
3 years, 11 months ago



Original bio:

“But without further ado, this is Toby! He’s a quick-witted, social butterfly ready to work his abdomen off to bring you all the newest and coolest updates!
He has a deep understanding of how social media algorithms function, so he can capitalize on that knowledge and make the tomo-tavern one of the most popular places possible!! (Bzzt! Try saying that three times!)
Toby’s messages are often oozing with charm and charisma, making him easily capture the attention of new folks! At the same time, he tries to be as friendly as possible with his patrons as to not alienate them! (Its one of the biggest mistakes that any influencer can make!)
He hopes that he is able to leave a strong and meaningful impact on the group! :] Bzzt!”


Name: Toby.
Gender: Male.
Age: 35.
Height: 5’9 / 175.26 cm.
Species: Tomoyoki.

Toby is a charmer! Naturally charismatic, Toby is able to sell you on things you’d never considered that you needed. Very outwardly peppy, Toby is fond of chattering on and on with those around him, even if nothing being said is particularly important. He’s always happy to help, but he doesn’t go out of his way to offer his assistance if it’s not asked of him. While he’s kind, he’s not a pushover, and he can express his distaste for things with ease.

Toby is, in reality, extremely introverted. While his charm is genuine, his extroverted persona is mostly smoke and mirrors, since social interaction tends to leave him immensely exhausted and in extreme cases, pissed off. He needs time to collect and compose himself during the day, or else he’ll begin to get snappy or aggravated, which are traits that he absolutely cannot show! They’ll damage his reputation, and soil his credibility!
General facts/trivia:

♡ By the end of a work day, Toby is basically completely deflated. If you attempt to talk with him while he’s trying to hustle home, he’ll look at you like you just threw hot coffee on him, and will brush past you most of the time.

♡ On his days off, Toby doesnt dress up like he usually does. Usually he makes an active effort to dress down, so people won’t be able to recognize him and he’ll be left alone.

♡ Toby is a divorcee, and he has two kids (ages 12 and 10). His ex-wife has total custody, and he’s only allowed to see his kids when she says he can. He makes an extremely sour face when you mention his ex-wife or kids unprompted, since, in his words: “she took me to the cleanerzz”. He’s still sore about it.

♡ Toby works in a marketing department of a big company, and he runs their social media pages. He’s extremely good at his job!

♡ Toby isn’t exactly fond of animals, since they’re so “messy”, according to him. He likes things spick and span, not a hair out of place!

♡ Toby has a caffeine addiction that he just can’t seem to shake. If he goes days without having some sort of caffeine, he gets a bit of a short fuse. He’s working on it, sort of...

♡ Ironically, Toby doesn’t exactly like sweet things. They make him sick after a few bites.