


4 years, 1 month ago


  • belladonna

  • nickname(s) bell, bella
  • age ~40
  • gender agender
  • species harpy
  • occupation

pronouns she/her, they/them





alignment lawful good


• left her family's home in the countryside and moved to the city when she was young.

• was one of arra's oldest friends.

• a knowledgeable engineer and mechanic, but doesn't participate in the industry anymore.


• belladonna posesses shapeshifting abilities but can only turn into her harpy form.


arrakis devoine

bella's closest friend, as well as someone she was in love with. bella knew arrakis for a long time, since their youth. the two of them had been inserperable since getting to know each other, and they had a very personal and intimate relationship that they both valued. bella admired arrakis' skills and loving nature, as well as her ease with affection and generosity. however, bell also had to suffer alongside arrakis through some rough patches in their young adulthood, and learn to accept some of arrakis' less admirable qualities and decisions. bella had eventually developed romantic feelings towards arrakis, but never felt able to tell her, especially in their adulthood when arra adopted sutton. belladonna was horrified and irreparably damaged by the loss of her friend, and has regretted being unable to tell arrakis about her feelings for her. since then, bella has tried to live in a way she believes arrakis would have loved, being open about her feelings and affections towards others, and becoming closer with her friends and family members in an attempt to stay close with arra's memory and legacy. bella still hasnt been able to move on from her feelings for arrakis, and sometimes struggles being alone in bearing the weight of arra's past.


delphi aslanov

bell's close friend. bell was introduced to delphi by arrakis, and though she was wary about the intrusion on what she had with arrakis, she eventually accepted delphi's company. following arrakis' death, bella closed herself off to everyone, including and especially delphi. once getting herself back on her feet emotionally and mentally, she went to rationalize the situation and looked to making up with delphi. since then, the two have become close friends, though their dynamic is greatly different than when arra was in the mix. she feels that delphi is someone that sees her and will validate her experiences and feelings when she confides in her.


sutton devoine

belladonna's friend. bella met sutton through arrakis, as they had been friends long before when arra took sutton in. bella and sutton never had any signifigant relationship leading up to arrakis' death, but in the aftermath bella eventually gravitated towards sutton to try and console her. theyve grown closer since, mostly due to venus and his love for both of them, but still remain distant friends who dont see each other socially outside of with venus and everyone else.


venus devoine

belladonna's friend. bella met venus through arrakis, and like with sutton, was mostly indifferent to him, but wasn't fond of his initial attitude towards arra. she tried to be decent and friendly with him, not reprimanding him as delphi had been so quick to do, but ultimately didn't develop a close relationship with him before arrakis died. full of grief and anger, bella resented venus for surviving the incident when arrakis had not, and couldnt bare to see him or speak with him during his recovery. once she regained her footing a little, bella eventually decided to visit him and make an attempt at reconciling with him, as well as trying to understand why arrakis cared for him so much. like with sutton, her and venus became closer over the grief, and she tries to be a strong figure that venus can turn to when he needs help, like arrakis was for him. she is extremely proud of the person venus has grown to be in his adulthood, and sees a lot of arra in her son.


blaire dovokov

bella's friend and occasional sparring partner. bella met blaire through venus after the two eventually told a few people about their relationship. she was initially wary of him due to her general distrust and personal grudge toward his family, but quickly recognized his alienation from his father and title. bell tends to view blaire in a more proper light, contrary to everyone else's casual relationships with him. she recognizes his many skills and admires his passion and steadfastness, but also recognizes how blaire feels unseen and as if his talent is wasted. bella tries to encourage and assist him when he comes to her for help, and to be someone unbiased and practical that he can talk with if he needs, as she knows that delphi and venus, as well as sutton, can tend to be intense or impractical. for unknown reasons, bella has stayed closely in touch with blaire in particular following the breakup, and hasn't shared her time with him with any of the others.

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