Jarvis Milan



4 years, 1 month ago



Jarvis Bow Milan








5'2” ft








Store Manager


Phi Clan



Jarvis is an Alpha Floss who’s currently working as the store manager for a large supermarket in the Phi Clan. Even as the manager, however, hes the one who's still responsible for cleaning up messes in the candy aisle, where all of the children usually like to frequent.

Lots of wacky shenanigans usually occur whenever Jarvis is on the clock, all of which he's gotten used to over the years.


Jarvis is your local Squidward. He’s got this sour and acidic attitude to him. He may or may not also have a foul temper whenever he finds himself cracking under pressure. And yet, at the same time, there’s just something about him that screams apathy. It’s like he’s dead inside.

Recently, however, people have started noticing something different about him. It’s not a bad different either.

He’s been taking things less seriously and embracing more of the little things in life. There’s this bright light that kind of glistens in his eyes nowadays. Slowly but surely, he’s come to understand that these negative feelings can be a natural thing that come from change. And life is all about constant change. So why bother avoiding that? It’s about time he opened up again.


As an Alpha, Jarvis is capable of creating fire. He can make fire materialize out of thin air, and the flames that he’ll usually produce are pale orange in color.

When it comes to his pyrokinetic abilities, Jarvis actually lacks control, depending on how he feels. Though he is slightly above average with strength, he doesn’t know how to properly tame his flames whenever he’s provoked. He might accidentally burn the things that he’ll touch when angered or balls of fire might hover over his shoulders while he’s fuming over something.


For as long as he can remember, Jarvis has never gotten passionate about anything. Everything that’s ever occurred to him was rather dull and plain.

Even witnessing his own mother commit a murder (with the victim being his own biological father) in an act of rage when he was a kid felt rather... eh.

Maybe this was Jarvis’ way of developing this psychological self-defense mechanism that helped him fend off against the agony and trauma that he experienced upon witnessing his dad die in a bloodbath. Maybe him not caring about anything since then was just a way for him to not feel anything anymore.

Because maybe feelings hurt too much and he didn’t want to go through that pain again. So when his mother took him away and eventually remarried another man to start life anew, he didn’t think much about it.

When she started giving Jarvis three other half-siblings to look after while she was ‘getting social’ behind her husbands’ backs (and yes, it has to be plural), he didn’t think much about that either.

When he managed to escape his shitty home life after finally reaching the age of eighteen, he might have felt some beacon of hope, but it quickly faded out after hearing about how his mother had killed the youngest sibling out of them all in a fit of rage, just like she had done with his biological father.

Jarvis tried to get custody of the rest of his siblings after that, but to no avail. He couldn’t succeed, not when his income was so low as a grocery store clerk anyway.

A few years flew by after that and news of what happened to his second youngest sibling got passed around in the newspaper. Apparently, he had died of starvation while being sheltered by a negligent foster home. He was last found locked away in a basement, like he’d been left there to rot.

The only sibling that was alive now was his Nu half-sister Mirai.

No one knew where she went after leaving that foster home. She’d been too old for the foster parents by then and Jarvis didn’t know whether she was alive or not either. He didn’t actively seek any answers to find out, not when he’d been riddled with guilt ever since the deaths of their two other siblings.

He figured this was all his fault for not being able to gain custody of them in time.

Yet another few years breezed by, with Jarvis constantly working to the point where his whole life was just him being known as ‘Jarvis the Grumpy Store Manager’. (Yeah, he got promoted from a simple cashier to store manager throughout this time.)

For fuck’s sake, he practically lived at the supermarket at this point. He was cranking out 60+ hours every week.

And then, one day, everything changed when he met Rob Burr: the newest addition to the supermarket employees crew.

At first, Jarvis considered Rob to be an incompetent little shit. And yeah, he totally was, but he was also more than just that.

Rob had something that Jarvis didn’t: he actually knew how to enjoy life.

Though he used to pester and bother Jarvis on purpose during work, one day, Rob actually decided to take him out to an amusement park... though not on purpose.

What basically happened was: Rob had already paid for two amusement park tickets and he tried asking one of their female co-workers out on a date. However, she turned him down real hard, and, to try and recover from the brutal rejection, Rob just invited Jarvis out instead because everyone else was busy tomorrow.

Initially, Jarvis didn’t want to go, and he was about to use work as an excuse, but then his boss told him to just fucking take a break already, so he had no other valid reason to say no other than just... he didn’t want to go with Rob out of all people.

However, the hangout with Rob at the amusement park actually ended up being pretty fun, despite the rocky start at first.

Rob even admitted to Jarvis, as they watched the sunset together during a Ferris wheel ride, that he didn’t think he’d actually come with him. He figured that he’d be accompanied by a friend he knew outside of work instead.

Upon hearing that, Jarvis felt... a little happier, for some reason. It wasn’t until a few days later did he realize that he might have developed a crush on Rob after that.

Jarvis figured it was simple infatuation and that his weird thing on Rob would go away after, like, a few weeks.

