

Name Hamio Sauer
Age 16
Height 5 ft 8 in | 173 cm
Species Groundhog Kemonomimi
Gender Male
Oreint. Homosexual Homoromantic
Pronouns He/Him
Occupation Aspiring Stuntman
Birthday February 2
Voice Hiroto Maehara (Ansatsu Kyōshitsu)
Design Notes

  • If drawing him without his mask on, he must always be smiling. He never frowns or has a neutral expression.
  • The logo on his T-Shirt resembles a face with X's for eyes and the word "SMILE" for a mouth.
  • Hides scars and minor injuries on his arms, legs, chest, and back.

Call him Professor Perfectionist if his name isn't Hamio. He strives towards accuracy in everything, leaving no room for disorder. People could blame him for selfish motives, but Hamio is only doing his best to make sure nothing goes wrong and guarantee others that he can provide help when they need it. He may be a smart-ass when it comes to his rather bossy tendancies, but he can also be very obedient. As someone who's part of a society full of deceit and uncertainty, Hamio wants nothing more than to serve as a loyal companion to his friends and family. But why stop there? Sometimes he has tendencies to nudge people out of their comfort zones whether they want to or not. And for the most part, they don't really want to. Hamio will remind them to keep a lookout for possible opportunities if they really don't feel comfortable taking their next steps. It hurts him personally when doubtful people retreat to their personal bubbles knowing it won't make them feel any better.

As a daredevil, he has a knack for performing hazardous activities. Anything that earns him cuts and scrapes are simply rewarding. It's unreal for everyone else. Pain reminds him of the struggles he goes through to achieve what he wants. Pain reminds him he is still alive, that he still has purpose. Value. And with value comes respect. Of course getting himself hurt on purpose doesn't make anybody believe he's respecting himself. Hamio can't bear seeing his loved ones suffering. He'd rather take the bullet than watch that bullet take their lives before him. Hamio feels if he fails to do the right thing, pain will compensate for his mistakes. He's learned to embrace it overtime. Not only that, but to pretend. Hamio would put on a show, pleading for mercy, just to feel one more destructive blow to the head or one more burning sting that leaves him seething in delicious agony.


  • Has eidetic memory. He is able to recall of images and past events with great accuracy.
  • While he doesn't enjoy school, Hamio likes collecting school supplies. He ends up playing with them... In dangerous ways.
  • The kind of person to act modest around acquaintances, but has a mind filthier than your school's gym locker rooms.
  • It's a little awkward for him to eat in front of others. That meant taking off his mask with his permanent smile, so the stares make him uncomfortable sometimes.
  • Diagnosed with bipolar disorder. He irregularly sees a therapist and refuses to take his medications.
  • Can speak German.
  • During his depressive episodes, he'd cut himself with a sharpened triangular ruler he commonly carries around. He occasionally vapes to force himself out of his low moods and put himself at risk for reckless behavior.
  • Owns two video-platforming channels. His main account features the tricks and stunts he performs. His side account features video game playthroughs, reactions, and bloopers from whatevers leftover from his stunt videos.
  • He'll be helpful and play fair around nice people he isnt that close with, but turns into a try-hard troll in games with closer friends.
  • His favorite games include Call of Duty, FNAF, Splatoon, GTAV, Outlast, Bloodborne, Henry Stickman, The Last of Us, Dead by Daylight, and Friday the 13th.
  • Skilled on the skateboard, bike, and roller blades when it comes to doing tricks. One of these days the car would be next.
  • Is not a virgin. He had sex with boys (at or a tad older his age) for vape pens or money.

Hamio was born in a private hospital in Silverbrooke. It was after the first tears he shed fate wouldn't allow him to reunite with his parents. An illegal organization took him away. Their name is Eruca. Their job is to take in babies born in their hospital to into their secret laboratory for tests and experimentations to piece together "perfect children". They consisted of biological technicians, biochemists, geneticists, microbiologists, and genetical engineers. Some of the children raised in their laboratory are sent to orphanages if they didn't meet the staff's standards. Children to were successfully genetically engineered to be smart were a different story. Hamio was one of them. He possessed genes in his brain that are able to take in, hold on to, and recall information with flawless clarity. He presented excellent skills in memory-based games, word puzzles, and detect social cues when someone lies. He can recall specific details over passages he reads or pictures hastily presented to him. Hamio was the first child to fulfill their little plan. And one of those scientists wanted him. Hamio was smuggled and taken into a new home away from the laboratory. The public was able to find information that leaked into the media, so from there the scientist knew their organization would backfire. He wanted to protect 7-year-old Hamio from the hundreds of other children that were either murdered or coerced into suicide to erase evidence. Hamio never learned of his hero’s name.

For the rest of his life, he was raised by two courteous men that cared for him like their own son. They had headstrong attitudes that influenced Hamio to go out and strive at whatever he does. He was your average straight-A student getting by through school. He dismissed kids who picked on him for having gay parents and the pressures of meeting high expectations of everyone. Overtime, being smart didn’t make him feel much better about himself. He got caught isolating himself through academics that aren’t getting him anywhere. Hamio wanted to be recognized for something so much more than a walking encyclopedia. While one of his parents wanted him to keep his title of being the big brains of the house, the other, who happens to hide a more compassionate side, encouraged Hamio to do whatever is going to make him happy throughout the rest of his life. Growing up under constant rules and regulations led him to a rockier path he thrives to travel: breaking the rules.

He didn't care much over his safety after that. He strives for the energy and adventure danger brought to him. It was his spice of life. Becoming a stuntman became his escape from a society that tries to shape him. He felt normal as he gained attention from daredevils and rebellious kids masked as angels like him. He became friends with them, including Klepto. He's earned the chance to listen to their stories as he met up with the frequently at school. They weren't as lucky as he was, which saddens him, but it also gave him another purpose. Hamio tries to help people come out of their shells from the past and take the risks they need to go through to achieve anything they want to accomplish.


  • Survivor Literature
  • Adventure/Shooting Video Games
  • Aerobic Activities
  • Chiptune Music

  • Procrastinators
  • Canceled Plans
  • "Captain Obvious" People
  • Removing His Mask
  • Failing To Reach High Expectations

Qiu | Friend


Klepto | Friend

They hit it off a little too quickly after learning they're both troublemakers. They've got into after school fist fights at Hamio's school while Klepto steals games, weapons, and money for Hamio in return.

Noah | Friend

He finds Noah to be kind of weak, albeit a passive guy. Hamio would like to see Noah try new things outside his comfort zone for a change instead of always playing it safe on every little thing. There's not much else to complain about. Noah brings the boys free coffee after all.

Jarah | Online Friend

Jarah was just one out of the many viewers he had on his video channel when they first met online. Through game plays and voice chats, their internet personalities worked well together. They have fun searching for hidden secrets, trying out glitches, and trolling with each other.

Pretzel | Best Friend

With having similar interests in common, Hamio earned himself a late night video game buddy. He also enjoys taking Pretzel out to the arcade or at parks late at night with friends to play Truth or Dare. (WIP)