


3 years, 10 months ago


Name: Zipper

Gender: Male

Age: 36

Height: 5’0”

Species: Tomoyoki

Container Filling: Dyed sugarwater

Zipper is a dirty, greasy conman trying his absolute darnedest to yoink every last penny from your wallet. He’s loud, obnoxious, and in your face! He’s not afraid to lie when trying to up-charge you on shit you absolutely do not need, or when he’s trying to sell you things with... questionable legitimacy. His illegal endeavours are usually unsuccessful, but that won’t stop him from trying over and over again. 

Zipper’s scummy tactics aren’t well received, so he’s generally disliked by others. He is desensitized to all the harassment and insults that he tends to receive. That being said, he doesn’t ever dish it back cause he knows damn well that most of it is deserved, but thankfully his skin is thick enough that it doesn’t affect him too badly. At least not outwardly...

His reason for doing these scams is because he is extremely poor. All of the profit that he receives is immediately given to his family members to ensure their safety and security. Zip cares about them immensely and will sacrifice everything he can for them. This leaves him in a horrible place financially, but he tries to make the best with what he’s got!

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Other Notes:

  • His wings allow him to hover off of the ground for a short amount of time. (It gets tiring after a while.)
  • His stomach has adapted to digest almost anything! Including literal garbage. Nasty...
  • His little fly shoes make squeaky noises whenever he takes a step. It’s very professional, he swears it.
  • He can change the pitch of his voice drastically. This is useful when doing his telemarketer scams so no one can recognize him. ;)


  • Uncommon body containers (ribs)
  • Rest is common