Alex D'great



4 years, 1 month ago



Alex D’great








5’1” ft










Beta Clan



Alex is a Nu Floss who’s currently working as an intelligence specialist that's part of the navy force in the Beta Clan. He lives with his Taffyfloss girlfriend Sandy and, even though his profession is more technical than practical, still practices sparring with his friends (Chad and Gil) to this day, mostly just to help promote fitness and keep his defense skills sharp.

Though he'll sometimes still act like a smug douche, that attitude of his is mostly a cover for the low self-esteem that he's been trying to build up nowadays, but like hell is he going to ever admit that.


Alex is a sarcastic sadist. He gets amusement out of seeing others fail and struggle with the consequences of their mistakes. He's a pessimist who believes that if you don't pick up the slack and do your own work, then you ain't shit. Foul words tend to fall from his mouth, he has a bad habit of talking smack without conidering how sensitive some people can be to his colorful language.

For the most part, Alex tries to put on this cool and collected front. In reality, however, he's prone to cracking underneath pressure and has worries and doubts just like anyone else, the only difference being that he's typically good at concealing all of his more... unsightly feelings. He doesn't like showing how mentally vulnerable he can be, especially around those he doesn't trust.

And trust isn't something that he likes to just give away. It's earned, therefore it's rare to come by.

He also pretends has a bit of an ego, to the point where some people might think he's just being narcissistic. When in reality, he just amps himself up and likes to focus on those that seem beneath him because it helps him cope with the fact that even when he does his best, he might never get the results that he wants. He's a damn hard worker and it shows. And when failure hits him, it usually hits him pretty hard.

Recently, he's been working toward getting better at not thinking that way, such as trying to accept the fact that failure will always be inevitable, but that shouldn't change how he thinks of himself (with low self-worth). He has people that he can rely on now with that sort of stuff, even if it's embarrassing to talk about.


As a Nu, Alex can generate force field projections out of thin air. He’s a really resilient Nu and can think quick about pulling up a good defense during the heat of a battle. Not only does he do well with materializing shields, but he can also utilize them as an offense technique by using them like thrown frisbees. He can attack and defend pretty well because of this, though not at the same time.


Alex had to be great.

After all, it's in the last name.

He needed to be great. While growing up as a kid, his parents were well-off war veterans who had nine other siblings that they could focus on instead of him, so in order for his voice to be heard, in order to be able to earn the right to eat dinner with the rest of his family (because he had to eat alone if he failed in anything), Alex had to be great.

He did everything in his power to prove that.

By the time he was already enrolled in a military academy for high school, his parents were impressed with all of his achievements. He wasn't the best kid they had, but he was in the top three and that was close enough. Ironically enough, even with all of the praise he'd receive from his peers and teachers for his academic and fitness performances, Alex never took the smug attitude too far. Even to this day, he's still like that, where he'll act a bit prideful of his achievements, but not overbearing about it.

Not like his Beta roommate Chad anyway. (Who, ironically enough, ends up becoming his best friend.)

As he grew older, Alex thought that since he worked hard (and his parents were becoming less strict and more carefree over time), then life would reward him with good karma in return. He'd reap the benefits. However, that never applied to one particular domain in his life: romance.

Alex grew a bit bitter over that.

He thought he had lucked out when he got transferred to work in the Theta Clan for a few years and found himself dating a beautiful Theta Floss named Ashley. However, Ashley mostly just used him, since Alex would shower her with gifts and compliments because of how much he cared for her. He did everything in his ability to make her happy -- or at least he tried damn hard to. However, Ashley dropped him one day, telling him, "You're just way too vanilla for me."

In short, Alex was 'too boring'. He was too overbearing, too clingy, and too sickening sweet for her tastes.

Alex was devastated after experiencing his first ever heartbreak. Ashley had been his first for everything, since he'd never been with any other girl except for her.

After that, Alex began developing some severe trust issues against romance and didn't try dating again for years. He only participated in the ocassional fling and just left it at that. The lonely void that ate up his heart only grew larger and larger with time, wallowing in his own salty misery.

Chad, who was about to get married to his husband Gil, tried to help Alex out, but that actually only made Alex feel even worse. It only made Alex resent just how single and bitter he really was compared to Chad.

One day, Alex was at a vacation resort and ended up meeting a few people (Osiria and Ying) that he didn't like. He fought against Ying in a game of golf and won. Ying (and Osiria by default) both felt obligated to help him out with this request that he sent out for them to do after losing the bet, and that was for them to help get him a girlfriend. There were a lot of hot women around in the resort, but he didn't think they'd actually be able to pull it off.

One day, however, on the day that Taffyfloss were becoming a thing, one shark-themed Rho Floss had been poking at his toes under water. Alex was in the water, just chilling, when he felt this weird sensation tickling him. Startled by this feeling, Alex jumped, only to scream when the Taffyfloss that had been prodding him suddenly emerged from the waters, a sharp grin crossing her scaley face.

