Xiang Mikammi



4 years, 11 days ago


"...the sun kissed the earth, and the knight kissed the prince."


NAME Xiang Mikammi

AGE 29


GENDER Nonbinary

PRONOUNS They/Them, He/Him


RELATIONSHIP Married to Haru

HEIGHT 3 ft. 9 in.

PROFESSION Street Performer

ORIGIN Dula Dula



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi et enim nisi. Sed commodo mi sit amet mi vehicula laoreet. Pellentesque hendrerit lectus magna, eget consectetur orci fringilla eu. Donec eu facilisis ex. Nam ut scelerisque nisi. Duis a velit a odio consectetur interdum. Donec massa augue, egestas non aliquam vel, semper at dui. In massa velit, iaculis eu lacinia in, malesuada sed quam. Sed tempus ligula vitae pharetra fermentum. Maecenas convallis velit nunc.


Nam tempus dapibus sodales. Sed facilisis iaculis malesuada. Fusce semper, urna eu hendrerit ullamcorper, ipsum odio scelerisque ipsum, vel scelerisque est leo id ligula. Proin rhoncus ut nisi ut semper. Phasellus scelerisque massa diam, sed blandit odio viverra non. Sed sagittis vulputate pretium.

Integer faucibus augue in faucibus facilisis. Praesent semper fringilla est, ornare viverra dui gravida nec. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec dignissim lobortis neque, nec aliquet nisl consectetur tincidunt. Aenean tincidunt varius sollicitudin. Cras sed nisl tortor. Suspendisse potenti.

Proin vestibulum tempus fermentum. Ut pretium libero at sapien eleifend, id lacinia eros venenatis. Nunc nibh sem, consequat a ipsum vel, congue ullamcorper nulla. Suspendisse in interdum ante. Aliquam erat volutpat. Proin tempor, leo sed sodales hendrerit, neque magna facilisis lacus, et ornare diam elit sit amet enim.



  • Mehcnical Bugs: They're just so little...
  • Storytelling: It comes so naturally!
  • Radio: Action series pique their interest


  • Ancient Pottery: It's fascinating to them
  • Bread: So simple yet so complex... yum
  • The ocean: Very calming and relaxing for them


  • Claws - Long ones make them feel itchy
  • Spicy Food - This enby's tongue is NOT made for peppers
  • Decieving others - Secrets make them very nervous


Dula Dula's forest canopies were the things Xiang grew up in in childhood. They spent a lot of time outside, training their aura by their father’s demand under Hamish Grieves. Their father was abusive to them, when he was around. Most of the time, he was absent and left Xiang to be taken care of by their grandmother, who wasn't particularly fit for raising curios, or Hamish when it came time to 'train'. At some point, they stopped being training sessions and became an escape for Xiang to live as themself. They slowly but surely opened up to Hamish about their living situation as they did, and saw him like their father figure in his biological one's stead. They had looked into leaving and being adopted by another family in Dula Dula or even the Hunter’s Guild, but the places they went to were very aggressive and hostile towards them. Listening to radio shows and being under Hamish's care were Xiang’s only way of experiencing the world like a normal curio, until they decided to run away; board a ship to Seajewel and start a new life. In the times their father was away, they had the time to discover their passion for acting and dancing, their gender identity, and sexuality. Running was their only option where he would be free to be who they are in the open. So they took it. With Hamish's help, they boarded a ship and landed in Seajewel, joined the archeologist guild so they could own a house on the beach, and started performing on the streets.

The Talent Show

After getting used to doing jobs for the guild, they heard of a talent show that was started by one of their idols. It was one of their dreams to meet Jay Warlowes in person, and now they had the chance to not only do that, but perform for him too. If they won, they would be able to perform in front of the world’s most important curios. They rehearsed and rehearsed until finally they were able to perform in the show. They put everything into their dance and story, and it paid off. Xiang won! They headed off to the venue immediately, buying a new dress and coat for the occasion. All of those curios were going to see them perform, and it was going to be great!
Until everything took a turn for the worst.

