Hatsumoto Hirabayashi



4 years, 4 hours ago



A socially-anxious and awkward guy, his natural habitats are his living room couch and his quiet bedroom. Unfortunately, he deals with a lot of mental stress; he only gets a few hours of sleep each night, is prone to panic attacks and breakdowns, and regularly grapples with depression and suicidal thoughts. Though, in the end, regardless of how worthless he's feeling, he'll still stick around to be a good friend or a kind stranger whenever someone needs it. 

He's one half of the Hirabayashi twins, specifically the wimpy, introverted one. He works as a local McDonald's cashier, and generally lives paycheck-to-paycheck. Unlike his brother, Hatsu got the short end of the stick when it came to magic abilities, but he does wear a magical family heirloom: a stone snake charm that can come to life. Plus, he has the smarts that his brother lacks. 


6' 7", 18 years old, heterosexual & cisgender, he/him, currently in a relationship with Liz (Rabbit's oc)

Attack: ☆

Defense: ☆

Magic: ☆

Agility: ☆☆

Smarts: ☆☆☆☆

Morality: ☆☆☆☆



- Usually called “Hatsu” or even just “Hats” for short 

- has a tendency to slouch as well as fidget and stutter, especially when nervous

- tends to fall into anxious spirals of overthinking due to social anxiety and, well, general anxiety as well 

- has an interest in studying magic and the inner workings of time and the universe, but is usually too unmotivated these days to bother*

- Sometimes accidentally wreaks magic havoc when under extreme stress*

- insomniac

- is right-handed

- Owns his aunt's old, beat-up car

-is tech-savvy

-is very nostalgic so ironically still uses cd and vhs players

-is a workaholic 

-is easily embarrassed and blushes a lot

-owns an old red dragon plushie that had been his favorite toy as a kid

-likes reptiles, but not large dogs

- will insist on befriending any vaguely reptilian creature he sees

- easily stressed

-signature colors: light green and general gray

- Theme songs: "Stressed Out" by Twenty One Pilots, "I Was Me" by Imagine Dragons and "I Don't Care" by Ed Sheeran & Justin Bieber

- Did you want to see his playlist?

*- See Encyclopedia