It took a few months of spending more time around Rob for Jarvis to realize that no, it actually just intensified and got worse...

The first thing he tried to do after this mortifying revelation was Google the shit out of how to get rid of and move on from this unrequited love already. He’d never actually liked someone this long before and was certain that Rob would never feel the same way back.

After all, what reason did Rob have to even be capable of returning the sentiments back with Jarvis?

One day, one of their co-workers decided to host a party shortly after an early night shift had ended for them. It was a slow day and they all decided to get sodas to celebrate Rob’s 21st birthday. During this time, Rob got so wasted that he ended up vomiting on a tree outside somewhere.

Usually, when Rob was a bit tipsy, it was no big deal. In fact, it was actually sort of amusing whenever he was just tipsy.

However, if he’s had too much to drink, then a lot of unpredictable things start happening.

It was Jarvis’ responsibility, as the only sober person left, to drive Rob back to his place. (Of course it was.)

While trying to get Rob home as soon as possible, Rob ended up confessing a lot of things under the heavy influence of alcohol.

He mentioned some gruesome details about his past, about how he’d ran away, how he used to take from the innocent and even escaped prison twice. There was a lot being said in the car that day and Jarvis didn’t even believe any of it. At least, not until Rob suddenly started crying like the sad drunk that he was before eventually passing out in the backseat of his car.

Since he was knocked out now, Jarvis didn’t know what else to do other than to just let Rob stay over at his place instead.

When Rob has woken up the next day, he remembered everything (even with his massive hangover) and tried to subtly leave Jarvis’ apartment. However, he ended up stubbing his toe into a table on the way out and Jarvis discovered him howling in pain instead.

After trying to help Rob, Jarvis tried to ask if he was okay, but Rob still tried to leave in a hurry, without even answering any of his concerned queries.

From then on, Rob proceeded to ignore Jarvis for the next week or so, even when they had to work together for their evening shifts. (He did so out of embarrassment because he remembered everything he’d said when he was wasted.)

Jarvis, however, didn’t understand what he did wrong and was beginning to grow frustrated with Rob. It wasn’t until Jarvis had snapped at a rude customer one night did everyone begin to pick up on how off he’d been acting lately, even Rob.

Rob tried to ask what was wrong after their shift that night, even though he hadn’t spoken to Jarvis in a while. Him trying to question Jarvis only fueled his agitation even more though. Instead of answering honestly, Jarvis just blew up on Rob and talked about how he thought they were becoming friends now, but maybe he was the only one who thought that.

Maybe it was stupid for him to have even that much hope in Rob in the first place. After all, it wasn’t like Rob even cared about him anyway, or at least that’s what he tried to voice out.

For once, there were even tears stinging in Jarvis’ eyes. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d cried like this, it was ridiculous.

Once Rob had caught sight of his teary expression, he couldn’t help but rush by Jarvis’ side - despite his protests - and try to help comfort him anyway. He‘d never seen Jarvis like this, couldn’t stand to see him like this.

He explained to Jarvis that he just felt really bad about everything and didn’t think he deserved to talk to him after confessing some of his deepest and darkest secrets to him while intoxicated. He didn’t trust himself to drink too much soda around other people again after that and he was just... ashamed of everything he’d said because all of it was true.

And if Jarvis happened to look at him differently because of that, or he didn’t want to associate with Rob anymore, then Rob would understand.

Instead of feeling reassured by this, Jarvis actually got even more heated before telling Rob that he didn’t care about any of that. It didn’t matter what Rob had done in his past, Jarvis would still love him anyway.

...He didn’t realize what he’d said until it was too late.

Before he could try and dismiss this very inopportune love confession, however, Rob was already kissing him, their lips melding together in a stroke of passion.

For once, Jarvis stopped trying to hide his feelings and just gave in. He gave in to the warmth of Rob’s body pressing close to his and just embraced what was being thrown at him.

From then on, Jarvis stopped living life by a schedule. Though he still works at the same place with the same daily routines, he’ll also have days where he’ll spend his free time learning how to love.

Because out of all the things that he could be passionate for, Rob is definitely worth trying for.


Jarvis likes juice. That’s where he gets most of his morning energy from whenever he’s feeling groggy from waking up. He especially likes mango juice and mango-flavored things overall.

His voice is often flat. It kind of sounds like a tired monotone, but that's actually just how his default voice sounds.


7090381?1590921646 Rob Burr

precious boyfriend

6335155?1592757153 Mirai Bow

younger sister

7899582?1597623646 Leveret Mecha

friend and ex-boyfriend

6776392?1590702999 Izzy Ramirez

favorite actress

6801041?1588641220 John Smith

a friendly mutual

6842443?1588970205 Creon Vasiliás

a famous mutual

6960864?1589867957 Carlotta la Deevah

a famous mutual

6947153?1589768011 Kosmo Cosmo

regular shopper

Sir, please leave if you're not going to get anything.
