


3 years, 11 months ago


Meta Info


  • AGE 59
  • BIRTHDAY August 20
  • HEIGHT 5'4"/163cm
  • WEIGHT 110lbs/50kg
  • RACE Tribe of Ashes
  • SEX Female


A crazy merchant who travels all over the world to sell her wares. Though she comes from the desert, she has been places thather friends have never even heard of, and her collection spans entire rooms.

May people scold her for her carefree nature, but she's actually very technical and an avid survivalist. She is never seen without her signature bag and goggles, even when they would only bog her down. Her ear has a nick in it, and though she says it's from a magical creature, that seems unlikely and it was probably just from a tree or something. The stars around her are almost tangible


She's a bit of an enigma. Her personality never seems to have a real shape, per se, but overall she is cheerful and extroverted. She like making friends, but if she meets someone she really dislikes it shows, no matter how much she tries to hide it. She is infatuated by shiny things and maps, and her home in the desert is so filled up it could probably grow a conciousness and strangle her.

When she gets angry, she gets kinda scary. She takes off her bag and stretches her claws to a scary length then goes practically feral. Few have prompted her to such rage, but most of the people who experienced it were scarred, mentally and physically. She doesn't really know her own goals, so for now she just wanders.



Praesent rhoncus leo non erat vestibulum, sit amet tristique nunc laoreet. Morbi pellentesque efficitur vulputate. Mauris vitae augue vel eros auctor fringilla vel vitae erat. Mauris euismod enim libero, a tempus mauris scelerisque a. Sed faucibus lacinia volutpat. Duis nec turpis accumsan, mattis ante id, mattis neque. Donec viverra diam ac efficitur tristique. Pellentesque nisi dolor, ultricies a mauris at, malesuada consequat justo. Suspendisse maximus nec metus et gravida. Sed cursus enim nulla. Mauris dictum lacinia eleifend. Fusce condimentum turpis nisi, ac aliquet est ultricies vel. Nullam ac faucibus lacus, et commodo nibh. Quisque dignissim ante pellentesque sapien vehicula varius. Praesent arcu libero, posuere quis malesuada in, pellentesque quis elit.

Mauris faucibus suscipit lectus ut porttitor. Praesent eget lectus vitae lectus finibus euismod. Vivamus dictum sapien semper, dignissim erat a, egestas tortor. Proin sit amet magna eget magna lacinia condimentum. Fusce interdum tincidunt elit a fringilla. Aliquam sapien ex, rhoncus vitae luctus sed, cursus sed nibh. Nullam sodales ipsum eget rutrum fringilla.


Sed egestas risus id tortor tristique, vel scelerisque lacus tristique. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Aliquam vestibulum nulla sed varius dictum. Maecenas fringilla lorem eu ornare euismod. Ut non sem non arcu convallis accumsan nec eget dui. Donec dignissim vulputate turpis vitae sollicitudin. Donec tempor metus magna.

Suspendisse eu aliquet lorem, sed dictum nunc. Integer imperdiet lacus feugiat blandit semper. Cras sed mauris ex. Donec varius dapibus sapien id porta. Nunc nec eros dolor. Suspendisse dapibus posuere efficitur. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam at metus vitae augue facilisis feugiat bibendum et lectus. Mauris accumsan commodo mauris, ac placerat mi. Aliquam eleifend euismod dolor, ut luctus dui tempus vel. Morbi a consectetur libero. Pellentesque imperdiet blandit diam at pulvinar. Nulla facilisi.

Aenean eget augue vitae nisi tempus molestie. Sed lacinia, orci id laoreet eleifend, diam leo volutpat eros, non molestie erat purus a orci. Nunc ullamcorper ante eget dapibus maximus. Vivamus non porttitor ligula. Sed viverra dolor sit amet magna facilisis, vel accumsan lectus sagittis. Nam ut nunc eget mauris efficitur convallis. Integer mollis eget nisi quis congue. Donec sodales nec nulla et tincidunt. Nulla ultricies libero ex. Praesent gravida sed nibh a tincidunt.


"What a silly little goose. He thinks he's so great just because he's a fancy spirit guide or something, but he's sorely wrong! There's a coolness to being mysterious, but that is totally ruined when you spill your secrets within the first four minutes of meeting someone. Seriously, I have so much crap I can use against him now! But whatever, I'll be cool on my own.


"He's like,, my best bro. We are brothers. What a good brother. He may be absolutely crazy but like. He's like a bro. What a guy."


"I can sense what Ember is thinking because we are practically the same, but Pike is a real enigma. No matter how I try and figure out his secrets, nothing seems to make sense. Ember's always like 'oh you didn't notice him acting this very specific and obscure way before?' and I respond with 'not everyone idolizes lizard gods, please shut up.' I really wish I knew more about him because he's the kinda guy who has a story to tell I think."