From there, a lot of wacky shenanigans ensue. As it turns out, The Taffyfloss' name was Sandy and she was curious in a way that was definitely annoying. Since Alex was the first ever Candyfloss that she'd ever met, she clung to him like glue, much to his grumpy dismay. Alex tried to tell her to fuck off, but she didn't think he meant it seriously and just laughed it off. Meanwhile, Osiria and Ying took amusement in the way Sandy would constantly stick around with Alex. They would even tease him a few times, telling him, "Well, maybe she can be your girlfriend."

Of course, there was no way in hell Alex would ever be into Sandy. He couldn't even tolerate her with how obnoxious she could be. So, Alex tries to drink something strong, just to block her out. However, being intoxicated kind of made him see Sandy in a... different light. Because wow, once he's drunk, she actually looks sorta hot.

Later on, they end up sharing a wild night together in Alex's hotel room.

...Which Alex sorely regrets the next morning, once he wakes up with this awful hangover.

He tried to just walk away from his room and hoped that she'd get the message once she also woke up by then, but no, she didn't get the message. In fact, she, much to his moritfication, thought that they were an item now. This was a total misunderstanding and he wanted to get himself untangled from whatever this mess was. However, he didn't think he could break the news to her right now, not when fucking Osiria and Ying decided to invite them out to a double date brunch, those bastards.

How could Alex break the news to Sandy about them actually not being a real thing in public, when they were going to be out in public for most of the time from now on? Ying and Osiria not only invited them out for brunch, but for a whole day of 'double date adventures' too. They knew that he was trying to ditch Sandy and wanted to block him from doing so out of playful spite.

And though it was annoying, Alex had to admit, it was also fun to know that in some ways, Sandy could be tolerable after all. She was blunt and funny while doing so and it did encourage Alex to have a good laugh.

However, Alex did still break things off with her. Sandy was devastated, then angry, and as she walked away with tears in her eyes, Alex couldn't help but feel like he had fucked somehow.

He knew, if he had actually taken their relationship seriously, that he would've fucked up anyway later down the line, and he didn't want to take that risk. He didn't do risks when it came to love, not anymore.

But even as he constantly reminded himself of this, it felt like the empty void in his heart only grew even larger, until he was thinking about Sandy more than he'd like to admit and was suffering a lot because of it.

One day, he received a chance fo talk to Sandy again, when she appeared in his life once more by coincidence. Alex's friend Gil had reserved a surprise restaurant hangout underwater, in a fancy establishment that he wanted to try down below. Meanwhile, Gil hired Sandy to help him and the rest of the friends group (which unfortunately included Osiria) breathe underwater for this occassion.

After the day had ended, Alex ended up calling for Sandy, her name slipping from his lips in this frantic plea. He tried to ask her if she could maybe at least, er, sleep with him one more time? He still felt a bit scared to commit in a more serious relationship, so that was what he ended up blurting out instead.

Sandy, however, was offended and, as Alex could see, very hurt. She told him to piss off and was just about to storm away when Alex told her, in a desperate and pained shout, "I don't know what I'm doing!"

He expressed how he wanted to attempt something serious with her, but at the same time he also has years of emotional baggage (in the form of trust issues with romance) and what if she changes her mind about liking him because of that? What then? He wasn't sure if he was ready to have his heart broken again, as much as he wanted to be with her.

Sandy calmed down after listening to what he had to say. She knew it wasn't easy for Alex to admit any of this and could only reassure him by telling him, "Love is all about taking a risk and so is life. That's just what being alive means."

Even with his unease, and even with everything that went down, he still asked Sandy, hesitantly, if he could give them another chance. Sandy agreed to his offer, hope slowly coming back to life in a smile she could barely contain.

Their newfound relationship didn't start off without any conflicts. Of course, there were some conflicts here and there, especially when Alex had trouble with jealousy and insecurity at some point. However, Sandy wouldn't just leave because of that. She talked things out with him, reinforcing this strong connection that they already had.

Sandy did and tried everything that Alex wouldn't have expected. She actually cared and that made him feel understood, in a way that he had never felt before in a serious relationship. Knowing this filled him with this unbridled sense of joy.

And now, four years later, Alex is still here, in this steady and ongoing relationship with someone whom he couldn't have ever imagined to be his lover.


Alex once had the displeasure of introducing Sandy to his whole family. He figured he might as well, especially when he's already expressed his desire to stay by Sandy's side for as long as he's still here. It was chaos, but maybe that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Let's just say that he stands out a lot more nowadays, now that he's known as 'the son/brother with the fish girlfriend'.


7326565?1592895377 Sandy Beekeenee

precious girlfriend

6253678?1593508060 Chad Rad

best friend

6736108?1593506839 Gilgamesh Rad

close friend

7490689?1594261954 Yiren Lan

big boss

6735783?1588107630 Fumi Yumeno

like a nephew

5154855?1579108907 Ying Yi Yue

close frenemy

5370381?1576569555 Osiria Dune

close frenemy

6173055?1592757540 Kaimana Llyr

Chad's boss

4564214? Audrey Awesome

annoying cousin

3920068?1556850373 Ashley Bao

bitchy ex-girlfriend

You want my help? Better beg then.
