
7 years, 4 months ago


Basic Info
Sophia Mentel
Personality Type
Trans Female (she/her)
Skinny, with narrow hips
Cat Kemonomimi
Barista at Inari Coffee & Confections
NezumiVA (YouTube)
  • Iced Coffee
  • Cakes and pasteries
  • Spending time with her friends
  • Flowers
  • Mint/seafoam green
  • Spicy food
  • Her Father
  • Negative People
  • Beans
  • Medical facilities
  • She will cry if you raise your voice at her.
  • Minty has no intention of taking hormones or getting surgeries. The whole medical process scares her.
  • Aesthetic Board
  • Minty's phobia of hospitals stems from a traumatizing experience at the Whitewoods Hospital as a child.

Friendly . Caring/motherly . Internally struggling . Sensitive

Minty is an upbeat and chipper young woman, often seen wearing a smile on her face. A kind-hearted soul,  Minty is patient and understanding. She's the "mom friend" of her friend circle.  Minty loves meeting new people and connecting. She loves experiencing life with the people she cares about. She'll be the first to suggest an outing.

Despite her happy exterior, Minty masks a lot of her personal problems. She has depression, as well low self esteem. She tries not to let people see that side of her. She's the type to keep her negative emotions inside, and break down when she's alone. She is only vulnerable around a handful of people; this includes her best friend Alice, as well as her therapist.


Minty was originally named after her vain, but deeply insecure father, Ralph Mentel. She was expected to be her father's little mini-me. Minty being the effeminate child she was only made him disappointed. He tried to dissuade Minty from playing with dolls and plushies and tried to steer her more towards boyish things like cars and sports.

When Minty was 4, she got a little brother. Some time passed, and her father finally had the son he wanted. Her brother was subsequently spoiled rotten by his dad. Leaving Minty neglected  and a scapegoat to lash out at.

Minty's mother didn't do much to protect her, but was a lot more tolerant of her. Little did Minty know, her mother wasn't always "there" mentally. Let's just say her parents' marriage wasn't ideal.

Non the less, Minty found an outlet for herself at school. Being at the playground at recess was her favorite time of the day. She naturally made more friends with girls than boys. Soon enough, she had formed her own playtime circles. She was lucky if she got to go visit a friend.

When she was still a small child, Minty had been taken to Whitewoods Hospital for some vaccines. While there, she witnessed something that would traumatize her so bad that she's still afraid of hospitals to this day.
TW (needles & eye trauma) Her pediatrician had tried to give her a shot, only to trip and jam the needle in his eye.

 Minty's depression worsened as she hit puberty. Gender dysphoria hit her like a rock. She felt like an outsider compared to most of her peers. Minty was fortunate enough to form a little friend group consisting of some girls and effeminate boys. Said friends being Alice, Paige, Luna, and Stella.  Minty had found her clique.

During her teenage years, Minty discovered Tumblr, where she realized she discovered she was transgender. It was through the site that Minty was able to explore her identity, and make friends with people like her.

When she was comfortable enough, Minty came out to her friend group. While Alice, Paige and Stella accepted Minty with open arms. Luna, on the other hand, started acting skittish around her, due to his gynophobia. This hurt Minty a lot, considering how close her and Luna had been.

During her freshman year of high school, Minty formed a relationship with a Tumblr user named Plank, someone she had followed for a while. Plank was a bit of an elitist prick. They claimed to hate gender roles, but consistently enforced them. They made Minty feel bad for having femboy friends. Plank considered them either transphobic, if not self-hating transwomen. Plank even told Minty that Luna was not worth it, due to his "transphobia and misogyny". Under their influence, Minty tried to convince her buddy Alice that he may just be a closet trans girl. In the end, Minty accepted that he was just a gender-non-conforming young man, and that they could easily co-exist. Plank was not happy with this and tried to convince Minty to leave the very friend group she found safety and comfort in, all because it had femboys. In the end, Minty chose her real life pals over Plank and they broke up.

When her family found out she was trans, they emotional abuse got worse, especially from her father. Minty's world came crashing down around her, worse than it was before. Her father wound up kicking Minty out on the streets. Fortunately for Minty, she was able to seek refuge with Alice and his family. While living with Alice, Minty could look as pretty and feminine as she wanted. Alice dolled her up a lot.

After graduating high school, Minty stumbled on a humble little bakery/cafe called Inari Coffee & Confections; taking note of the pride flag hanging in one of the windows. There she was taken under the wing of Chiyo Lopez. Chiyo, to Minty's surprise, was also a trans woman, and an elderly one at that. The two bonded quickly, and she became like a grandmother to Minty.

Minty still battles with depression, but over all feels that her life is better than it had been. She has plenty of supportive friends, a grandmother figure, and a therapist. She's currently sharing an apartment with Alice.


Alice | Best Friend / Roommate
"You're too good to me."

Minty and Alice have been friends since they were teenagers. Alice gave Minty a place to stay when she got disowned. He also gave Minty the opportunity to dress as effeminately as she wants. Minty is so grateful for Alice's love, support and generosity. Not to mention he pays for her therapy sessions. Minty wishes she could return his generosity.

Paige | Friend
"The cakes you make are as sweet as you are."

Minty and Paige were friends as teenagers. The two bond over their shared love of cute things and daddy issues. Minty was the one who suggested Paige work at the same bakery as her.

Luna | Sorta Friend
"I won't hurt you, I promise!"

Minty and Luna were close as teenagers. Minty was met with rejection and fear from the gynophobic Luna after the former came out as trans, which hurt Minty a lot. Minty still wants to be Luna's friend and assure him that she's still the friend he had before her transition.
Minty feels super awkward when Alice tries to set the two up; mistaking it for unresolved romantic tensions.
In the future (post-Bambi death), the two do work on mending their friendship.

Chiyo | Boss/Grandmother Figure
"I would love to hear more about you and your husband."

Minty's manager at Inari.  With Chiyo being a fellow trans woman, Minty has a role model she can relate and look up too. Minty loves hearing her tales of old when she and her late husband ran the old incarnation of the bakery.