


3 years, 11 months ago


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Name Ember
Age 100+
Gender Male
Race Tribe of Ashes
Height 5'2"/157cm
Weight 105lbs/48kg
Role Guardian's apprentice
Theme The Valley


Apprenticed to the Guardian

Not much is known about this mysterious cat. He comes from the Tribe of Ashes, but for whatever reason he left his desert home to visit the lake famous for its powerful deity. His friends always doubted that he would do it, but it seems he has proved them wrong.

His endurance is practically nonexistent, so he fights by utilizing his speed and using his enemy’s physical strength against them. He acts detached and humorous, but in reality he soaks up all the knowledge he comes across, often learning many things when others think there is nothing to learn. However, he never voices this. He prefers to gather info silently and never share it unless he absolutely has to. He’s adaptable and takes things in stride, but if something catches him off guard he panics and his plans fall to pieces.


  • Fish
  • Pike
  • Relaxing
  • Running


  • Singing
  • Crowded spaces
  • Losing fights
  • Fruit >:C



Ember takes “chill” to another level. He seems to never have a care in the world, no matter how tense the situation. Many think he really just doesn’t care at all, but the truth is he’s hiding his emotions. Again, few know why. Something in his past must have prompted him into being intensely secretive...

Now that he lives on the lake with Pike, he is a bit more structured and orderly. He retained his chill and careless nature, but he now gives off a much wiser air. While Pike doesn’t know the extent of Ember’s knowledge, he taught Ember to use what he knows to his advantage, not just bundle it all up and bury it in the depths of his mind. He is very playful though, and despite his evident wiseness he likes to make people think he is less smart than he really is. He isn’t that brave, but he is very reckless. He has gotten himself into trouble thanks to his abounding curiosity more times than he’d care to count, but when the stakes are really high he does everything he can to avoid conflict. He seems like the kind of guy who would like sweet foods, but he’s actually more of a salty guy.


Life in the desert was not as exciting as it may sound, at least to Ember. He was tired of the infinite sand, the intense heat, even the tumbleweeds that seemed to love clinging to his house. He couldn’t train as long as he wanted without passing out and almost dying of a heat stroke. His friends never seemed to mind, but they were probably crazy anyways, so he decided to leave them all. He had tried to leave multiple times already, but he always ended up half dead, starving, and painfully dehydrated, just lying in the sand and waiting for someone to come pick him up.

After a full week of research (he would have done more, but he was too desperate to leave), he set off for the forest that was supposedly farther north than he had ever been before. The trip was painful and he actually almost died a bunch of times, but he found the strength to continue and eventually ended up in the forest. It was so cold! He almost froze the first night, but he had water and knew how to start a fire, so all was well. He spent a bit of time wandering from town to town, looking for a place to stay. As he got closer to the lake apparently known for its delicious fish and fresh water, he heard more and more rumors about a powerful deity who protected a certain lake town from evil spirits and criminals. Suspicious but also intrigued, he pushed on and found himself at the lake from all the rumors.

Life on the lake was a lot more enjoyable! Fresh fish every day, cool air, even the occasional rain! The only problem was that he could smell the fear in the air. Everyone around him seemed terrified of something, and the only thing he could think of was the lake deity from the rumors. He stayed close to the shadows, but he watched closely, to see if the deity was real. He was, sure enough, and he was super tough! His physical strength was amazing, and Ember knew he couldn’t best him using strength alone. Luckily, he had another tactic up his sleeve: speed. If he could incapacitate the deity fast enough, then no amount of physical strength would be able to knock Ember over.

He spent the next few weeks studying the deity (he learned that his name was Pike after eavesdropping a bit) and analyzing his fighting styles. It didn’t take long for Ember to feel confident enough to go and challenge Pike to a formal battle, and he asked that if he won Pike would mentor him in his ways. Ember himself wasn’t sure why, maybe he just wanted to study Pike a bit more. No matter the reason, he won (although it was pretty close! had he waited a second too long he would have been overpowered immediately), and Pike agreed to mentor him.

Over the course of time, Ember grew deeply attached to Pike and loved him as he had never loved a friend before. When Pike entrusted him with protecting the town when a monster got past him, he did his best, and when he didn’t succeed he felt as if he had betrayed their friendship. He felt it was necessary to pay Pike back somehow, so he taught the deity everything he knew about fighting. Pike knew more than him, but their strategies were so vastly different that they both seemed to learn something from the lessons. As times grew more peaceful, they found themselves sparring more and more, and now neither of them know who has won more matches (Ember is certain he has, but Pike always refutes that by saying he’s actually been counting). Things are calming down, and more and more people are visiting the lake town with good intentions. Ember feels like a real hero for whatever reason, and in truth that’s all he ever wanted.



