Kosmo Cosmo



4 years, 27 days ago



Kosmo Cosmo








5’9” ft








University Student


Phi Clan



Kosmo is a Phi who's currently studying at a university in the Phi region. He aspires to be an audio engineer someday, which is someone that works with sound behind film and TV sets. Despite his rather flashy appearance, he would much prefer to work behind the scenes.

While he doesn't mind getting on a stage and public speaking, it's not really something that he wants to do for a living.


Kosmo is eccentric, loud, quirky and not afraid to stand by what he believes in. A lot of people have been quick to dismiss him as an obnoxious guy, but that doesn't really matter to him. He has a passionate interest in music and film entertainment. He's a fantastic binge watcher and can swallow a show whole with some effort.

He's definitely talkative and expressive with his emotions. Though he used to be quite shy as a kid, he doesn't hesitate to be honest with what he believes in, not anymore. He gets pretty worked up and passionate over the things he likes. However, he does get distracted easily. He'll jump from one thing to the next, no matter how ambitious he is about that project. He's just an excitable ball of energy overall.


As a Phi Floss, Kosmo has the abilities to clone himself. He can make up to two other doppelgängers at the max. They’ll usually last for about 6 hours out of the whole day. His powers are pretty standard, if not a bit below average, compared to the normal Phi.


Kosmo used to get bullied when he was a kid.

It wasn't uncommon for the people in his grade to know about his family history. His mother was, to put it frankly, a fancy stripper that went around. Kosmo never grew up with a father, he'd always been out of the picture, and his mother was always going out, leaving him to take care of himself for the most part. While she'd be quick to give him money if he needed it, she never really stuck around long enough to hold a meaningful conversation with him.

Kosmo was, to an extent, neglected.

When he was in primary school, he also used to be the shy child that was got mistaken for a selective mute and would only speak whenever he was called on by a teacher. Due to his passive personality back then, he was an easy target for malicious intentions. He never even tried to defend himself, he would much rather take it than get hurt trying again.

One day, however, Kosmo decided to transfer to different schools. His mother had finally noticed all of the bullying he'd endured, so by the time he was twelve, he'd moved all the way over to a different town with more accepting and tolerant people. His peers at his new school were a lot nicer than the ones that used to pick at him. Eventually, Kosmo was able to develop a strong interest in films and music without being judged.

By the time he graduated high school, Kosmo had become a way more eccentric and bold person. He'd made a lot of casual friends by then, though his attempts at making more closer friends were kind of a hit and miss. But oh well, it didn't really hurt as much if it ws a miss. He realized that no matter how people viewed him, whether good or bad, he'd always be looked at no matter what. And if he was always going to make some sort of impression, then why bother caring about what others thought of you? His teenage years were made up of both positive and negative experiences, so he learned to develop this neutral and nihilistic mindset.

Now, Kosmo is currently enrolled in university and aspires to work with sounds behind TV and film sets someday. He's studying film and is also on better terms with his mother now too. When he had to transfer schools throughout his preteen years, his mother finally decided to pay attention to him more. She realized just how much she'd missed out on watching her son grow up and decided to make an effort to change. Perhaps it's better late than never?

Kosmo's decided to give her a chance anyway, especially since she's changed careers and is now working as a pole dancing therapist. She's the one who's been funding for his college education so far and she's been trying to call him more as well. He's just glad she's in a better place in life now, she seems happier and so he is.


Kosmo actually likes listening to indie music! He first got into it through his best friend Eli.

He does work out and exercise on a daily basis! Nothing too heavy, just enough to help circulate some cardio. He's not jacked, but he is toned in build.


7900527?1601726557 Tiramisu A'Lait

precious girlfriend

6418244?1585414624 Elizabeth Queen

best friend

6714364?1588403764 Holly Heck

funny cousin

6368906?1584927627 Koji Akaashi

quiet college senpai

6793590?1588578794 Jarvis Milan

grocery store guy

You don't have to be the main lead on a stage to be awesome! Sometimes the behind the scenes is where the real show begins.
