Song Bird



3 years, 11 months ago


Song Bird

Colorful . Musical . Loud . Party-Boy

Name Açaí Blueberry Mamba
Called Song Bird/Mambas/Feathers
Age 29
DoB July 23rd
Gender Nonbinary (He/She/They)
Height 6''9'''
Species Gingerfolk
Role Protector of the Rainforest
Pet Recalled Macaw


  • Half a container of açaí berries
  • Three tablespoons of bird seed
  • Mamba candies, two of each of the original flavors
  • Two squirts of blueberry syrup
  • One enchanted feather from the wing of a macaw


Song Bird is a sweet and extremely exuberant cookie, always looking for a party he can join or place where he can start one himself! He enjoys singing more than anything, often mimicking the calls of the birds that surround him in the jungles and forests and lacing them into the music he sings with them as he goes about his daily tasks. He enjoys partying and greatly enjoys being the center of attention, but even so, it isn’t very often you’ll find him around other cookies outside of some kind of bash he's thrown. Song Bird is a very solitary creature and very much prefers to stay in the jungle with the birds, favoring the sounds of the jungle over anything else. He also holds no fear for the human side of the things and freely flies between there and the Gingerfolk sides, even having his main home being in a giant tree in a human forest close enough for his friends to walk to if they need him.

But with this life of living in the jungle comes the self imposed task of keeping it safe. When Song Bird was young and still basically fresh out of the oven, he was absolutely terrible at this, a lot more loosey goosey (excuse the pun) about his responsibilities and far too nonchalant and laid back to properly care for the animals that would come to him for help. He's gotten much better about taking care of the woodlands and jungles and the creatures inside them over the years, to the point where he's a reported nuisance to humans. Most reports list him as something close to a very annoying and very hard to get rid of pest, but others are written out in shaking handwriting and messy letters, claiming him to be some kind of green-eyed forest deity sent to ward them off by any means necessary. But Song Bird isn't like that! He's nice! ....Right?


Song Birds main ability is to create music notes with various effects with his singing voice! These notes range from pink, purple, and blue in color with very subtle differences in the shades of the three and, no, he can't control which color they appear as, which often leads to him singing the same note over and over again to get the color he wants from it. These notes can range from filling people with the urge to dance to just bringing up their moods by being around them, but more often than not, Song Bird just uses them to make colored lights and makeshift speakers.

Song Bird has a secondary ability as well, something that he says is simply the ability to talk to animals, but it can be claimed that he has a fully blown control over birds that can be turned on and off at will. It's easy to tell which birds are under his command, having fully green eyes and a look of almost murderous intent, given that this ability only rears it head when someone is going after trees that haven't been negotiated for prior to them being cut down.


  • Berries
  • Parties!
  • Collecting Feathers
  • Helping The Animals of the Jungle


  • Authority
  • Uncontrolled Fires
  • His Feathers Being Pulled
  • Intruders


  • Singing!
  • Throwing Parties Wherever He Goes
  • Crashing On Fireballs Couch
  • Painting




Song Bird has a phone, a gift from Fireball, that he adamantly refuses to use because technology irritates him. If he has something to tell somebody, he can just fly there!

Song Bird has an entire area suspended in the trees that's he's built up to act as a natural soccer field. Be careful, however, if he offers to play you.

Song Bird can talk to all animals, not just birds!

The feather on Song Birds necklace is one of his one, a prirmary feather that's been shrunk down and enfused with magic.

Despite popular belief, Song Bird's endless kindness and happy attitude is a choice. Luckily for everyone, it's not one he actively needs to think about to be able to make.



Poppy Seed


"Florzinha venenosa, heh. I like taking the kid out for parties that I throw and the ones that I find that fit his kind of...aggressive screamy theme. He's a real peach for a flower, haha!"


Funnel Cake


"Ah~! Querido, but at this point, that nickname is just a little thing that stuck from the beginning of our relationship. My- uh -infatuation with Funnel has waned a lot, so them and I are just friends! There are other folks that have their eye on them anyway, hehehe~"


Roasted Chestnut


"Hmph. I'm... trying. I know now that what happened that night wasn't entirely his fault, but... it's not something you can just let go after one day."