
4 years, 1 month ago



Holly Heck








4’6” ft








University Student


Phi Clan



Holly is a Psi Floss who’s currently studying as a medical student in the Phi Clan. She's recently gotten accepted into graduate school and is in the process of eventually becoming an occupational therapist, someone who works with helping patients recover from previous injuries and disabilities.

Holly's mom is actually disabled herself, so Holly definitely understands what struggles some disabled people might have.


Holly is funny, cheery, and a bit on the eccentric side. Though she doesn't stray away from the average that much, she's quirky in a way where she has a tendency to mutter a lot of words underneath her breath whenever she's thinking about something she's invested in or studying at the moment.

She can also be loud and nosy on occassion! She's always been a curious individual by heart and can't help but be antsy to learn and gain answers. Because of her rather ambitious nature, Holly has no problems conquering school. She's never had to struggle with that many exams or assignments. There have been occasions where she's been stressed out by too much work, but other than that, she usually tries to keep her composure steady, especially whenever she's trying to help other people in need in a situation.

Even though she'll often rely on logic to make decisions, Holly will still try and provide solutions to a person's problems anyway. She is helpful, even if her help is usually mostly suitable for things like math problems or school-related stuff. She doesn't understand that sometimes just listening is good enough, but she tries as a practical person.


As a Psi, Holly can possess other people’s bodies. With her specifically, she can only possess someone that she can physically touch. She has to touch them in order to possess them. Once she is able to possess someone, Holly can usually stay in their body for about 24 hours before her powers start to fade out in control.

She's not all that strong as a Psi Floss and she can't possess more than one person at the same time.


Holly comes from a pretty interesting background.

One of her parents, her dad, had been tested on as a lab rat for as long as he could remember. His name was Ryunosuke and he was an orphan that this organization of mad scientists decided to pick up and experiment on. The organization that took him in paid big money just to obtain him and several other kids as well.

Throughout the next decade or so, Holly's dad (Ryunosuke) underwent extreme 'modifications'. At one point, they even made a prototype serum with similar effects to the Peppermint Virus and injected it in him one day. In a way, Ryunosuke had become a Peppermint before the concept of Peppermints could even exist.

One day, he managed to find a way to escape the laboratory. He ventured into the harsh blizzards of the Psekazi Continent, running into the void with nothing but distance in mind. Throughout his arduous journey, he had encountered a few travelers along the way, all of whom were appalled by his Peppermint-like appearance. They threw bottles at him in disgust and Ryunosuke had to flee the scene before things could escalate. From there, he grew to be wary with showing himself to the public and tried to hide all of his eyes and with an abandoned cloak he found somewhere in the woods.

With the abandoned cloak and sheer willpower, he walked for days on end before eventually collapsing one day, crashing hard somewhere in the outskirts of a snowy village in the Zeta Clan.

Ryunosuke thought that this was it, this was the end. He would die here. At least the cold never bothered him anyway...

But then, he opened his eyes to a new tomorrow to see a beautiful Zeta Popfloss. Her name was Madeline and his heart rate stuttered when he woke up to her replacing a towel on his forehead. Rather than being scared off by his Peppermint-like image, Madeline didn't seem to mind. All she seemed to care about was helping him recover back to full health.

Over time, Ryunosuke got to know Madeline better. She used to work as a nurse, but after a tragic car accident one day, she was now paralyzed from the waist down and had to move around in a wheel chair. Even though she couldn't move around as much as she wanted, she still went out of her way to help Ryunosuke on the night that she found him buried in the snow.

Since then, Madeline's made a living out of writing novels. She's been writing about a fantasy series featuring a gang of disabled teenagers so far and her works have been a big hit. She had more than enough money, since she was a good saver and lived a modest lifestyle anyway, to shelter both herself and Ryunosuke in her apartment.

As Ryunosuke would listen and read her stories, he fell even deeper in love with her and eventually mustered up the courage to profess his love to her. He didn't expect for his confession to be accepted, but when Madeline had agreed with happy tears shining in her eyes, Ryunosuke suddenly felt like with her by his side, perhaps life was worth living after all.

Ryunosuke and Madeline eventually got married and then moved to the Phi Clan because a famous publishing house wanted to work with Madeline over there. While starting a new chapter in their lives, Madeline became pregnant with their daughter Holly.

Even if they were rather well off at this point, they were able to provide Holly with a balanced amount of discipline and love. While they were tempted to spoil her rotten at times, they also had to try teaching her from right to wrong. Stealing was a big no-no, for example.

Currently, Holly aspires to be an occupational therapist. Though it's already too late for her mom, since she's already been with a wheelchair for almost two decades at this point, Holly still wants to prove that she can make a difference and help people with similar disabilities someday in a hospital setting. She's trying to study hard in order to accomplish those goals.


Holly adores her parents very much. When she was a kid, she even used to have separation anxiety. She didn't feel comfortable not being around them when she was a toddler. She used to be quite reserved and would hide behind her mom or dad's legs whenever she sensed a new person nearby.

She works part-time at a Starbucks on her campus! She also lives in a single dorm. It doesn't really get lonely, not when she already has friends that she can just hang with in the same dorm building. Having no roommates to bug her while she's concentrating on her studies is a pretty good perk to her!

She knows sign language, but is still in the process of learning more about it to this day.


6335155?1592757153 Mirai Bow

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6799186?1600424808 Yuta Komaeda

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6776353?1600766967 Dakota Rose

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6947153?1589768011 Kosmo Cosmo

silly cousin

7899582?1597623646 Leveret Mecha

dorm building friend

6368906?1584927627 Koji Akaashi

dorm building mutual

You shouldn't judge someone by their looks! Looks won't last long anyway, not when aging is a thing.
