

Basic Info
Luna vi Moreau
February 24
5'3 / 160cm
Male (He/Him)
Netherland Dwarf Rabbit
Mars Argo
Music Artist
  • Singing / Making Music
  • Dancing
  • Internet Memes
  • Kawaii Pop Music
  • Females / Girls / Women
  • Green Peppers
  • Writer's Block
  • Tea
  • Luna is a dedicated musician, constantly writing new songs whenever inspiration strikes. His work ethic is commendable, though it often leads him to exhaustion.

  • He's the type to burst out into song and dance wherever he is.

  • Luna breathes memes and has an extensive collection on his phone, always ready to share the latest internet humor with his friends. He laughs at the dumbest shit and adores the kind of jokes that makes no sense at all.

  • All of his musical instruments are pink and decked out in kawaii decor. He owns a pastel piano along with a guitar in the shape of a heart. Both of which are decorated with ribbons, cutesy cabochons, and fairy kei stickers.

  • wip

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Energetic .  Enthusiastic . People-Oriented . Immature . Creative. Hard-Working . Playful . Vulnerable
"Sure, my memes might be cringy, but they’re my little sparks of joy!"

Luna has an energetic smile and a distinctive style of performing. He's very friendly, upbeat and naturally people oriented. He is easily excitable and full of energy but can be moved as too enthusiastic. He lights up whenever he is asked questions about his interests, which include singing, kawaii pop music, memes, and crossdressing. He's a bit of a workaholic, and no matter where he is, he's always penning down his next song. When inspiration strikes, he can't seem to stop himself from writing a new song no matter where he is. Luna tends to work himself to exhaustion and will even fall asleep while writing. He's the type of person that won't stop working until the project is completed; he's a bit obstinate when it comes to his work. Luna does take breaks, but they aren't particularly frequent.

When he's not working, he enjoys spending as much time as possible with his friends. He's also an immature memer that either hoards memes on his phone or says the cheesiest jokes ever made. He's already made a bunch of memes and jokes himself, but the cringe may cause your eyes to shrivel. The next time he dabs or says, "Dat boi," you might need to whack him in the face.

To no surprise he has a soft spot for femininity, but he is easily embarrassed by it and becomes scared if it is brought up to him. Luna has no qualms about sharing his femininity with his close friends, whom he adores. He experiences toxic masculinity when displayed in public, but they are very brief. This was brought on by previous bullying he had endured and a lack of a mother figure. He feels compelled to prove or protect his masculinity, or he feels he will be humiliated or judged. He doesn't have much masculinity to cling on to, but he makes an effort to maintain what he does have. He's extremely worried about his femininity and how others will react to it.

Luna is gynophobic. He treats females very much different from males, as he'd never dare to start conversation with a female out of fear. Luna is terrified of women and, to be honest, feels incredibly uncomfortable in their presence. He feels compelled to protect himself against all types of girls, regardless of age. Upon coming across a woman, he experiences anxiety, rendering him unable to speak. He might stutter, break out in cold sweat, or experience panic episodes. He may pass out if the situation is extreme or if there is no safe person present. He attempts to hold it in but becomes panicked when stressed and will flee the situation awkwardly. He appears to be fine around Stella but is indifferent with his mother. He's terrified of female anatomy, particularly breasts and female genitalia. Despite this, he is a little bicurious and has considered dating a woman. Most people take his phobia as a joke which only makes Luna insecure and less likely to seek help.


Luna grew up in a French household that consisted of his parents and a pet rabbit named étoile. Epsilon, his father, was French, while his mother was of mixed ancestry. Epsilon, like the rest of the Moreau family, was an astronomer. He used to make attempts to get Luna interested in galaxies and stars when he was a child, but Luna was more fascinated with music and singing. Singing was a source of joy and excitement for him growing up. He'd always burst into song wherever he was at, singing in the shower, while he brushed his teeth, and even while he did his school work. For every birthday he'd ask for a new toy musical instrument until his room was brimming over with cutesy pianos and the like; even owning a pastel pink microphone that he carried wherever he went. He had always excelled in the field of music, receiving high marks in music classes and even participating in choir in middle school. Epsilon gave up on his ambitions and allowed Luna to pursue his dreams of being a music artist when he grew up. Meanwhile, his mother was emotionally absent from his life. She rarely, if ever, interacted with him and thus he grew up without that motherly figure in his life.

