: Derse
Trickster: Hanami Dango

A Legislacerator with a fantastic service record and a reputation for punishing all blood castes equally - if they committed a crime against the Empire, highblooded or low they were brought before the court and given their sentencing.

Two Against One by Danger Mouse feat. Jack White: It’s kind of a dark angle on the way he does things, but I like the repetition of words and numbers and his talk about self-serving, but self-victimizing plans? Bleh.
Goodbye Mr. A by The Hoosiers: It’s about a guy who’s into math and it has math puns in it! Really that’s about it, but I like it. Incidentally, my first concept for Aequus’ headcanon voice [before I figured that the Seiyuu for Count D in Petshop of Horrors was SPOT-ON].

► NAME: Adrien Gemowe
HAIR COLOUR: Rich Red-Brown
NATIONALITY: French, living in the United States.
PARENT[S]: A French foreign diplomat with good social standing, who is VERY much not a fan of his openly gay son doing anything to damage his reputation.
PROFESSION: Although his father provides him with enough money to get by [under the condition that he not be too gay, at least not too obviously where his father’s sociopolitical circles are concerned], Adrien works a host of odd jobs for fun and love of structure. He provides math tutoring to university students, and works as a florist part-time. He also dabbles in information brokering, essentially acquiring and selling professional gossip.
HOBBIES: Gardening, shopping.