Basic Info


Estella La Moreau


Stella, Ella , Star




September 14






5ft / 152 cm


Bisexual / Biromantic (Female Preference)


Librarian / Student


Netherland Dwarf Rabbit

Relationship Status


Headcanon Voice

Chitanda Eru from Hyouka (with a light french accent)


 "Do you want to read together?"

Stella has vivid purple eyes and long light pink hair. She's petite and at a healthy weight. Her bust size is large (D cup), but she hides it behind a chest binder because she is self-conscious about it. Alice's lolita dresses make up the majority of her wardrobe.
A sweetie with a book-filled spirit. Stella is a quiet, almost deafeningly serene woman. She is much quieter than her cousin Luna and likes to be in secluded spots unlike him. Although she doesn't mind loud people, she prefers to be in places where she can read as there's nothing more annoying than having to re-read a sentence ten times because the people in the back won't keep it down. In general, her responses appear dim or emotionless because her mind is frequently in fantasy; she is often having flashbacks to past stories or books she has read. She sometimes unintentionally repeats quotes or sentences from previous stories out of accident. Her passion for reading has, possibly, grown to an unhealthy degree. Reading is definitely something she does on the daily; nonstop honestly. Whether she's eating, working, or in public there's always a book in her hand. Sometimes even in the bath she's reading; she's tried reading in the shower once, it caused her poor book to get destroyed. Stella prefers to read to herself; if anyone stands behind her when she is reading, she will quit out of embarrassment. Though If she feels more at ease with the individual, she won't mind and may even read aloud to them. Stella rarely experiences anger and annoyance, it's simply not in her blood to feel that way. She's the kind of person who, even if threatened, can remain calm and collected. She is patient, but she still can be responsive to certain insults such as picking fun at her height - which leads her to cry or walk away in shame. Stella is a very easy person to get along with, and it doesn't take much for her to become your friend. Just value her privacy, and you'll be best friends in no time. If you're looking for her, she's either at the library or with her small group of friends. Stella is a very sweet soul who cares deeply about others, she will always come to your aid if you ask for it.

Stella is reliant on her cousin Luna and prefers to have him do things for her, particularly financially. She does try her hardest not to be annoyingly reliant on him and learn to be able to stand on her own two feet. It's a work in progress but she's slowly getting better at is.
(Being re-written)
Stella was a well-behaved child who was raised by her loving parent's Cepheus and Ara. She gained her love for astrology and mythology from her parents and her father would often take her out just to look at the stars. Ara was huge on reading and often did it in her free time. Stella picked up on this behavior and copied it. She grew up in a quiet community with her cousin Luna and often stayed inside playing board games or cards. This didn't bother her one bit and is mostly the main reason why she's a non-talkative person. When Stella was around twelve years of age, her mother passed away from an unknown sickness. This really affected Cepheus because he loved her dearly. The family went through a short depression that lasted almost a month, Stella was overly-upset but luckily her father was there to support her. The two manage to get through Ara's death and over-come the grief that it brought. Her father never got remarried though because he didn't want to replace Ara in any way. This taught Stella loyalty and started looking up to her father a lot. She learned a lot of values from him like enjoying life even in the toughest times. Stella would even gained a habit of telling Luna and Alice corny "live your life to the fullest" stuff. Now Stella is a sweet petite bunny girl who loves reading and staying quiet.

 Character Interactions

Luna- (cousin)
"I spent all my rent money again."
They both share a strong sibling like bond mostly because they grew up together and were very close as kids. They talk to each other daily and hang out when ever Luna isn't working. She's a bit dependent with him and expects him to do stuff for her, like pay her bills or something. Stella tries not to take advantage of their family bond and tries to not be dependent with him.
Alice- (Friend)
"You always make the loveliest of clothes."
Stella thinks of him as a best friend. He enjoys making her cute dresses and Stella reads him fantasy novels while he works. Alice stops by the library at least once a week and he makes sure to greet her when she's on duty.

 Bambi - (Friend)
"Don't worry Bambi, it's alright."
. The two share a great friendship together. He's the most tolerable of the two boys she thinks.

 -Paige- (Girlfriend)
"You are the love of my life."
The two started off as friends, both being introduced by Alice. Eventually the two of them developed feelings for one another and got into a relationship. They share a close bond and love each other dearly. She enjoys reading fantasy novels to Paige and snuggling up to her while they are watching a good Disney movie. She adores Paige and loves the extra cuddle fluff she comes with. <3

-She's not shy but somewhat introverted.
-Most of her clothes comes from Alice.
-She's an only child
-Has a high interest in astronomy
-Her favorite desserts are Pudding and Tiramisu
-Fantasy-themed stories are her favorite
-She's modest and wears shorts under her skirts
-She wears garters to keep her socks up
-She takes the term "short" as an insult. Calling her short will really hurt her feelings.
-She actually can run in heels.
-She's a romantic but highly nervous about physical affection.
-She can feel sympathy and empathy for others and people often run to her when they need to vent.
-She speaks expressively in conversation.
-She's terrible at voice acting.
-She wants to be between 5'10 to 6'0 tall.
-She plays with her hair often. Mostly when she's nervous.
-When reading, she'll give one worded answers if someone is trying to talk to her.
-She's sensitive to sunflower pollen grains. One sniff will make her have painful migraines.
-Any other flower is fine! (She loves flowers)
-She reads around a book a day.
-That means she reads nearly 365 books a year.
-She's a fast reader.
-Luna thinks her book obsession is unhealthy.
-Please don't let her be near a kitchen
-Her name comes from the word "Constellation"
-She can speak French and English.
-She considers Alice, Luna, and Bambi as brothers.

Likes- Reading, Books, Astrology, Tiramisu, Lolita, Pastel pink, Platonic Cuddles,
Sweets, Plushies, Candy, Cake, Pudding, Soft Fabrics, Pleasant Scents, Quiet Environments

Dislikes- Anything banana flavored, talking about her height, dark/dull colors, abuse of any kind,
bullies, voice acting, loudness, when Luna gets a little too rowdy, Sunflowers

Stella's Pinterest Board