


4 years, 1 month ago



Name Jarah Medovik
Age 18
Height 5 ft 7 in | 170 cm
Species Teavlo (Herbal Tea)
Gender Male
Oreint. Homosexual Homoromantic
Pronouns He/Him
Occupation Chandler
Birthday May 20
Voice Kakeru Oozora (Sailor Moon S: Hearts In Ice) [sub]
Design Notes

  • Has black tape over his mouth. It can be removed.
  • Slim and tall tree horns with bonsai-cut leaves.
  • Short black hair with yellow bangs that cover his left (our right) eye.

Jarah is heavy-headed 24/7. He finds little to no interest in a lot of things in life. It makes it hard for him to find attachment to things that are new to him or what he used to enjoy. Some people may mistake him for being a rude person when he seems to not show care when people talk to him. He listens, but Jarah chooses what to keep and discard from conversations, lectures, and auditory information. He can forget to do the most simple tasks, but can recall irrelevant facts or memes that have died years ago. Expired jokes are just one thing that's hard for him to pass up. Similarly, Jarah has trust and commitment issues because of the grudges he holds against people. He forgets all about the good memories he used to share with people in the past and put emphasis on memories where his feelings were hurt or when he mistakenly hurts them and gets blamed for it. This leads to him jumping to illogical conclusions and shutting himself away out of the blue before he feels he'll make a mistake. Sleep is his main coping mechanism for resetting his mental state. Forcing himself to be busy is another way he avoids getting involved in social situations.

He wishes to be a better person sometimes, but it proves him difficult to act upon his wishes without someone he trusts to give him encouragement. He either lacks motivation or is too lazy to try. Jarah does have an interest in befriending Teavlos and other species alike. He just doesn't know how to make the first move, so he ends up saying whatever weird things fly off his head in hopes people will find him interesting enough to talk to. The beginnings of new friendships are when he'll warm up at most. The sensation of inviting friendly people in his life makes him happy and gives him a little freedom to be himself. Jarah isn't the best at taking much action when others are down, but he does his best to not abandon them when they just need someone to hear them out. Jarah admits that compassion isn't one of his strong suites. It's discouraging and makes him feel useless. At most, he'll send get-well-soon flowers as a way of saying he still cares about them. Jarah is a chill and carefree dude once you get to know him well.


  • His plants are his children. They invade his house and Jarah looks after all of them very attentively.
  • Loves honey so much he'll eat it straight out of the jar (or bottle).
  • Obstains from trying new things that involve stepping too far out of his comfort zone.
  • Will randomly say "sugar gay" at least once every day.
  • He makes candles and soaps out of organic ingredients and his tea leaves to enhance calming effects.
  • He'll almost never give you a reason for him doing something stupid. He answers in excuses instead.
  • Diagnosed with dyslexia in childhood. While he has gotten better over the years, Jarah still has difficulty sounding out/comprehending complicated words and using correct spelling. He's bound to use the wrong words in his writing as well.
  • His snores are buzzy when he sleeps.
  • Lies about being straight. He hasn't come out towards others, and hides his homosexuality through humor.
  • Video compilations recharge his batteries and reading fan fics put him to sleep at night.
  • Either looks bored, tired, or sad when content. He puts minimal effort in masking his facial expressions or matching them with how he really feels.
  • He doesn't play as much video games as he used to, but Jarah is a good sport when he does play them. He'll help new players walk through things they need help with and finds enjoyment performing glitches that may or may not break the game.
  • People who step on grass when it's not allowed is a pet peeve that ticks him off.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum quis mauris vel nisi tempus mollis sit amet in sapien. Vivamus vitae egestas elit, congue dapibus ex. Nam id elit sed enim feugiat consequat. Proin sit amet accumsan mi. Vestibulum scelerisque, orci a volutpat malesuada, nisl turpis blandit neque, in volutpat enim lacus sit amet leo. Donec convallis iaculis risus in volutpat. Aliquam id metus mi. Nulla purus diam, laoreet convallis sollicitudin pharetra, vestibulum in nisl. Nunc ut turpis massa. Aenean tellus sapien, rutrum eget pharetra at, vestibulum nec sapien. Nulla varius massa non consequat vulputate.

Vestibulum a rutrum dolor. Integer venenatis suscipit magna, sed tincidunt dolor tempor in. Vivamus nisi diam, auctor in ante eget, ultricies lacinia ante. Integer bibendum tortor nisl, et hendrerit est volutpat id. Donec facilisis erat vel efficitur mattis. Phasellus condimentum vestibulum odio eu fermentum. Curabitur malesuada dignissim sem, sit amet malesuada justo porttitor id. Nulla vel eleifend urna, vitae sagittis lorem. Praesent tempor, enim quis egestas eleifend, mi augue vestibulum metus, ac fermentum neque lacus ac lectus. Etiam tristique, lacus eget varius viverra, purus ligula tempor neque, ut pharetra felis enim non velit. Nulla sodales id felis id aliquet. Vivamus ac euismod neque, eu convallis nunc. Nullam viverra erat blandit semper consectetur. Duis porttitor nisl eu dui tempor maximus. Nullam nec arcu congue, ultrices sem eu, dictum turpis.

Donec condimentum blandit congue. Vivamus sodales porta sem at vulputate. Ut a ex elit. Sed vel lacus vitae nisi consequat finibus. Fusce eu tempus arcu. Nulla placerat dapibus dolor non molestie. Vivamus a pellentesque purus. Donec maximus, enim ac vehicula convallis, diam nunc tempus erat, malesuada scelerisque augue neque eu nunc. Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu. In metus justo, luctus at pellentesque a, cursus et quam.


  • Gardening
  • Honey
  • Shitposts
  • Sandbox Video Games
  • Bugs

  • Dead/Mistreated Plants
  • Cold Sea Food
  • People That Steal His Jokes
  • Pesticides
  • (WIP)

Beckett | Boyfriend

Beckett was the first person he came out to, which was also when Jarah found out Beck also had feelings for him. He likes to gift different kinds of flowers to express his feelings in ways words couldn't. Jarah loves his bashful boyfriend. He never wishes to leave Beckett feeling alone and unsafe without him. In fact, it only makes Jarah feel worse on days his mood affects his ability to see him.

Hamio | Online Friend

It was through Hamio's online video channel that he found out he's played similar games that he does. Additionally, Jarah was lucky to be in the video without knowing in the first place. After hooking up in an online chat, the two commonly held game nights every other day of the week and react towards the weirdest shit on the internet. Jarah had an active channel since the two started doing videos together, but lately, its been collecting dust. He plays games just for fun over views nowadays.

Ginseng | Neighbor


Akuji | Relationship