Osiria Dune



4 years, 6 months ago




Egotistical . Flamboyant . Ambitious

She's a Trufflefloss that's often seen adorned with golden jewelry and expensive outfits. She resides in the Beta region! She runs a casino with her girlfriend Ying.

"If you don't find yourself with a purpose, someone else will use you in theirs."

Osiria Dune
Female (she/her)
5'7" ft
Feminine & Skinny
Obtained by
  • Gold
  • Compliments
  • Winning
  • Competition
  • Trufflefloss Comments
  • Cheap Clothes
  • Teenagers
  • Douche Bags





Osiria is a confident woman. Far too confident for her own good. She's boastful and extravagant. She genuinely believes that she's unbeatable. Though, when she is beaten, she does (hesitantly) admit her defeat and she's definitely one to give respect to the one's that proved to her that they had better abilities.

She's not one to hold back when it comes to her sharp words. She's straight to the point and honest. She's the kind of person that gives remorseless advice.


Being a Beta and a Trufflefloss at the same time meant that Osiria had to fight for her shit.

She was bound to receive discrimination, especially from her teachers and elders, so she had to play rough to get to places.

Growing up, Osiria Dune had to prove herself worthy or powerful enough to get what she wanted. Despite all of the snide remarks that her peers would exchange behind her back, and despite the cruel mistreatment she’d receive from some of the adults in her school, she’d prove their bullshit insults for her wrong. She was vicious with her ways, and she had to be in order to survive this dog-eats-dog world.

Since the day of her birth, it was only natural that Osiria got a little bit involved in crime life, especially since criminals wouldn’t care as much for her Truffle flavor or Beta soul gem. Her parents were also heavily invested in the black market business as well and actually sold organs for a living. They did all their nefarious affairs behind closed doors. They would both work as ‘butchers’ for a meat shop, when in actuality, they sold a completely different kind of meat to their buyers.

Osiria knew of all this at a young age. However, she didn’t at all want to be like her parents. Though they had never done her wrong, they were also pretty negligent and would often use their money to go out partying or drinking or whatever instead of being there for her.

When she was fifteen, Osiria overheard some of her classmates talking about how it’d be funny if she became class president of the student body. They all knew that she didn’t have it in her to be someone so high up the social ladder.

Or so they thought.

Out of spite, Osiria was absolutely determined to prove those motherfuckers wrong. Even though she originally had no intentions of even signing up for the student council, she had a damn good one now.

With the only thing that she learned from her parents, Osiria managed to garner a large amount of votes by the end of the voting period.

How did she do it?

Simple: she bribed most of the student body with drugs.

Weed was currently the hot shit for most of her peers right now, and with her expert knowledge on who to buy from in her shady neighborhood, Osiria stole some of her parents’ money before smuggling the green stuff over to her classmates, so long as they promised to vote for her as student council president.

If she was elected president, then she would go on to run an underground drug dealer business for all of them.

It was a win-win situation, and by that point, unless they were drug free (which most of them weren’t since they were junkies), almost no one wanted to oppose against the idea of Osiria being president right now.

By the time Osiria had graduated high school as ‘the best student council president’ ever, she had big plans in mind.

She would soon utilize her professional manipulation tactics in the casinos. She was able to master and dominate cards games and games of luck over time, all while profiting off her growing skills. Though she did lose every now and then, she would only learn from those mistakes and try again.

One day, Osiria had met her match. Some Lambda by the name of Ying Yi Whatever was rising up to the challenge, much to her distaste. She considered Ying a royal pain in the ass and just wanted her out of the competition already.

The both of them were constantly going at each other’s throats in a frustrating tug-of-war. One night, Osiria might win a game. Then, in the next day, Ying might win a game back.

It went on like this until one night, they both encountered the biggest douche bag of their lives: a Beta by the name of Chad Rad.

If Osiria were to rate who was the bigger asshole, Ying was nothing compared to Chad.

Chad was SUPER obnoxious. He’d shame Osiria for her Truffle flavor, since he discriminated against Beta Truffles, and then would hit on Ying right after. Osiria could tell that Ying didn't like being hit on by this jerk. She barely looked put together every time Chad would call her 'sweetheart' or invite her over to a 'fun time'.

As annoying as Chad was, he was exceptionally great at cheating and playing dirty, so much so that both Osiria and Ying would lose to him.

It was at this point that Osiria had to agree upon a truce between her and Ying.

They may have disliked each other, but they hated Chad way more. It was take to work together and take him out with their combined forces.

And that’s exactly what they did.

One night, they beat Chad so hard that he lost a HUGE chunk of his money. They even took the sunglasses that he would usually wear on his face with them, on top of making him bankrupt. They celebrated their victory with some soda and split the winnings after that.

Slowly, they began to befriend each other, and then they would eventually date over time.

Now Osiria is currently the owner of her own casino. She and Osiria have wanted to open up their own casino for a while now, and now they run it together like the boss power couple that they are.


She is a Trufflefloss with the power of levitaiton. She has an additive fur pattern (uncommon), a 4 color palette (common), 2 animal tails (uncommon-common), 2 bone horns (uncommon), 4 decorative studs (uncommon), 2 shaped ornament gems (rare), and chest spikes (rare).

