
4 years, 15 days ago


Biographical Information:

Nationality: Altira Hara

Place of birth: Blizzard Peak

Physical Description:

Gender: Male

Species: Grey Wolf

Eye colour: Red

Hair Colour: Light Grey

Fur colour: Light grey, white 

Personal Information:

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 16

Love interest(s): Astoria

Allies: Astoria, Leafa, Ash, Sora, Ivory, Lexa, Azul, Penelope, Archimedes 

Enemies: Lottie, Cyrin, Kongo, Equinox, Corruptions

Fighting style: Northern fighting style (Taught only by the Blizzard Peak elders or tribe leader)

Powers: Resistance to magic

Political Information:

Profession: Bodyguard/ Protector to the Princess 

Position: Upper class

Affiliation: Sapphire Kingdom

About Rudi:

Rubi is a brave young warrior who takes his job very seriously. He was given the honor, like his families before him, to protect the Sapphire Kingdoms heir. He’s greatly admired by all for his bravery and strength considering his young age. He keeps up a serious nature when around beings of importance. He only lets his tough guy guard down when he’s alone with Astoria and Leafa. He’s always on guard no matter where they are but feels he can be himself more around them. He doesn’t talk a lot, but he enjoys listening to the girls talk about their day and anything new they may have learned. Astoria can drive poor Rudi nuts. She enjoys teasing him, and watching him panic when he can’t find her. It used to annoy her that he followed her everywhere, but she’s grown used to it and overall, she doesn’t mind the company. She finds she can really open up to him because she knows he’d never tell a soul. Rudi knows more about Astoria then anyone and through all their time together they’ve grown an unbreakable bond.


Rudi has been training hard for his role since the day he could walk. His father Alba, who was also the tribe leader, oversaw Rudi’s training. He learned his son had inherited a strong resistance to magic. This is a common ability among the wolf tribe, but Rudi’s resistance was much stronger compared to the others. Making him the perfect candidate to guard the princess. Along with his father, he was also given guidance by the elders of the village who told him the history of how this role to the Sapphire Kingdom came to be. He took great pride in being selected for such a role and was happy to bring honour to his father and tribe. 

At the age of ten, he met the princess for the first time. Rudi’s shyness came out and for some time he found it hard to talk to her. He trained with his father for another 5 years at the castle before he was deemed strong enough to fully take on his role. He still practices on his own time and is more than eager to learn new fighting techniques. 

Shortly after Astoria’s sixtieth birthday a great calamity struck the kingdom. It was overrun my monsters that slaughtered and devoured civilians. These beings seemed to be corrupted by some form of dark magic. After hearing of the disaster Rudi was quick to find Astoria and Leafa to escort them to safety. Astoria had run off from the group to find her parents as she didn’t want to leave without them. When Rudi caught up to Astoria, he found the King had been slain by a dark figure later to be known as Equinox. Archimedes held him off while Rudi escorted the girls out of the castle. 

The group now travel together, looking for allies to take back the home that was stolen from them.


Rudi is quiet and keeps his opinions to himself. He doesn’t speak out of line if he speaks at all. He only tends to be talkative around Astoria and Leafa. He’s okay with not being the center of attention and doesn’t enjoy being stuck in a crowd. He can be accused of being to serious, but he feels its wrong or unprofessional to have too much fun or slack off. The girls are always there to remind him that having fun is never a bad thing. 

Rudi is brave and won’t hesitate to put his life down to protect Astoria. He protects her not only because he’s her guard but because she’s his best friend. He has a strong bond with Leafa as well. He was embarrassed by his lack of being able to read but thanks to Leafa, he can. It’s not taught where he’s from so when Leafa found out she was more than happy to tutor him.


He has a strong resistance to magic. Rudi has yet to find a spell that does affect him. The most he’s encountered is that it may slow him down a bit if it’s a powerful spell being cast. 


  • Loves the cold
  • Enjoys blizzards (reminds him of home)
  • Doesn’t like cramped spaces like caves or mines.
  • He likes to eat. The castle cooks can never seem to fill him 
  • He likes to read on the odd times he has down time
  • Rudi is always open to learning new things
  • He’s not a fan of Lottie but he can tolerate Sora
  • Cyrin is his rival. 
  • Doesn’t like the heat
  • Is a great swimmer
  • He won’t say it, but he loves to stargaze with Astoria 