The Party Poisoning

The Chandelier crashed along with wine glasses as the party descended into chaos. It was hell. Xiang, caught in the struggle, fought for their life until they met up with a group of curios and assisted with getting help from the outside. Xiang was taken to a makeshift hospital along with most of the attendees of the party and helped with an investigation of the incident. They were mortified at everything that was happening. Their idol was a fraud. Their guild leader was a traitor to curio kind. And they almost died because of both of them. When they heard that Marsa was on the run, They raced to catch her. They didn’t succeed. They ended up with less closure than before. They were broken.


A few months pass, and Xiang is requested for a special performance. It takes place in Dula Dula, for a bonfire gathering. Duke, the Hunter’s guild leader, will be there, so Xiang going would be good for guild relations. Despite it being near Xiang’s old house, Xiang agrees to go. And they do; they tell a horror story around the fire, and it seemed to be a success.
Then they see their father in the crowd.
He walks up to Xiang after their performance and decides to talk. Xiang gets in a verbal fight with him, and almost tries to make it physical until someone pulls them out of it. Once again left without closure. After a long moment of reflection and self-evaluation, they decide to leave the past behind them. They don’t need closure to live.

Shattering Sea Glass

Embracing the new, Xiang begins working on building relations between the undyre and guilds, participating in their pet and technology fairs, and performing in Tonpelli. One particular show, they briefly lock eyes with another curio in the crowd, and comes to learn that that curio is named Haru, and they begin to spend time with one another. They bond over their shared fascination with mechanical pets and fashion, and grow a bond... As Tonpelli starts to go up in flames.
The two put off their beachside date and begin to help the other curios, deciding to try and find their mounts still holed up in a stable in the city. Xiang becomes increasingly indignant, thrashing taken over cyborgs left and right, once again thrusted into the middle of a crisis. They eventually find Swiftwind, and Xiang and Haru fly out of Tonpelli. They share their first relieved kiss along a secluded shore.

Blossoming Bonds

A few months pass, and the pair decide to go to a carnival in shimmersea, as a way to destress and have fun. Xiang decides it's the perfect opportunity to propose to Haru, who accepts. They plan out their wedding and send invitations out to everybody they know when they decide the date. A few months later, they have their wedding ceremony on the beach, and officially become husbands. Xiang decides to inherit Haru's last name, and the two have been living in Xiang's home in Seajewel since. Now and then, they hear about the recent news from their radio, but their time in the spotlight of public politics has ended. Only fate knows what will happen next..


  • They can walk on fours but prefers being on twos.
  • Their first mechanical bug was found from their first job as part of the Archeologist Guild.
  • Their fur is very soft and just a little fluffy!


  • Dances, can sing, and is a storyteller by trade
  • Limited knowledge about building mechanical bugs, but is able to repair minimal damages to them and take care of them well
  • Knows Bojutsu and limited hand to hand combat
  • Can be very stealthy if needed to be, but rusty

Design Notes

  • He Has multiple makeup looks, but his gold eyelashes are his trademark
  • They have freckles, but occasionally cover them with makeup
  • Very small horns on the back of their head
  • Bead cap optional
  • Design is loosely based off of pandas





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Haru Mikammi

[Husband] Met in Tonpelli while Xiang was performing, and the two hit it off almost immediately. The two definitely have had their share of struggles, making sense of a fan of Xiang become their partner, figuring out how the two would live, arguing over whose mechanical bug was responsible for the cup shattering, but Xiang loves him dearly.


Hamish Grieves

[Father Figure] Formerly Xiang's auric training mentor, He helped Xiang learn and grow into themself while his father wouldn't. Xiang looks up to him a lot, being somebody Xiang could trust and confide in when he had nobody else. They would trust him with their life, and completely did when they were his mentee.


Anya Kolkora

[Close Friend] One of the first faces Xiang saw when they were doing jobs for the archeologist's guild. Now, after having to deal with the aftermath of The Party, trying to keep the guild's legs up while keeping her going, they've grown a kinship with eachother.