Creon Vasiliás



4 years, 1 month ago



Creon Vasiliás








5’1” ft










Phi Clan



Creon is a Phi Floss whose face is fairly recognizable on pop culture magazines and tabloids.

He currently works as a famous actor. For how he got started, he began doing theater work (for the most part, he did also act in a popular TV show as a child star) and had smoothly transitioned into the world of television and film from there.

Now he’s just living out his best life with all the wealth he would have only ever dreamed of when he was a kid. He’s making enough to live a super comfy life so far.


Creon is a bold and confident guy, sometimes bordering on arrogant and annoying behind closed doors.

...Okay, maybe most times, but he does a good job at hiding it. All of his fans and the interviewers that have flocked him are oblivious of his true nature.

On the outside, he’s elegant and graceful, and every time he speaks, a posh accent is carried out in his words. He’s good at making it til you make it and he does follow proper etiquette and manners often. That’s what makes up a lot of his charisma, after all.

In reality, however, he’s just kind of an insensitive douche with a patronizing attitude. He takes luxury for granted and finds it hard to truly sympathize with others. He often finds himself to be superior compared to other people. Whenever he does find it in himself to care about something or someone, he’s usually terrible with organizing his own feelings. He just wants to feel his best all the time and doesn’t know what to do if he’s having a bad day.


As a Phi, Creon has the abilities to clone himself. He can make up to three other doppelgängers at max. They’ll usually last for about 12 hours of the day.

His powers are pretty standard as a Phi. He’ll mostly clone himself to multitask with his job and create more exposure for himself an entertainer. It’s an excellent strategy to be at both a meet and greet and working on set at the same time. That way, he can be in two places at once.


Creon grew up being raised by a pair of theatre fanatic parents. He had an Iota mother and a Phi father while growing up and they would often help set up all the behind the scenes before a big performance in their local theatre.

Though his came from a relatively humble background, Creon still craved being underneath the spotlight. His parents would go on to be supportive about his interest in acting and encouragsd him to audition and get the role for a family sitcom TV show, where he managed to befriend another actress named Izzy that was his age while on set. As the show's ratings shot up the roof in approval, Creon and Izzy became shining child star prodigies within the entertainment industry.

Even after the show they were a part of came to an end, Creon and Izzy still remained as good friends.

That is, up until high school anyway.

Once Creon had reached his teenage years, he threw himself at one audition after the next, deciding that it would be for the best if he just gained acting experience now, so that he could ensure good acting opportunities in the future.

He didn't realize it, but he was gradually changing as a person because of his hectic lifestyle. He was hanging around more toxic people in the acting community and they were rubbing off on him. Izzy noticed and couldn't stand how much of an arrogant bastard he was becoming. She cut off all ties with him one day, without so much as a warning. This devastated Creon and only pushed him even further into busying himself with work and perfecting his acting skills.

He and Izzy don't meet again until a few years later, when they unintentionally reunite because it turns out that they were going to be working on the same acting project together. At first, they would often clash and tensions between them were stiff and heavy. However, one day, after Izzy had gotten hurt on set, Creon finally just let himself be honest and demanded to know why the hell she had left him all those years ago, without even saying a proper goodbye or anything. Wasn't that a cruel way to cut him off?

Izzy snapped in return, telling Creon off and going on about how he was the one who acted cruel. She didn't like this new person that he was becoming and it sickened her. Creon disagreed and tried to get her to see things his way, but she wasn't having any of it. They continued to share iffy relations with each other for a while, until one day, Izzy had managed to hep Creon from a stalker fan that had been living in his basement for two months without his awareness. She'd planned to drug him and then 'keep him' in 'their home'.

Creon was, understandably, traumatized by this event and Izzy felt bad and helped him out. She was the one who encouraged him to go seek therapy. Meanwhile, she also hired a housekeeper and a personal bodyguard named John to look after him. Over the next handful of months, Creon would learn how to heal. He also fell in love with John along the way, for reasons even he couldn't clearly pinpoint.

John was not his type at all. He was stoic, blunt, and had no tact. But perhaps it was because of how different and persistent he could be with looking after Creon that made Creon grow more intrigued and attached to him in the first place. Eventually, they do date after some drunken confessions from Creon's end, followed by an emotional talk that helped clarify what they should be to each other after that. John accepted Creon's feelings, and he returned the sentiments back, though he was still skeptical and didn't expect much out of this whole arrangement. He figured that they'd last a couple weeks or months at best, mostly because he didn't believe that Creon could ever stay interested in someone like him. He didn't exactly have a flashy and alluring personality, after all.

However, when Creon continued to loyally stay by his side, John eventually grew to officially accept him in his life. Currently, they're happy together in their own home. Creon is also already on better terms with Izzy now and appreciates her too. Since the stalker fan incident, he's changed to be at least a little more humble.


Creon speaks in a posh and fancy accent. His words are usually carried out with a British lilt (specifically a London one).

To this day, he still struggles to eat his vegetables. Fortunately for him, his lover John is intimidating enough to encourage Creon to eat most of them. For the sake of nutrients, and all of that crap.


6801041?1588641220 John Smith

beloved boyfriend

6776392?1590702999 Izzy Ramirez

best friend

7090381?1590921646 Rob Burr

former enemy & good friend

6960864?1589867957 Carlotta la Deevah

frenemy & ex-girlfriend

7413421?1593581980 Seraphina Netvor

chill friend

3836823?1556323556 JC Lennon

poor cousin

7377570?1593308735 Connie Netvor

mutual friend

6793590?1588578794 Jarvis Milan

mutual friend

You put up a good show! Your performance was absolutely dreadful, don’t get me wrong, but it was still a good show that I could laugh at nonetheless!
