venus devoine



4 years, 1 month ago


  • venus devoine

  • nickname(s)
  • age mid/late 20s
  • gender transmale
  • species human (magician)
  • occupation freelance magician

pronouns he/him

orientation bisexual


sign pisces


alignment lawful neutral


• orphaned at a young age, spent his youth in homes or on the streets, was able to look out for himself mostly due to his magical abilities.

• transitioned in what ways he could at an early age, chose the name venus for himself.

• ended up meeting arrakis in his mid teens and eventually was informally adopted by her. he met delphi and belladonna during this time, originally just as friends of arrakis. he lived with arrakis and sutton for years before the incident resulting in arrakis' death, as well as the scar on his neck.

• took over arrakis' freelance magic work and currently lives in her old home, which is connected to the business.

• developed an anxiety disorder when he was young, takes medication for it currently and is able to deal with it a lot better than he used to. also deals with other mental illnesses, which typically result in him throwing himself into work and his social life to cope.

magic abilties

• an extremely powerful magician. he hasn't had any formal training or instruction regarding his natural magical abilities.

• powers typically manifest in bright, glowing, pale yellow strands and outlines emanating from his hands that can interact with matter in the physical realm and be used in a wide variety of ways.


arrakis devoine

venus' adopted mother. he was originally standoffish and apathetic towards her, but eventually came to view her as a motherly figure who he was very close with. he feels she gave him the first stable home he'd ever had, as well as his moral compass and affection for others, both of which he values deeply. he was devestated by her death and became deeply dysfunctional for nearly a year following it.


sutton devoine

venus' adopted sister. they originally didnt get along, as arrakis was a very important figure to sutton and she didnt like venus coming into the picture. they eventually developed a vague sibling-like dynamic, but their relationship regressed after arrakis' death, with sutton angry at venus for surviving the incident. after the initial grieving period, however, they became extremely close and reliant on each other, and sutton often dotes on and picks on venus in good nature.


delphi aslanov

venus' close friend and a (sort of) motherly figure. he met delphi through arrakis, and they originally conflicted due to venus' disrespect towards arrakis. he came to view her as a family friend who he enjoyed seeing when she would visit, but the two didnt become especially close until after arrakis' death. she doted on him and saw after him frequently following the incident. they see eachother extremely often and, though they dont have a deep emotional relationship, delphi is a comforting presence to him who supports and loves him loudly and unconditionally.



venus' close friend and another (sort of) motherly figure. he met belladonna through arrakis as well, and unlike with delphi, the two did not have any real relationship until after arrakis' death. belladonna initially avoided venus and became emotionally closed off towards him, as she was grieving arrakis' death. she eventually worked towards building a relationship with him, and though the two arent outwardly intimate, venus knows she cares for him deeply. he sees bella as a figure of responsibility and stability.


blaire dovokov

venus' ex-boyfriend. really the only serious relationship he's ever been in. came to be close friends with blaire before convincing blaire to date him. venus admires blaire for his passion and intensity for his reponsibilities, despite being largely unappreciated. although blaire has helped him with many traumas he still struggles with, due to his nature, venus has always put blaire first in their relationship. he respected blaire's unhealthy lifestyle, but constantly worried over the negative effects it had on blaire. their relationship became increasingly tense towards the end, and they ended up breaking up after a certain incident. they've had barely any contact since, and venus is still hung up on blaire despite their estrangement.