DH Hirabayashi



3 years, 11 months ago



A half-human, half-demon crazy child gifted with more power than he cares for. With the ability to traverse spacetime with portals, hop about the timeline, mess with people's memories and more, it's ironic that he hasn't taken over the world-- or, in the very least, the city he lives in. Then again, plotting for world domination likely requires more smarts than DH has. Generally, he's more interested in causing chaos and spraying graffiti instead of gaining power. His favorite pasttime is pummeling random opponents, and he proudly wears the scars to show it.

He's one half of the Hirabayashi twins, specifically the volatile, extroverted one. He works alongside an elf and a shapeshifter in a mercenary trio. He often is, to put it frankly, an ass, but he does have the courage that his brother lacks.


6' 7", 18 years old, heterosexual & cisgender, he/him, currently in a relationship with Witchy (Rabbit's oc)

Attack: ☆☆☆☆☆

Defense: ☆☆

Magic: ☆☆☆☆☆

Agility: ☆☆☆

Smarts: ☆

Morality: ☆


- Japanese

- has Bipolar 1 disorder and meds to help with it

- surprisingly talented at art and is always uncharacteristically peaceful when working on art pieces, but is never satisfied by the result

- has a story behind each of his scars

- one of his biggest pet peeves is being mistaken for his brother

- more of just an aggressive fighter than a skillful one 

- pure unbridled anarchy

- hates being called his full name due to thinking it makes him sound like Hatsu’s clone

- Can barely see past his own pride most of the time 

- is left-handed 

- has such a large appetite and fast metabolism, you would think his stomach was a bottomless pit* 

- is an avid alcoholic and smoker

- his time-and-space-warping abilities are confined to the limits of the universe he's currently in*

- has animalistic abilities, like tracking and running on all fours

- signature colors: red, purple and orange

- owns too many leather jackets 

- Theme songs: "Villain" by Theory of a Deadman, "Play With Fire" by Sam Tinnesz and "Blood Runs Red" by 78RPM

- Did you want to see his playlist?

*see Encyclopedia