


3 years, 11 months ago



Half-Eladrin. Summer Season. Chaotic Neutral.

  •  Name: Taura 
  •  Age   90
  •  Height  5'10 
  •  Occupation  Ex-noble Wizard
  •  Orientation  Bisexual Disaster 
  •  Weapons/Equipment 

Crossbow, Light, Dagger, Dart, Quarterstaff, Sling

Adventure Gear


Tempus- Grandfather
Mallory- Friend who is tolerated but loved
Carrion- Friend who is appreciated
Gamora- Friend who is trusted


Taura was born years and years ago to a wealthy noble family. Her Grandparents were the rulers of the Eladrin kingdom, kind but stern and not all too fond of humans. Her father was a kind, big man, always warm and soft, radiating spring wherever he went. He was like this ever since he met his human lover, before that he was cold and icy, his heart guarded by his distant demeanour.

As a child, Taura was brought up well, constantly in a happy environment and learning to love to read the books that were in her grandparents’ library. Whilst looking for books in the library she came across a wizards book, she took it upon herself learn from it. They were small spells that held her interest and the book soon perished in later years.

When she was an adult (20), still young by Eladrin means, she felt ice surround her home. The feel of death and sorrow seeping into her bones as she heard her father shout in alarm. It was a shout she would always remember, a shout that made her hide in the small food elevator with her fingers pressing the door shut. Her hands ached and trembled when she heard the men eventually leave the house.

The sight that greeted her when she left the small cubbyhole made her stomach churn. Her father was slumped against her mother on the floor, his body trying to block Taura’s mother from anymore onslaught. Judging by the dart stuck in her mother’s forehead, he was too late.

The chill that had taken over her earlier on had clearly been because of her father transitioning from Spring to Winter, his distress taking over him. It didn’t surprise Taura when she felt an itch under her skin and the low burn running through her body didn’t mind her one bit as she cradled her dead parents to her chest. She only moved from her parents when her grandfather pulled her away into his arms.

Hunters of all races and classes had gone out of their way to find their home. They had killed as many people as they could, making the last of the survivors go into hiding. Her grandparents took her on but she was restless and hurt, clinging to the darts that had pierced her parents’ flesh. Her grandfather, Tempus, looked after her.

After time passed, she studied spells and made one of the poison darts that she had stolen from the bodies into a wand- her burning anger and passion forming it rather quickly. She honed in her skills, ensuring that when she found the killer she would kill them in the same way.

She left the Feywild to follow the clues that she had found throughout her time to find the bastards.

 She would hustle in pubs, pretending to be a struggling ‘princess’ who has no clue what to do about Ruffians or darts. She wins quite a bit actually because why not!