yara ozerov



4 years, 1 month ago


  • yara ozerov

  • nickname(s) oz
  • age early 20s
  • gender nonbinary
  • species human
  • occupation crown militia head

pronouns they/them





alignment true neutral


• the head of orpheus' private militia.

• they spent their youth on the streets with no stable home.

• in their teens they were found by orpheus dovokov, who took them under his authority and had them brought up in the palace.

magic abilties

• a natural born illusionist. their magic allows them to construct powerful illusions.


• an expert in close range combat, specifically martial arts.


orpheus dovokov

to call him any sort of parental figure would be a stretch. yara's superior; the authority that they answer to. orpheus gave yara a home, as well as education and training in multiple spheres, though the king's ulterior motives for this generosity were not initially clear to yara. the two's relationship strays the line between personal and professional dangerously, and yara is often harshly reminded of the power orpheus will not hesitate to exercise over them. knowing its what is expected of them, yara will carry out his orders doggedly, despite having their own reservations about orpheus' ethics. regardless of these complications, yara finds it hard not to seek comfort and direction from the older man, who is ultimately the closest thing yara has ever had to family. they don't know what they would do without orpheus; if they even have a future outside of him and the crown, and are afraid of that unknown.


blaire dovokov

the crown prince. yara does not answer to him. in fact, plenty of yara's job has involved keeping tabs on him. the two have developed no signifigant relationship since yara's establishment at the palace, partially due to blaire's avoidance of them. orpheus doesn't seem to want yara involving themself with his son, anyways. yara doesn't especially know how to feel about blaire. they tend to feel pity towards him, at any rate. seeing how orpheus treats his son sometimes makes yara uneasy, and he often talks to yara about his son in far too impersonal a way. yara is ultimately an outsider, however, and doesn't feel its their place to make judgements on the two's relationship or dynamic as either family members or royalty.

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