


4 years, 1 month ago


  • octavia

  • nickname(s) tavia
  • age late 20s
  • gender female
  • species cambion
  • occupation crown servant

pronouns she/her





alignment neutral good


• a childhood friend of blaire's

• her family works closely with the dovokov family


blaire dovokov

octavia's friend. they have been very close since they were kids due to their families and the professional relationship between them. the two have grown apart emotionally since entering adulthood, but they still spend time together, especially when they need to blow off steam from their jobs. tavia had a difficult time watching her friend fall into dangerous, self-destructive patterns, and wishes she could do more to help him break out of his unhealthy behaviour. due to their changed relationship as adults, she dosent know if its her place to get involved, but does her best to help him when he comes to her. she was unsure how to feel about venus when blaire ended up telling her about being in a relationship with the magician, but kept blaire's secret. she also ended up being the one looking after him during his brief depressive spiral in the aftermath of the breakup.


orpheus dovokov

the overseeing authority to octavia's family and octavia herself. she typically only sees him in a professional setting and usually only briefly, aside from when she was a child. her relatives deal more directly with the king, but she does have some experience collaborating with him personally, especially with matters concerning blaire. she doesn't particularly like being around him nor does she necessarily approve of his actions as a political leader. nonetheless, she has certain expectations from her family in regards to her relationship with the king, and has never publically reproached him. she is also aware of orpheus' abuse towards blaire, which is her biggest reservation about working with him. she's not in any position to do anything about it, unfortunately.

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