Erich Bekker



4 years, 27 days ago




Name: Erich Bekker

Birthday: September 3rd

Age: 25 yrs

Gender: Male

Height: 6'3"

Sexuality: Homosexual

Nationality: American (born in Washington)

Blood Type: B

Hero Stats

Hero Name: Faust

Quirk: Contract - Erich is able to give others a temporary power boost... in exchange for a sacrifice. Hair, finger nails, an arm, a leg, an eye... as long as it comes from the person receiving the boost, it counts. From the moment Erich devours the sacrifice, the countdown begins. This buff can increase power, shorten cooldowns, lengthen duration of effects, lessen limitations, and otherwise stretch the abilities of a person's quirk. While Erich is in a contract with another person, he gets an instinctive understanding of their quirk due to the bond that has been forged. If the sacrifice is particularly large, he may also get a sense of the other person's intentions and emotions.

As a note, Erich can enter a contract "with himself" so to speak-- he gains strength/speed buffs in accordance with the value of his self sacrifice. All the same limitations apply. Under this state, Erich looks more demonic and he loses his sense of empathy-- this state of lowered empathy persists for a few days afterwards regardless of the sacrifice, and he's easier to goad into needless or extreme Contracts during this time. He's loathe to enter this state and uses it as a last resort only, when his life is in danger.

  • 10% Buff - inconsequential sacrifices - hair clippings, eyelashes, things that don't hurt and don't hold much value to the person giving up the sacrifice.
  • 20-50% Buff - inconvenient sacrifices - things that don't hurt (much), mean a lot to a person, but don't innately change a person, such as a full foot of hair, a favorite jacket, or a piece of art they slaved over, or blood. These things usually grow back or can be regained. This includes sacrifices from people whose quirks nullify the pain or allow them to regrow/heal quickly.
  • 60-100% Buff - moderate sacrifices - things that hurt and may cripple you for a while afterwards, but don't change the core of a person, such as one's fingernails, a patch of skin, or a couple toes. This includes sacrifies that may hurt and are extreme but that the person doesn't care about, for example if a person doesn't care about (or doesn't even want) their uterus. This also still includes people whose quirks allow them to regrow/heal afterwards, as long as they're still inconvenienced by the sacrifice for a little while.
  • 200+% Buff - extreme sacrifices - things that change the core of a person or affect them for life, such as losing an eye, a tongue, a hand, or a leg. 


  • Contract lasts until the contractee falls asleep (or is knocked out).
  • The strength of Contract relies on the value of the sacrifice.
  • The sacrifice must be given willingly.
  • Erich can only have a Contract with one person at a time.
  • A person using Contract may accidentally surpass their limits and pass out due to not being used to their current power level.
  • At the time of agreement, Erich immediately claims the sacrifice and cannot fight this impulse. A pentagram appears around the contractee until the sacrifice can be fully claimed- if they step out of it, the Contract is cancelled. An invisible force removes whatever physical portion of themself they gave up, and hands it to Erich to devour. The same force will also close up any wound it created (ex: if it cuts off someone's arm, it will afterwards heal the amputation fully, however if that same person happened to have pre existing injuries those will not be healed).

Primary Course Focus: Hero Support - uses his ability to gain an understanding of another person's quirk to coach them and also to help develop equipment for them. After graduating, he plans on returning for graduate school and for a teacher's qualifications.


Personality: Erich has a habit of viewing people as pieces of mechanism. People's motivations are their engines. Their morals, their strengths, and their friends are the pulleys, gears, and levers that direct their movement. With this point of view, Erich is able to hold no reserves when it comes to meddling-- or tinkering, rather. He does love people-- he loves their complexities and is amused by the stories that they weave. But, it is hard for him to allow himself to open up enough to make normal friends. The people he considers his friends are his projects, his characters, his tools for meddling in the machine of the great wide world.

As is theatrically suitable, he likes to behave crytpically. He is more than charitable with his services, but his services require that a person spend more than a minute in a bond with the smug, knowing, aloof, nosy bastard that he can often be. He thinks that needling people is a great way to test the boundaries of their personality, their resolve, and their morals.

Likes: gifts, hypothetical questions, glass art, the cold, watching theater, martyrs

Dislikes: naivety/ignorance, demands, 'lone wolf's, sugary/sweet things, martyrs

History: Erich has always had a convoluted relationship with consequences. Ever since he was young and discovered his quirk, he's had people asking him favor after favor with no regard to the consequences of their actions. So often, their belated anger from missing their sacrifices ended up directed at Erich, and he quickly became disenchanted by it. It caused him to become aloof and antagonistic, in an attempt to avoid being hurt when all he was and all he had ever been was a means to an end, rather than the cause of people's loss. Still, he couldn't help but continue to be intrigued by people as well-- people's motivations, people's drive, and people's desires.

The desire of heroes were especially a potent lure to him. Heroes, more than anyone, knew what sacrifice was. Heroes, more than anyone, were able to accept the terms and conditions of his quirk. Desiring to surround himself by these types of people, he joined the department of support in his highschool, learning early on how to analyze quirks and develop equipment to supplement them.

Naturally, his need to be around the 'purest' of heroes has driven him to the university, where he feels he can actually directly take a hand in contributing to the growth... and sometimes setback... of the developing heroes here.

--summer 2019
Erich did not hesitate to announce the completion of his education after the events of 2019 and open his own business. Rather than focusing on hero gear, he's creating defensive civilian gear. It's difficult due to regulations, but something he's passionate about.


Mother's Quirk: Borrower

Father's Quirk: Insatiable Apetite