Charisma 62%
Kindness 48%
Temper 23%
Integrity 39%
Courage 84%
Humor 96%


Attack 87%
Defense 11%
Magic 51%
Resistance 34%
Speed 99%
Stamina 7%


Health 74%
Confidence 85%
Intelligence 68%
Manners 21%
Optimism 59%
Luck 78%

Skills & Abilities


His main talent. Since is stamina is next to nothing, he utilizes speed in quick bursts. He seems to disappear when he moves, he's so speedy!


Okay, let's be real, he's terrible at this. Pike taught him everything, but he still can't do it! Nothing against him of course; you can't always be good at everything, but it's still kinda funny.

Fire Magic

His namesake! He may not be incredibly skilled in the language of magic, but he's still decent at it and can use it when necessary. Unfortunately it drains his stamina, and as we all know, he has very little.


It's decent. He learned a lot before leaving the desert for real, but he still has a lot to master. He is more versed in survival in the northern areas of the country than the arid southern parts, mostly because he's had more training in the north.


Twin daggers [ weapon ]

He uses them as a last resort; usually he just goes fast then kicks people. They're pretty sharp, and not well-worn since he doesn't use them too much. They're made with lots of green materials.

Attire [ 'armor' ]

It's all just decorative! He's more into actual fashion than the rest of his friends, so he's definitely fashion over function. Although, the clothes are loose and breezy, so they don't get in the way.

Tassles [ good luck charms ]

Not very effective, but he still uses them. Big placebo vibes coming off of them. They might actually have some enchantments on them, who knows.

Fishing rod [ tool ]

He doesn't often have it on his person, but it's... definitely there. Getting dusty in Pike's cave. Used like once a month. Yeah, it's not even really his anymore, just a communal thing for whatever losers want to fish.


Life at the Lake

Pike and Ember meet up and have a really fun duel! Pike loses, of course, and Ember becomes his apprentice. The two go fishing together!

This marks the beginning of their mentor-apprentice relationship!

Title Here

Use these blocks to chronicle a story or rp history... each block can represent a chapter or arc. Or you can just erase them if ya dont want to do that!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem. Aliquam vulputate lacus consequat, volutpat ex ut, blandit lacus. Sed egestas risus ut gravida blandit. In vitae nisi eu mi suscipit semper in eget justo. Sed feugiat dictum posuere. Suspendisse et accumsan leo. Phasellus mollis placerat libero, non euismod diam sodales eget. Pellentesque commodo, dolor nec tempor maximus, risus risus lobortis eros, vitae mollis felis odio vel nulla. Etiam sed libero laoreet ipsum lacinia sagittis eu non lectus.

Title Here


Use these blocks to chronicle a story or rp history... each block can represent a chapter or arc. Or you can just erase them if ya dont want to do that!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem. Aliquam vulputate lacus consequat, volutpat ex ut, blandit lacus. Sed egestas risus ut gravida blandit. In vitae nisi eu mi suscipit semper in eget justo. Sed feugiat dictum posuere. Suspendisse et accumsan leo. Phasellus mollis placerat libero, non euismod diam sodales eget. Pellentesque commodo, dolor nec tempor maximus, risus risus lobortis eros, vitae mollis felis odio vel nulla. Etiam sed libero laoreet ipsum lacinia sagittis eu non lectus.





"He's a funny guy! Always contradicting himself and acting all high and mighty when all he does is fight things! He's taught me more than I could ever learn on my own, and I'm real grateful for that. I wish he'd lighten up though. I try to follow all the rules, but he finds a way to scold me no matter what. We have fun though, lots of it. Also if you ever see him tell him that I've won more fights than he has, he's gotta step up his game."




"Not to be utterly and unforgivably rude, but he's strange. Very strange. He's constantly ranting about his sworn rivalry with Blanca, like he's trying to mask his undying affection or something like that. The thing is, the hatred I see in his eyes when he looks at her seems real enough. I don't know what bad blood's gone down between them, but it makes every waking hour with them an absolute nightmare."




"Almost my sister, I love her so much. Regardless, her constant battles with Rose are actually really annoying and I wish she would stop."




"I don't know that much about him, but from what I've heard he's a scary guy. He and Pike definitely have some bad blood between them, but he refuses to tell me the details!!"