


Biographical Information:

Nationality: Altira Hara

Place of birth: Sapphire Kingdom

Physical Description:

Gender: Female

Species: Rabbit

Eye colour: Light green

Hair colour: Golden yellow

Fur colour: Brown, cream, pink

Personal Information:

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 16

Love interest: Rudi

Allies: Leafa, Rudi, Sora, Ash, Ivory, Lexa, Archimedes, Azul, Penelope

Enemies: Equinox, Cyrin, Kongo, Lottie, Corruptions

Fighting style: Tai Chi (Intermediate)

Powers: Light Magic, elemental magic

Political Information:

Profession: Princess

Position: Royalty 

Affiliation: Future Ruler of the Sapphire Kingdom

About Astoria:

Astoria is a confident young lady who always has a smile on her face. She's a sorceress in training and takes this training very seriously. She goes to her lessons six days a week, tho she finds the history parts of her lessons rather boring and tends to fall asleep during them. 

She is the future ruler of her kingdom and is the only heir to the throne. She has lots of responsibilities along with her magical studies and proves to be a bit much for her sometimes. For downtime, she'll spend it with her best friend Leafa and her body guard Rudi. The three are almost always together and are often seen running around and exploring the castle.

She longs for adventure but as the saying goes, you must be careful of what you wish for. Her kingdom was attacked after her sixteenth birthday. The son of her fathers foe,  raided her home and murdered her father. Astoria is  then forced to flee with her two comrades, while her professor stays behind and allows them to escape.

Astoria now roams the lands of Altira Hara looking for allies to save her kingdom and it's people.


After the battle of the kings the heir to the Sapphire throne was born. She was named Astoria, and the kingdom was happy to finally have a princess. 

She showed potential for magic at a young age. Preforming spells that even intermediate magic users struggled with. Her father, Florian was happy to see the great potential in his daughter and asked the current Grand Sorcerer of the Sapphire Kingdom to train his her. This man was Archimedes, who was also the best friend of the King. He gladly accepted and was soon training the young princess.

Astoria made great progress in her studies. She was excelling in all fields of magic, but did lack the interest in magical history or any kind of history for that matter. With her doing so well her professor decided the day had come for the royal treasure to be passed down to her.

She was given a book, deep red in colour and golden corners on the front and back. When she opened it, the pages were empty. Confused, she asked if it was a diary or note book of some kind. With a laugh her teacher recited some words in another language and suddenly words began to appear on the pages. There were many kinds of spells and some recipes for powerful potions. The words recited by her teacher also appeared on the inside of the cover. It was explained to her that the book could only be read by the current owner, which was now her. She was to take good care of it and to only hand the book down her family line.

Not long after her new gift, a new student came to the castle. A young deer named Leafa had come to join in on some of Astoria's classes. It didn't take long for the two to hit things off, as Astoria was glad to finally have someone her own age to play with. Soon after Leafa's arrival, another future friend would arrive. Astoria's personal body guard Rudi. The three were insuperable, and spent all their free time together.

Things remained peaceful in the kingdom until after Astoria's sixteenth birthday. An army of dark creatures invaded her kingdom. Slaughtering civilians and consuming others. They seemed to be corrupted by dark magic. It didn't take long for the creatures to break through the castle walls. Rudi was quick to collect Astoria and Leafa to escort them to safety. Astoria refused to leave her mother and father behind and ran off from her friends. 

Astoria came across a grizzly sight, her father had been slain and a dark figure hovered over him. She would soon learn his name. Equinox. The leader of the creatures and a prince of an old city lost to the war.

Archimedes came to assist the king but came across the same sight as Astoria. He ordered her to run and to find Rudi then escape the castle. She refused and tried to assist her father. Arms from behind grabbed her, Rudi. Archie told him to take her and run, Rudi did as he was told. Astoria fought to get away but no luck this time. Astoria, Rudi and Leafa made it out safely, leaving behind their home.

Astoria and co now venture Altira Hara, looking for allies to help save her kingdom and to defeat the dark prince.


She's a happy girl and not much can get her down. Astoria is brave and hard headed. Princess she may be, she can be irresponsible and doesn't think of the dangers she may be in. Astoria can come off as full of herself but anyone who knows her knows she has a big heart and just has lots of confidence. She's quick to pick up others in need and is a good motivator.

She doesn't like it when people mock her abilities or call her weak. She takes pride in her power, and uses it to help others and protect her kingdom.

Astoria is a great leader and has an easy time making friends. You'll hear her before you see her. She tends not to notice when she's being too loud and gets called out on it a lot. 


Spell book- This book has been handed down through her family for generations tho the story of how it came to be has been lost. Despite this, rather than going to her father it went to his close friend Archimedes. He seen the potential in his friend had and chosen him to be the Grand Sorcerer of the kingdom for Archimedes' power exceeded his own. It was a great honour and when the time came he handed this spell book to Florian's daughter Astoria. This book is special cause only the current owner, Astoria, can reed it. Everyone else would only see blank pages. It will stay this way until the day Astoria hands it down the family line willingly.

She specializes in many forms of magic and is one of the few who can use more than one. Her specialty is light magic but along with light she can also use elemental magic.


  • Theme song:
  • As most rabbits do, she loves her veggies 
  • She's not a fussy eater and will eat pretty well anything 
  • Astoria enjoys reading but has a hard time finding books she likes. 
  • She's not a fan of the rain 
  • Swimming is joyful but she won't go over her head 
  • She enjoys teasing Rudi. He's always so serious so she likes to try and make him smile. 
  • Piratical jokes are a favourite pass time for her. Usually jumping out and scaring Leafa 
  • Stargazing is one of her favourite things to do 
  • In battle she'd rather fight with magic but can defend herself in a physical fight 
  • Sora is her friendly rival. The two always seem to want to one up each other 