


3 years, 11 months ago


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Nanna "Sol" Rey

24 • Omeggid • he/she/they


  • RACE/ANCESTRY Indigenous Latin-American
  • BLESSING(S) Blessing of Wind, Blessing of the Moon
  • ROLE Sub-Cast
  • BIRTHDAY June 13th (♊︎)
  • HEIGHT 5'5" (165cm)
  • ORIGIN Panama
  • BUILD F2
  • DEMEANOR Secretive, shrewd, cuddly
  • SEXUALITY Bisexual (masc + nb)
  • VOICE Unknown
  • THEME Choke - Hybrid
  • Fluffy animals
  • Sewing
  • Learning
  • Nighttime
  • The moon
  • Daytime
  • The sun
  • Personal questions
  • Unspoken rules
  • Blandness

Sol is a blessed individual that uses he, she, or they pronouns, without any distinct preference.

Born and raised in the country of Panama, Sol is an immigrant that is majoring in fashion at Faraday University in Mount Vernon, Washington. When he's not studying, he's typically out socializing, travelling, or participating in photoshoots and modelling. His unusual appearance and striking sense of fashion have turned him into a bit of a celebrity on campus, and he has gathered a small yet dedicated local fanbase that he distances himself from. Though an extrovert at heart and capable of charming the masses at a whim, he prefers to spend his free time mostly keeping to himself, learning new things and teaching himself new skills as he pleases.

Naturally curious and always thinking, Sol has a fascination with the supernatural and spiritual side of life and history. It comes as no surprise, then, when rumors of a nearby rural community start to surface, that he immediately becomes fixated. Try as he might, though, he is unable to find any solid information about the place during a surface-level hunt, which only serves to intrigue him further. He waits until finals are wrapped up for the semester, then plots his vacay to the sleepy little forest town to the east, knowing full well he's about to dive in far too deep. The projected risk means nothing to him; matters of the incorporeal have always been the bright lantern to his curious moth.


Analytical • Charming • Fickle

Sol is a bizarre individual that can be difficult to know, predict, or interact with.

His personality is made up of several traits that seem like they would be contradictory or conflicting on any other individual. Quite the extrovert, he is friendly and sociable, but tends to lack empathy and put his own personal feelings and needs above everyone else's. He loves to listen to people talk and observe their body language and speech patterns, but is secretive himself and rarely divulges any meaningful personal information to anyone. That's not to say that he's heartless, though - quite the opposite in fact! He is known to lend a helping hand to someone in need, no questions asked, and seems to care very deeply about the environment.

Sol tends to get bored easily in relationships of all kinds. The curse of his analytical nature is that he has trouble viewing people as anything more than mere fascinations or fonts of knowledge, before they are a person. Additionally, once he feels that he has exhausted everything "interesting" about someone, he ceases to seek out their company, and wanders and latches on to someone new. He rarely ever forms any lasting bonds with anyone, and views being "tied down" to someone in any way, platonic or romantic, as suffocating. In spite of this, he is naturally affectionate and has no concept of personal space. He will shamelessly flirt with anyone he is interested in, hang off of their arm, and even sprawl all over them, in a manner that is usually deemed as facetious or cruel by the other party.

Sol can be a bit of a yes-man, and is known to indulge in another's fantasies, ideas, assumptions, and trains of thought, especially if it will give him new insight into the other person, access to new/more knowledge, and/or deflect personal questions. He will frequently and openly contradict himself, and has no problems lying if the situation calls for it. To an outsider, it might seem as if he has no concrete opinions, or as if they are ever-shifting; he delights in this perception of himself, and often will embrace what others have to say about him. His moral code is quite different from most other individuals, and he doesn't seem to fully understand or respect certain laws, restrictions, or social rules.

While Sol is very difficult to anger, scare, or catch off-guard, he still is capable of those feelings - not that you will likely be able to tell, in most cases! He is very skilled at masking his emotions, and puts up a chipper and playful front. This is not only what is easiest for him, but is something that he has practiced, as he has found that this makes people more suggestible and easily charmed.

All in all, he is a pleasant person to be around casually and in the moment, but don't expect him to care about you as a person or stick around for long! There are very few exceptions, and all of those exceptions happen to be other 'blessed' individuals.