Despite his love for cutesy things, Luna used to be quite boyish when he was younger. He kept his hair short and wore a lot of grey sweaters and jeans. His friend, Alice, was the opposite of him and dressed formally and appeared more femininely than he was. Despite their differences, the two had a deep friendship and would frequently assist to each other when needed. However, during Luna's adolescent years, things began to change, and he started to gravitate towards more girly apparels such as skirts and dresses. When Alice dressed him up or gave him plushies as gifts, Luna didn't seem to mind. He became more open and began wearing clothing meant for girls whenever he went out. Due to Luna's new appearance, problems began to arise during this period. He got into issues at school with unsatisfied female students. Because of his feminine appearance and demeanor, they began to pick on and verbally attack him. They'd purposefully gossip in front of him, tease him about his fashion choices, and even physically assault him. Luna didn't want to fight (he'd never yell or hit a girl), so he would often ignore the bullying and harassment. He was far too shameful to reach out for help as felt embarrassed that he was a boy getting beat up by a bunch of girls. He kept reminding himself that he was strong and that he would never be hurt by such things. His confidence plummeted and he believed he was weak if he were to tell his parents or even Alice. This went on for years until he graduated.

He eventually had to burst, and panic attacks became more common whenever he was in the presence of a girl. As a result of this, he developed Gynophobia and began to be apprehensive around women in his adult years. He would flinch and have minor anxiety attacks when forced to deal with them. Luna was terrified of being mocked by them or worse, being assaulted. He began always requesting for a male doctor to assist him or using self-check outs whenever a female cashier was present. He never walked home alone, constantly feeling as if a woman was stalking him from the shadows. His gynophobia had made his life a living hell. It inhibited him from ever telling his family about his sexuality or his love for crossdressing.

In later years, Luna begins seeking professional help and is medicated for his anxiety. Alice and Stella are always there to help him regain his courage back. Luna knows it's a big step, but he's eager to give it his all and to get rid of his gynophobia once and for all.




Alice | Childhood Friend
"Check out this nonsensical meme I found!" 

The two are childhood friends and brothers at heart. They share a strong bond and trust each other dearly. Luna is always sharing his cringe-worthy memes with Alice and getting him to watch dumb 'try not to laugh' compilations. 


Stella | Cousin
"Bruhhh..! Rent money is gonna be late again?"

He supports her the best he can with all he has. In return, she's currently helping him get over his gynophobia as females aren't as bad as they look. Luna can get a bit peeved when it comes to Stella and her money troubles. He tries to persuade her to get a better job, but she always denies this since the library is like her second home. Stella, on the other hand, gets annoyed whenever Luna cracks too many corny jokes or sends her repeated memes. Regardless, they love each other very much and have each other's backs.


Bambi | Friend
"Awh gee! Don't be so shy, Bambi."

Luna met Bambi during their childhood but weren't necessarily close due to Bambi's social anxiety at the time. They get along great now as adults and keep in contact with each other daily. Luna lets Bambi pet-sit his rabbit whenever he or Stella are unable to watch them.


Paige | Fears
"H-hey I'm sorry for all of the playful bullying I did to you and Stella in the past. You w-won't hurt me now, will you?"

Luna thinks of Paige as someone who's out to get revenge on him from all of the teasing he did to her when they were children. His gynophobia gets in the way of their interactions, which forces him to withdraw from her. He wants to be a better person to her, make up for being the rowdy tomboy that messed up her tea parties as a child. But his mental health causes trust issues to form. Luna still believes Paige and Stella are perfect for each other. He wouldn't want to see his cousin with anyone else but Paige. He supports their relationship a lot despite his fear.


Minty | Fears



Casper | Therapist
