
Stefan S. Zoë-Ral



NameStefan S. Zoë-Ral
GenderCis Male (He/him)
Voice ClaimPell


Levi Ackerman, Commander Hanji Zoë and Petra Ral, child of Hanji and Petra


Schuyler (older half-brother), Travis (older half-brother), Nancy (older half-sister), Grant (older half-brother), Magnild (younger sibling), Katrina (younger sister)

Other Family Members

Levi (additional father). Levi's side; Grandfather Ackerman (great-great-grandfather), Kuchel (grandmother), Kenny (grand-uncle), Traute (relative), Wayne (distant relative), Carly (relative), Bernadette (cousin), Gilbert (cousin), Catherine (cousin), Jacques (cousin), Uri (relative), Erwin/Mike/Farlan (adoptive uncles), Isabel/Nanaba (adoptive aunts), Lady Mikasa (aunt), Keaton/Rie (distant relatives), Kaiser (uncle), Eren (uncle), Kane (cousin), Leeroy (cousin), Alrick (cousin), Kalani (cousin), Coraline (cousin), Annie (aunt), Amaya (cousin), Co-Commander Armin (uncle), Merwin (cousin), Fergus (cousin), King Willahelm "Willy"/King Consort Ezekiel “Zeke”/King Consort Eliya/Princess Fine/Prince Alois A. (Atlas)/Princess Idunn/Princex Bruno F. (Freyr)/Prince Enrico “Rico” C. (Cato)/Prince Dante/Prince Edward "Eddie"/Lady Kiyomi/Grisha/Dina/Carla/Vincent/Camilla/Lennox (distant relatives), Tom/Hannes/Bruce (adoptive relatives). Hanji's side; Abel "Goggles"/Moblit/Keiji/Harold (adoptive uncles), Nifa/Marlene/Anka (adoptive aunts)/. Petra's side; Mr. Ral (grandfather), Oluo/Floch (uncles), Gunther/Eld (adoptive uncles).




German, Polish, Russian, Scandinavian


Crown, wreath


Steve, Playboy, Stefani, 'Fan, Fani, Flirty Velma (non canon nickname), Stephen






August 10


Fishing, staying clean, having fun with friends, trying to be charming


Garrison Officer, Knight of the Paradisian Royal Family


+Considerate +charming +romantic (well, he tries to be) +sincere -cynical -lazy -superficial


Stefan is a charismatic, flirty young man. While insisting he knows all there is to know about love and relationships, he's actually quite shy at heart and is easily flustered. He loves showing interest in other people, but when they show interest back he doesn't know what to do. It's because of this that most of his relationships don't work out, and he's still trying to figure out how to be himself. He's all talk and no show, but he'll charm his way into your heart and if you befriend him you won't go a day without laughing; whether it's with him or at him depends on him of course.


Stefan has a complex relationship with his parents. He's kinda a momma's boy when it comes to Petra; wanting to do nothing but please her, and often putting aside his playboy attitude in order to do whatever she needs. However, when it comes to Hanji and Levi, he's lowkey uncomfortable. Of course he loves them, but there are a lot of things about them that weird him out. From Hanji's obsession with titans to her greasy hair, he finds it hard to be around her. Now, when she's calmer and isn't as intense as usual, he can sit down and chat with her, but most of the time he politely excuses himself. Levi on the other hand just kinda scares him, but he knows that deep down he's a nice guy, although he has a blunt way of saying things.
Stefan gets along fairly well with Oluo and Floch, perhaps the best out of the entire Zoë-Ackerman-Ral spawn. Their personalities just mesh together well, although they can become annoying quite easily; especially if it's just Floch and Stefan.

Stefan is smack dab in the middle of the Levihanpeto family, being the younger brother to Nancy and Grant and the older brother to Magnild and Katrina. Although he doesn't voice it often, he looks up to his older half-siblings a lot (ESPECIALLY Nancy, he thinks she's one of the coolest people ever) and subconsciously follows in their footsteps in an attempt to be liked. On the other hand, Stefan takes great pride in being a responsible older brother (whether or not that's true is up to you), and does what he can to guide them in the right path. It's a shame they like causing chaos in his life, because he really wants them to be decent human beings and oH LORD MAGS PLEASE BATHE I'M BEGGING YOU
Stefan is the eager little brother to the older, more easily annoyed brothers that are Schuyler and Travis. Just like with Nancy, he so desperately wants to impress them that it becomes pestering. Schuyler and Travis love their brother, of course, but it can be a bit much when he constantly asks for opinions on his outfits, his ideas, or even his personality.

Stefan has a good relationship with his cousins, but he's especially close with Alrick and Merwin. Alrick is one of the few people he truly vents his feelings to, while he got his love of fishing (and in turn the ocean) from Merwin, although he's a bit embarrassed of that fact. He also might've had a tiny crush on Eren as a kid, which Alrick is very aware of (and still likes to tease him about occasionally). He's just really pretty dangit. On the other hand, he and Fergus share a playful rivalry where they brag about how cool their Commander parents are.

Two of his closest friends are Prince Demetrius and Kel. The trio often go about the town enjoying life and each other's company, often using these trips as excuses to ignore things from their personal lives. Stefan looks up to Demetrius and is unaware of his insecurities, and while he and Kel can butt heads he thinks she's pretty rad.

Amelia is also one of his closest friends. They met as trainees and have retained a genuine friendship, even as they went on to join different branches. He loves making her laugh, and in return she's his shoulder to lean on when he needs it. 


● He is blind as a bat without his glasses. If you want to make him vulnerable, just snatch those suckers off (Demetrius and Kasmira have done this many times.)

● If someone actually flirts back he has no idea how to handle it and ends up being a blubbering, flustered mess.

● Due to Hanji's tendency of not bathing for days (until Levi forcefully knocks her out to do so), he has developed a desire to take care of his personal hygiene at all costs. He's fine with getting a bit dirty from training or roughhousing with Kasmira, but he can't go for too long without washing it all off. He bathes as often as he can, and often has to force Magnild and Katrina (more so Mags, who became just like a mini-Hanji with their refusal to bathe) into being cleaned.

● His full name is Stefan Sonny Zoë-Ral, with his middle name coming from one of Hanji's favorite titan subjects.

● He has ADHD and autism.

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