To this day, Ying and Osiria still have the sunglasses that they took from Chad Rad after defeating him together. It’s like a totem for their victory.



[ girlfriend ]

Ying is Osiria's girlfriend. Funnily enough, they started off hating each other. This hate bloomed from being simple gambling rivals. That all changed after they made a truce to reunite forces against a douche bag gambler that acted like he was hot shit. They tore this guy apart and practically took all his money. They became friends with that, and eventually started to date as Osiria grew closer to Ying. They now own a casino together as a power couple not to be messed with.



[ best friend ]

Gil is her best friend. Osiria first met him through Chad, surprisingly enough. Turns out they've both shared a turbulent past with Chad before, despite Gil being his husband. They learned to bond over their unpleasant experiences with him and had a good laugh with some drinks over it. Next thing you know, they're going shopping and doing all sorts of shit together. They're quite close with each other now and are in frequent contact, especially since they both live in the Beta Clan.



[ friend ]

Jasper is a good friend of Osiria's! They had a rocky start, considering Jasper was skeptical of Osiria and her outward personality. She was challenged to a game of cards, which she gladly accepted thinking she'll sweep through the game. Well, the game lasted three days. It was a draw and they both ended up in the hospital. As salty as Osiria is, she does at least ended up respecting him for even lasting that long in a game with her without backing out. They got to know each other in their time at the hospital so it's good now.



[ mutual ]

Osiria is mutual friends with Tyrone, knowing each other through her girlfriend, Ying. She didn't expect much from him so it took her aback when she found out that he was a famous billionaire. She doesn't really get his whole get up with the rapping and the outfits but she is definitely impressed by how much money he makes from it. She’s often questioned why he doesn’t just buy better clothes and he always just answers with ‘I don’t feel like it’ or ‘what’s wrong with what I’m wearing now?’



[ cousin ]

Ashley is a cousin of Osiria's! They get along pretty well, surprisingly enough. Surprising because Osiria usually doesn't get along with her family members, but looking at how both of them are, it's not really that surprising.



[ frenemy ]

Chad is A FUCKING CUNT THAT NEEDS TO SIT THE FUCK DOWN. But also, Osiria's learning how to tolerate him better, so it's honestly whatever at this point. When they first met, Osiria was in her early twenties and Chad was a gambling king that used to often pick at her for being a Trufflefloss, since he shared a heavy distaste against Truffles back then. However, she managed to team up with Ying (after they agreed to a truce back then) and beat him at his own game. Literally. Recently, they've reconciled (not voluntarily, it was by pure coincidence) after Osiria ended up helping find Chad's lost brother Fumi a few years after that. She also managed to click with his Truffle Theta husband Gil (so that makes Chad a fucking hypocrite) and now they're close friends. To this day, Osiria tries to 'make peace' with Chad to the best of her ability because she likes Gil enough to do so. Slowly but surely, they've grown to be close frenemies over time.



[ frenemy ]

Ugh, this bitch. Osiria doesn't really like Alex too much, but they're in better terms nowadays. They met during a party when Osiria was looking for her girlfriend, Ying. It was a pain considering how crowded it was but when she did find her, Alex was there flirting with her. She butted herself in and told him to fuck off. Alex was just about to leave when he bumped into a stripper and fell over a bridges railing into a riverbank below. The second time they met, it was at a vacation resort. Osiria was with Ying during this second meeting and Ying somehow found herself losing a bet with Alex. For winning the bet, Alex only really asked them to help him get a girlfriend. As much as the girlfriends laughed at it, they still ended up indirectly getting Alex a fish girlfriend. Osiria takes pride in this, even though she barely even did anything.



[ fun ]

Kit is someone that she gets money from and that’s all. Osiria has a tendency to pick on her, practically sparing her no mercy whatsoever. She scares and threatens her on purpose because she just finds it fun and very easy to. She’s aware that Kit is uncomfortable whenever she has to swing by her casino, but to be honest, does she really care? Not really, no.



[ mutual ]

Sandy is a mutual of Osiria's. They met through Alex when she and her girlfriend, Ying, was trying to wingman for him. She really doesn't have much problem with Sandy at all! She's not very empathetic, though she does really enjoy seeing how she reacts and speaks about things. Mostly for her own entertainment.



[ tolerable ]

Fumi is an annoying waffle rat that Osiria is slowly learning how to tolerate. SLOWLY. She grew more tolerant of him after seeing her friend Gil deal with him decently enough. When they had first met, Fumi came into her casino late at night, all wet and sticky from the rain with his floppy brown sugar wings. He was a lost child and she - frankly - didn't give a shit. However, she couldn't just call the police to pick him up, since she and Ying hate the police, and so they had to look after the little shit until Chad and Gil could find him again.



[ cousin ]

Enzo is a distant cousin of Osiria's. She can feel how much Enzo seems to judge from the distance whenever they're at family reunions, but she really can't be assed to care.



[ cousin ]

They're cousins. She can't really give two shits about him. She puts him in a box with all the other people she doesn't care about.

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