Lillian 'Lily'



4 years, 19 days ago



Name Lillian
Called Lily
Age 23
Gender Female
Race Human
Role Farmer
Alignment Neutral Good

On the outside Lily appears like any other simple farmer of the small town. Clueless to the horrors and overarching battles of the world outside her small home. But that's not true, Lily knows about the wars threatening her kingdom in every direction, she's well aware of what would happen if they were to come to fruition. It terrifies her so she plays dumb and ignorant in hopes one day she really will be so she doesn't have to go day to day with the cursed knowledge of what could happen.


  • lambs
  • the smell of rain
  • wildflowers
  • baking


  • autumn
  • failed harvests
  • the guard
  • snow


Lily was born into a semi-big family. With three brothers and a sister, and after her a younger sister and brother, she was squarely a middle child. Often forgotten or glossed over. Especially since she was a girl in a farming family. Most work was pushed onto her brothers, leaving her time to explore and venture out after finishing the work she did have. Lily is the biggest adventurous soul in her family. While the others are content where they are, and she does love their home and farm, she also loves the idea of going far away. Seeing everything the world has to offer. Even with that she has found peace with her lot in life. Content knowing that she can go her whole life not concerning herself with the wars threatening in the distance if she wanted.

Early Life

She didn't get up to many things in her younger life. She was on a farm far away from any true danger or adventure. The most exciting thing she got to do was going to the bigger cities market a few times a year when the livestock were ready to be auctioned. Not many people concerned themselves with the odd-eyed little farm girl from the neighboring town when they went, however. So not many stories arose then. Lily was bored quite honestly. Her life was repetitive and tedious at points, she had nothing to do, nothing to pass time. Nothing to even mark the passing of time aside from the animals growing up around her.


Once she began growing more eyes fell on her. Neighboring farms would not-so-secretly bump into her at market and very heavy handedly bring up marriage to her. It was clear they wanted her to wed their sons, after all not many people were around for choices. But Lily wasn't interested. Not just in them but love at all. She liked the idea, sure, everyone did. But in practice, at least in the cities and farms that seemed interested in her, it didn't mean love. It meant work and bearing children and that was a fate she didn't want. While she had it, Lillian wanted what modicum of freedom she had left.

Though, one morning, when preparing feed for the animals she found a figure in her families barn. It was the start of autumn, when temperature dropped to below freezing on the worst days, she knew if she left him out there he would die. After a bit of accusing, and angry chatter, they both relented. She agreed to let him stay in the house with them so long as he agreed to help on the farm. Mainly to get the rest of the harvest in before the chill ruined it. Not so long ago her father had passed, leaving more work on her brothers that they weren't used to.

This arrangement went on for months, Valant and Lily often stealing time from one another to talk. It took a while but both of them finally let their guards down for one another,



Valant  [ husband ]

Lily adores Valant. She loves his dry humor, his protective nature. Even with the fear he has in his heart about letting someone close, and the night terrors he has very often, she does her best to calm him. Their relationship isn't perfect but it's perfect for them.


Character  [ relationship ]

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Character  [ relationship ]

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