Sol's primary skillset comes from his Blessing of Wind - A simple and easy-to-understand blessing, though a little plain. The wind is at his beck and call, allowing him to manipulate airflow to his liking. As with most primary blessings, this can be tied with his emotions. Properly tapped into, this blessing can allow him to summon and manipulate high speed winds and indirectly create storms. Instead, he uses it mostly to amplify or dull scents and sounds, and carry himself around places. If you notice him appear to glide from one place to the next, you know what to thank!


Most of those who are fogtouched enough to receive a second blessing will not always receive one so immediately helpful. Lucky for Sol, his Blessing of the Moon is one of countless uses! In essence, he can move, generate, and manipulate moonlight as he sees fit. With this blessing, he can create barriers of solid light, or turn moonbeams into tools of offensive and defensive utility. Light isn't all the Moon is known for, though! The celestial body's relation to the oceans allows him to locally affect gravity, granting him the ability to ground or repel people to a smaller degree. When used in combination with his Blessing of Wind, he is able to pull off some interesting stunts, such as rapidly accelerating and slowing objects, and even longer-term flight.

Unfortunately, the nature of this oddly powerful blessing means its strength waxes and wanes with the phases of the Moon. During daylight, Sol is left mostly with his Blessing of Wind, and may not even have access to his Blessing of the Moon at this time during certain phases. This is largely a non-issue for him, though!





  • Sewing
  • Blogging
  • Researching
  • Travelling
  • Meditation
  • Gliding around people when talking to them
  • Grabbing sleeves, waving arms
  • Fiddling with nearby small objects
  • Compulsively analyzing everything and everyone
  • Talking to self when deep in thought
  • Very observant, sharp
  • Agile/nimble/slippery
  • Tenacious/persistent
  • Charming, approachable
  • Excellent spiritual vision
  • Easily distracted
  • Far too curious
  • Physically weak
  • Extremely photosensitive and photophobic
  • Poor physical vision
  • Flight/levitation
  • Control over wind
  • Slight control over gravity (localized)
  • Ability to call upon moonlight for protection
  • Trained spiritual vision (acquired)
  • Bright light, going blind
  • Being left alone with thoughts/nothing to occupy mind
  • People getting too close/knowing too much about self
  • Being a failure, or being perceived as one
  • Spiders
  • Tattoos and their function
  • Exact origin/culture
  • Most personal details
  • History/motivations
  • Connection to the spiritual realm
  • FOOD Crab puffs, Honey-glazed shrimp
  • COLOR White, pink
  • ANIMAL Wolves
  • SEASON Summer, Winter
  • TIME OF DAY Night
  • BOOK GENRE Encyclopedias, Mythology
  • MUSIC GENRE Lo-fi, Europop
  • "say, you seem like you know a lot about this place. are you perhaps a spiritual gatekeeper?"
  • "i know you aren't human, so i'm curious as to what kind of otherworldly being you are. or... maybe you don't quite have a name for it?"
  • "i surprised you, didn't i? that's one of my favorite emotions, surprise! isn't it neat to take someone completely unawares and get to "wow" them?"
  • "but you already know i'm special. wouldn't it be easier for *you* to let me follow my whims?"
  • "aw, how generous! thank you very much, mr. sullivan! your hospitality shan't be forgotten!"
  • "hey, hey! do you have any other children? your son is so fluffy, but i would feel bad asking to pet him, he looks so sad!"
  • Sol was born with albinism!
  • He makes and modifies his own clothes.
  • He is a fashion major and does modelling on the side occasionally.
  • He has racing thoughts and has insomnia because of it; he very likely has undiagnosed/untreated ADHD.
  • He has a ridiculous collection of crossword puzzle books. They're all filled in, neatly.
  • He desperately needs bioptic glasses, but he refuses to wear them. He insists that glasses make him look childish.


Calypso is Sol's ex-boyfriend.

Sol's romantic feelings have long since dissipated, but he still views Calypso in a positive light. He tends to avoid him now, though, as he can tell that Calypso is still not over him, and he'd rather not get his hopes up. He feels bad for him, in a way, and tries to push Lex at him so he won't be so lonely.



Lex is Sol's self-proclaimed tutee.

Sol likes Lex and respects her greatly, and tends to push her buttons and push her to her limit as a result. He doesn't seem to understand that Lex is generally aggravated by his behavior, and continues trying to help her with her designs anyways. He seems to think that Lex's fiery personality would make for an interesting friendship with Calypso.



Dea is one of Sol's few friends.

Sol views her as the personification of the Sun, and thus his foil. He admires her reverence for nature, and will accompany her on hikes occasionally. He will also look after her mice for her, and mend her clothing free of charge.